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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Compute Luhn checksum for credit card or check digit for ABA Routing Transit Number RTN
trait Checksum {
val seed: Seq[Int]
def op(c: Int, x: Int): Int
def coefficients: Stream[Int] = Stream.continually(seed).flatten
/** Computes the checksum for a sequence of Ints beginning with the least significant. */
def compute(xs: Seq[Int]): Int = (10 - => op(x._1, x._2)).sum % 10) % 10
/** Computes the check digit for a string of digits. */
def compute(x: String): Char = compute(Checksum.digits(x)).toString.head
/** Validates that the first Int in a squence is the correct checksum for the remaining valus. */
def validate(xs: Seq[Int]): Boolean = xs.head == compute(xs.tail)
/** Validates that the string of digits has the correct checksum. */
def validate(x: String): Boolean = validate(Checksum.digits(x))
object Checksum {
def digits(s: String): Seq[Int] = s.filter('0' to '9' contains _).map(_.asDigit).reverse
object RTN extends Checksum {
val seed = Seq(7, 3, 1)
def op(c: Int, x: Int): Int = c * x
object Luhn extends Checksum{
val seed = Seq(2, 1)
def op(c: Int, x: Int): Int = {
val p = c * x
if (p < 10) p else p - 9
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