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Last active September 19, 2022 10:24
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  • Save bhankas/422c34db2e987d4dc3f243e26ba156a3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bhankas/422c34db2e987d4dc3f243e26ba156a3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

This code merges eglot.el from joaotavora/eglot to upstream emacs.git master branch. It does below:

  • Move eglot.el to lisp/progmodes/eglot.el
  • Preserve complete history from original repo for the file
  • Edit commit messages to append URLs for all mentioned issues and PRs to individual commit message

Dependencies required

While made by order, it is perfect example and suitable to rearrange code while preserving as well as modifying git history programmatically.

Hope it helps!

for match in re.finditer(b"([ ,\(]|Fix|github)#[0-9]+", message):
message = b''.join([message, b'\n',, b':', re.sub(b"[^0123456789]", b"",])
return message
# move to a directory where both repos can be cloned
cd ~/git
# TODO: Save here
# clone repos
git clone
git clone -b master git://
# filter eglot with only eglot.el
# move eglot.el to lisp/progmodes/eglot.el -> This makes history file specific and everything makes
# find+replace # in commit messages
cd eglot
git filter-repo --to-subdirectory-filter lisp/progmodes/ --path eglot.el --message-callback ../
# back to emacs repo
cd ../emacs
# add filtered eglot as upstream
git remote add eglot ../eglot/
git fetch eglot master
# prepare emacs repo for merge
git merge remotes/eglot/master --allow-unrelated-histories --no-commit
# make a commit
git commit -m "; Merge from joaotavora/eglot"
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