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Created June 19, 2015 13:39
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  • Save bhanuc/67f3c1fa33b80d5f6d19 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bhanuc/67f3c1fa33b80d5f6d19 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Npm error log- installing gm module
0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ 'node', '/usr/bin/npm', 'install', 'gm', '--save' ]
2 info using npm@2.11.3
3 info using node@v0.10.38
4 verbose node symlink /usr/bin/node
5 verbose install initial load of /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/package.json
6 warn package.json Regrob@1.0.0 No repository field.
7 warn package.json Regrob@1.0.0 No license field.
8 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/async/package.json
9 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/aws-sdk/package.json
10 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/bcrypt-nodejs/package.json
11 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/blessed/package.json
12 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/body-parser/package.json
13 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/chai/package.json
14 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/cheerio/package.json
15 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/clockwork/package.json
16 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/compression/package.json
17 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/connect-assets/package.json
18 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/connect-mongo/package.json
19 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/cookie-parser/package.json
20 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/csso/package.json
21 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/ejs/package.json
22 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/errorhandler/package.json
23 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/express/package.json
24 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/express-flash/package.json
25 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/express-session/package.json
26 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/express-validator/package.json
27 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/fbgraph/package.json
28 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/github-api/package.json
29 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/gulp/package.json
30 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/gulp-gm/package.json
31 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/gulp-imagemin/package.json
32 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/imagemin-pngquant/package.json
33 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/instagram-node/package.json
34 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/jade/package.json
35 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/lastfm/package.json
36 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/less/package.json
37 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/lob/package.json
38 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/lodash/package.json
39 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/lusca/package.json
40 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/method-override/package.json
41 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/mocha/package.json
42 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/mongoose/package.json
43 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/morgan/package.json
44 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/multer/package.json
45 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/multiline/package.json
46 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/node-foursquare/package.json
47 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/node-linkedin/package.json
48 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/node-phantom/package.json
49 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/nodemailer/package.json
50 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/ordrin-api/package.json
51 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/passport/package.json
52 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/passport-facebook/package.json
53 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/passport-github/package.json
54 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/passport-google-oauth/package.json
55 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/passport-instagram/package.json
56 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/passport-linkedin-oauth2/package.json
57 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/passport-local/package.json
58 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/passport-oauth/package.json
59 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/passport-twitter/package.json
60 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/paypal-rest-sdk/package.json
61 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/phantom/package.json
62 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/phantomjs/package.json
63 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/request/package.json
64 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/stripe/package.json
65 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/striptags/package.json
66 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/supertest/package.json
67 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/tumblr.js/package.json
68 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/twilio/package.json
69 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/twit/package.json
70 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/uglify-js/package.json
71 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/urltopdf/package.json
72 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/validator/package.json
73 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/weak/package.json
74 verbose installManyTop reading scoped package data from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/yui/package.json
75 info package.json express-flash@0.0.2 No license field.
76 info package.json node-phantom@0.2.5 No license field.
77 info package.json passport-github@0.1.5 No license field.
78 info package.json passport-instagram@0.1.2 No license field.
79 info package.json passport-oauth@1.0.0 No license field.
80 info package.json phantomjs@1.9.17 No license field.
81 info package.json weak@0.4.1 No license field.
82 info package.json bcrypt-nodejs@0.0.3 No license field.
83 info package.json blessed@0.0.51 No license field.
84 info package.json clockwork@0.1.1 No license field.
85 info package.json connect-assets@4.7.1 No license field.
86 info package.json connect-mongo@0.8.1 No license field.
87 info package.json fbgraph@0.3.0 No license field.
88 info package.json github-api@0.10.6 license should be a valid SPDX license expression
89 info package.json instagram-node@0.5.7 No license field.
90 info package.json lob@3.3.1 No license field.
91 info package.json lusca@1.1.1 No license field.
92 info package.json node-foursquare@0.3.0 No license field.
93 info package.json ordrin-api@1.0.2 No license field.
94 info package.json passport-facebook@2.0.0 No license field.
95 info package.json passport-google-oauth@0.2.0 No license field.
96 info package.json passport-local@1.0.0 No license field.
97 info package.json passport-twitter@1.0.3 No license field.
98 info package.json paypal-rest-sdk@1.5.3 No license field.
99 info package.json phantom@0.7.2 No license field.
100 info package.json tumblr.js@0.0.4 No license field.
101 info package.json twilio@1.11.1 No license field.
102 info package.json twit@1.1.20 No license field.
103 info package.json uglify-js@2.4.23 license should be a valid SPDX license expression
104 info package.json yui@3.18.1 No license field.
105 verbose readDependencies loading dependencies from /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/package.json
106 silly cache add args [ 'gm', null ]
107 verbose cache add spec gm
108 silly cache add parsed spec { raw: 'gm',
108 silly cache add scope: null,
108 silly cache add name: 'gm',
108 silly cache add rawSpec: '',
108 silly cache add spec: '*',
108 silly cache add type: 'range' }
109 silly addNamed gm@*
110 verbose addNamed "*" is a valid semver range for gm
111 silly addNameRange { name: 'gm', range: '*', hasData: false }
112 silly mapToRegistry name gm
113 silly mapToRegistry using default registry
114 silly mapToRegistry registry
115 silly mapToRegistry uri
116 verbose addNameRange registry: not in flight; fetching
117 verbose request uri
118 verbose request no auth needed
119 info attempt registry request try #1 at 19:07:39
120 verbose request id 27e314319a8b4ffa
121 verbose etag "DISOOE9G6E098AFTWU4GJC4BB"
122 http request GET
123 http 304
124 silly get cb [ 304,
124 silly get { date: 'Fri, 19 Jun 2015 13:37:40 GMT',
124 silly get via: '1.1 varnish',
124 silly get 'cache-control': 'max-age=60',
124 silly get etag: '"DISOOE9G6E098AFTWU4GJC4BB"',
124 silly get age: '0',
124 silly get connection: 'keep-alive',
124 silly get 'x-served-by': 'cache-sin6922-SIN',
124 silly get 'x-cache': 'HIT',
124 silly get 'x-cache-hits': '1',
124 silly get 'x-timer': 'S1434721060.133546,VS0,VE838',
124 silly get vary: 'Accept' } ]
125 verbose etag from cache
126 verbose get saving gm to /home/bhanuc/.npm/
127 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'gm', range: '*', hasData: true }
128 silly addNameRange versions [ 'gm',
128 silly addNameRange [ '0.1.1',
128 silly addNameRange '0.1.2',
128 silly addNameRange '0.2.0',
128 silly addNameRange '0.2.1',
128 silly addNameRange '0.3.0',
128 silly addNameRange '0.3.1',
128 silly addNameRange '0.3.2',
128 silly addNameRange '0.4.0',
128 silly addNameRange '0.4.1',
128 silly addNameRange '0.4.2',
128 silly addNameRange '0.4.3',
128 silly addNameRange '0.5.0',
128 silly addNameRange '0.6.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.0.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.0.1',
128 silly addNameRange '1.0.2',
128 silly addNameRange '1.0.3',
128 silly addNameRange '1.0.4',
128 silly addNameRange '1.0.5',
128 silly addNameRange '1.1.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.2.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.3.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.3.1',
128 silly addNameRange '1.3.2',
128 silly addNameRange '1.4.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.4.1',
128 silly addNameRange '1.4.2',
128 silly addNameRange '1.5.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.5.1',
128 silly addNameRange '1.6.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.6.1',
128 silly addNameRange '1.7.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.8.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.8.1',
128 silly addNameRange '1.8.2',
128 silly addNameRange '1.9.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.9.1',
128 silly addNameRange '1.9.2',
128 silly addNameRange '1.10.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.11.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.11.1',
128 silly addNameRange '1.12.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.12.1',
128 silly addNameRange '1.12.2',
128 silly addNameRange '1.13.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.13.1',
128 silly addNameRange '1.13.2',
128 silly addNameRange '1.13.3',
128 silly addNameRange '1.14.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.14.1',
128 silly addNameRange '1.14.2',
128 silly addNameRange '1.15.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.16.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.17.0',
128 silly addNameRange '1.18.1' ] ]
129 silly addNamed gm@1.18.1
130 verbose addNamed "1.18.1" is a plain semver version for gm
131 silly cache afterAdd gm@1.18.1
132 verbose afterAdd /home/bhanuc/.npm/gm/1.18.1/package/package.json not in flight; writing
133 verbose afterAdd /home/bhanuc/.npm/gm/1.18.1/package/package.json written
134 silly install resolved [ { name: 'gm',
134 silly install resolved description: 'GraphicsMagick and ImageMagick for node.js',
134 silly install resolved version: '1.18.1',
134 silly install resolved author:
134 silly install resolved { name: 'Aaron Heckmann',
134 silly install resolved email: '' },
134 silly install resolved keywords:
134 silly install resolved [ 'graphics',
134 silly install resolved 'magick',
134 silly install resolved 'image',
134 silly install resolved 'graphicsmagick',
134 silly install resolved 'imagemagick',
134 silly install resolved 'gm',
134 silly install resolved 'convert',
134 silly install resolved 'identify',
134 silly install resolved 'compare' ],
134 silly install resolved engines: { node: '>= 0.10.0' },
134 silly install resolved bugs: { url: '' },
134 silly install resolved licenses: [ [Object] ],
134 silly install resolved main: './index',
134 silly install resolved scripts: { test: 'make test-unit; make test;' },
134 silly install resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git+' },
134 silly install resolved license: 'MIT',
134 silly install resolved devDependencies: { gleak: '~0.5.0', async: '~0.9.0' },
134 silly install resolved dependencies:
134 silly install resolved { debug: '~2.2.0',
134 silly install resolved 'array-series': '~0.1.5',
134 silly install resolved 'array-parallel': '~0.1.3' },
134 silly install resolved gitHead: '1d833f7ea5bb343dd9c63779796ac8a1bdb3396c',
134 silly install resolved homepage: '',
134 silly install resolved _id: 'gm@1.18.1',
134 silly install resolved _shasum: 'cc41ea20460ae9ca76ddc4c39860fae42b916939',
134 silly install resolved _from: 'gm@*',
134 silly install resolved _npmVersion: '2.9.1',
134 silly install resolved _nodeVersion: '0.12.3',
134 silly install resolved _npmUser: { name: 'rwky', email: '' },
134 silly install resolved maintainers: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
134 silly install resolved dist:
134 silly install resolved { shasum: 'cc41ea20460ae9ca76ddc4c39860fae42b916939',
134 silly install resolved tarball: '' },
134 silly install resolved directories: {},
134 silly install resolved _resolved: '',
134 silly install resolved readme: 'ERROR: No README data found!' } ]
135 info install gm@1.18.1 into /home/bhanuc/web/regrob
136 info installOne gm@1.18.1
137 verbose installOne of gm to /home/bhanuc/web/regrob not in flight; installing
138 warn locking Error: EACCES, open '/home/bhanuc/.npm/_locks/gm-e2d8c7a6f0e49ef8.lock'
138 warn locking /home/bhanuc/.npm/_locks/gm-e2d8c7a6f0e49ef8.lock failed { [Error: EACCES, open '/home/bhanuc/.npm/_locks/gm-e2d8c7a6f0e49ef8.lock']
138 warn locking errno: 3,
138 warn locking code: 'EACCES',
138 warn locking path: '/home/bhanuc/.npm/_locks/gm-e2d8c7a6f0e49ef8.lock' }
139 verbose stack Error: Attempt to unlock /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/gm, which hasn't been locked
139 verbose stack at unlock (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/locker.js:66:11)
139 verbose stack at cb (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/install.js:1017:5)
139 verbose stack at /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/install.js:1021:20
139 verbose stack at /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/locker.js:40:9
139 verbose stack at cb (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/lockfile/lockfile.js:149:38)
139 verbose stack at /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/lockfile/lockfile.js:177:38
139 verbose stack at Object.oncomplete (fs.js:108:15)
140 verbose cwd /home/bhanuc/web/regrob
141 error Linux 3.19.0-20-generic
142 error argv "node" "/usr/bin/npm" "install" "gm" "--save"
143 error node v0.10.38
144 error npm v2.11.3
145 error Attempt to unlock /home/bhanuc/web/regrob/node_modules/gm, which hasn't been locked
146 error If you need help, you may report this error at:
146 error <>
147 verbose exit [ 1, true ]
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