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Human Learning

Shuby Deshpande bhaprayan

Human Learning
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bhaprayan /
Last active June 8, 2020 16:17
computing derivatives
function call example:
ret = deriv(dz17, z15, z16, "+")
dz15 += ret[0]
dz16 += ret[1]
def sigdx(x):
return x * (1 - x)
bhaprayan /
Created January 16, 2020 05:14
generate scrambled email as input to Jeff Donahue's script
created this as a helper script to generate a scrambled email address using Jeff Donahue's script.
later realized it's simpler to run one iteration of the script, and use that to bootstrap the actual input. oh well :/
import random
email = "Enter Email here"
y = list(range(len(email)))
x = email

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