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Last active January 8, 2024 22:56
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Remove TortoiseHg from startup on a list of computers
Disables the TortoiseHg startup entry on a list of computers.
The Disable-TortoiseHgStartup function uses Invoke-Command to remotely access the registry of each computer in the $ComputerName parameter. It attempts to get the 'TortoiseHgOverlayIconServer' startup entry. If the computer isn't responding or doesn't have TortoiseHg installed, it outputs a message.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
An array of computer names or a single computer name. This can be either a string or an object with a 'Name' property.
Disable-TortoiseHgStartup -ComputerName "Computer1", "Computer2", "Computer3"
This example disables the TortoiseHg startup entry on the computers named Computer1, Computer2, and Computer3.
$computers = @(
[PSCustomObject]@{Name = "Computer1"},
[PSCustomObject]@{Name = "Computer2"},
[PSCustomObject]@{Name = "Computer3"}
Disable-TortoiseHgStartup -ComputerName $computers
This example disables the TortoiseHg startup entry on the computers named Computer1, Computer2, and Computer3, using an array of objects with a 'Name' property.
Get-ADComputer -Filter * | Disable-TortoiseHgStartup
This example disables the TortoiseHg startup entry on all computers in Active Directory.
The function requires that the user running it has the necessary permissions to access the remote registry of the computers in the $ComputerName parameter.
function Disable-TortoiseHgStartup {
param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
if ($ComputerName -is [string]) {
$ComputerName = @([PSCustomObject]@{Name = $ComputerName })
foreach ($c in $ComputerName) {
try {
$result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $c.Name -ScriptBlock { get-itemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run -Name 'TortoiseHgOverlayIconServer' }
if ($result) {
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $c.Name -ScriptBlock { Remove-itemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run -Name 'TortoiseHgOverlayIconServer' -Confirm }
catch {
Write-Output "$($c.Name) isn't responding or does not have TortoiseHg installed"
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