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Last active March 7, 2024 16:41
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Create a report on Windows DHCP servers
Creates an Excel workbook with DHCP server information.
This script retrieves DHCP server summary data and subnet reservation data from the DHCP server and creates an Excel workbook with the information.
.PARAMETER SummaryData
Specifies the DHCP server summary data to be included in the workbook.
.PARAMETER ReservationData
Specifies the subnet reservation data to be included in the workbook.
.PARAMETER filename
Specifies the path and filename of the Excel workbook to be created. If not provided, the workbook will be created in the user's temporary folder with the name "DHCP_Server_Info.xlsx".
New-DHCPWorkbook -SummaryData (Get-DhcpServerSummary) -ReservationData (Get-SubnetReservations)
Creates an Excel workbook named "DHCP_Server_Info.xlsx" in the user's temporary folder with DHCP server summary data and subnet reservation data.
function Get-DhcpServerSummary {
Import-Module DhcpServer
$dhcpServer = Get-DhcpServerInDC | Select-Object -First 1
$superscopes = Get-DhcpServerv4SuperScope -ComputerName $dhcpServer.DnsName
$summaryData = @()
$summaryData = foreach ($superscope in $superscopes) {
foreach ($scopeId in $superscope.ScopeId) {
$subnets = Get-DhcpServerv4Scope -ComputerName $dhcpServer.DnsName -ScopeId $scopeId
foreach ($subnet in $subnets) {
$leases = Get-DhcpServerv4Lease -ComputerName $dhcpServer.DnsName -ScopeId $subnet.ScopeId
"Subnet" = $subnet.ScopeId
"SubnetMask" = $subnet.SubnetMask
"Active Leases" = $leases.Count
return $summaryData
function Get-SubnetReservations {
Import-Module DhcpServer
$dhcpServer = Get-DhcpServerInDC | Select-Object -First 1
$superscopes = Get-DhcpServerv4SuperScope -ComputerName $dhcpServer.DnsName
$reservationData = @()
$reservationData = foreach ($superscope in $superscopes) {
foreach ($scopeId in $superscope.ScopeId) {
$subnets = Get-DhcpServerv4Scope -ComputerName $dhcpServer.DnsName -ScopeId $scopeId
foreach ($subnet in $subnets) {
$reservations = Get-DhcpServerv4Reservation -ComputerName $dhcpServer.DnsName -ScopeId $subnet.ScopeId
foreach ($reservation in $reservations) {
"Subnet" = $subnet.Name -replace ".{3}$"
"IP" = $reservation.IPAddress
"MAC Address" = $reservation.ClientId
"Name" = $reservation.Name
return $reservationData
function New-DHCPWorkbook {
param (
[System.IO.FileInfo]$filename = "$env:TEMP\DHCP_Server_Info.xlsx"
Import-Module ImportExcel
$dhcpWorkBook = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $filename -KillExcel -Create
Add-Worksheet -ExcelPackage $dhcpWorkBook -WorksheetName 'NetworkSummary'
$SummaryData | Export-Excel -ExcelPackage $dhcpWorkBook -WorksheetName 'NetworkSummary' -AutoSize
# Create the worksheets
foreach ($data in $ReservationData) {
$dhcpWorkBook = Open-ExcelPackage -Path $filename -KillExcel -Create
# Check if a worksheet with the same name already exists
if ($dhcpWorkBook.Workbook.Worksheets.Name -notcontains $($data.Subnet)) {
Add-Worksheet -ExcelPackage $dhcpWorkBook -WorksheetName $($data.Subnet)
$data | Export-Excel -ExcelPackage $dhcpWorkBook -WorksheetName $($data.Subnet) -Append -AutoSize
Write-Output "Excel workbook created: DHCP_Server_Info.xlsx"
New-DHCPWorkbook -SummaryData (Get-DhcpServerSummary) -ReservationData (Get-SubnetReservations)
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