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Last active December 14, 2015 03:39
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from collections import defaultdict
def best_rewrites(q, n=10):
"""Return N best rewrites of query Q.
Q: string of space-separated words
Also depends on the two dictionaries frequencies and substitutions."""
l = [(frequencies.get(r, 0), r) for r in joint_rewrites(q)]
return sorted(l, reverse=True)[:n]
def joint_rewrites(q, max_num_rewrites=2):
"""Given a query, return all ways to rewrite it using at most two substitutions.
Uses the global dictionary substitutions. Will only search over non-overlapping
if isinstance(q, str):
q = tuple(q.split())
yield q
candidates = single_rewrites(q)
for i, l in candidates.iteritems():
for n, p in l:
yield replace(q, [(i, n, p)])
for i2 in range(i+n, len(q)):
for n2, p2 in candidates[i2]:
yield replace(q, [(i, n, p), (i2, n2, p2)])
def replace(q, subs):
"""Each sub must be of the form (I, N, P), meaning replace words I, ... I+N-1
with phrase P. Subs must be nonoverlapping and ordered by I."""
out = list(q)
d = 0
for i, n, p in subs:
phrase = p.split()
out[i+d:i+n+d] = phrase
d += len(phrase)-n
return tuple(out)
def single_rewrites(q):
"""Return dictionary mapping each integer I to a list of tuples of the form
(N, P). Each such tuple means that words I, ..., I+N-1 can be replaced by the
phrase P."""
rewrites = defaultdict(list)
n = len(q)
if n>2:
full_rewrites = substitutions.get(q, [])
for sub in full_rewrites:
rewrites[0].append((n, sub))
for l in range(1, 3):
for i in range(n+1-l):
subs = substitutions.get(tuple(q[i:i+l]), [])
for sub in subs:
rewrites[i].append((l, sub))
return rewrites
# Test data
frequencies = {
('data', 'science', 'jobs'): 100,
('data', 'analyst', 'positions'): 200,
('information', 'science', 'jobs'): 10,
('interpretive', 'dance'): 44,
('data', 'science', 'positions'): 25,
('information', 'technology', 'jobs'): 15,
('information', 'technology', 'vacancies'): 33,
substitutions = {
('data', 'science'): ['data mining', 'information'],
('data',): ['information'],
('science',): ['technology', 'research and development'],
('jobs',): ['positions', 'vacancies'],
('temporary',): ['temp', 'contract']
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