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Last active August 24, 2016 00:58
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Comparison of image read performance of imager and magick packages.
# You will need to generate images of varying size using ImageMagic's convert utility on the shell.
# The shell code below will not work under Windows. Sorry! bash-only.
# Run the following shell code to generate some random images
# mkdir -p ./data/RandomNoise
# (cd ./data/RandomNoise && for i in `seq 100 100 4000`; do convert -size ${i}x${i} xc: +noise Random random-${i}_$i.png;done)
# You'll need the following R packages
# dplyr, purrr, magick, imager, magrittr, gridExtra, ggplot2, stringr
d <- './data/RandomNoise'
files <- list.files(d)
files.sizes <- purrr::map_dbl(files,function(x) file.size(sprintf("%s/%s",d,x)))
files.df <- data.frame(path=stringr::str_c(d,'/',files),name=files,size=files.sizes, stringsAsFactors = F)
files.df %<>%
# To format our X axis
format_si <- function(...) {
# Format a vector of numeric values according
# to the International System of Units.
# Based on code by Ben Tupper
# Args:
# ...: Args passed to format()
# Returns:
# A function to format a vector of strings using
# SI prefix notation
function(x) {
limits <- c(1e-24, 1e-21, 1e-18, 1e-15, 1e-12,
1e-9, 1e-6, 1e-3, 1e0, 1e3,
1e6, 1e9, 1e12, 1e15, 1e18,
1e21, 1e24)
prefix <- c("y", "z", "a", "f", "p",
"n", "µ", "m", " ", "k",
"M", "G", "T", "P", "E",
"Z", "Y")
# Vector with array indices according to position in intervals
i <- findInterval(abs(x), limits)
# Set prefix to " " for very small values < 1e-24
i <- ifelse(i==0, which(limits == 1e0), i)
paste(format(round(x/limits[i], 1),
trim=TRUE, scientific=FALSE, ...),
# magick performance
magick_image_read.times <- purrr::map(files.df$path, function(x) system.time(magick::image_read(x)))
magick_image_read.times.elapsed <- sapply(magick_image_read.times,function(x) x[[3]])
magick_image_read.times.system <- sapply(magick_image_read.times,function(x) x[[2]])
magick_image_read.times.user <- sapply(magick_image_read.times,function(x) x[[1]])
magick_image_read.times.df = data.frame(size=files.df$size, user=magick_image_read.times.user,
stringsAsFactors = F)
magick_image_read.times.df.tidy <- magick_image_read.times.df %>% tidyr::gather(key='metric',value = 'time',-size)
magick_image_read.plot <- ggplot(magick_image_read.times.df.tidy,aes(x=size,y=time,color=metric)) + geom_point() +
geom_smooth( se=FALSE, alpha=0.4) + theme_minimal() +
# imager performance ----
imager_image_read.times <- purrr::map(files.df$path, function(x) system.time(imager::load.image(x)))
imager_image_read.times.elapsed <- sapply(imager_image_read.times,function(x) x[[3]])
imager_image_read.times.system <- sapply(imager_image_read.times,function(x) x[[2]])
imager_image_read.times.user <- sapply(imager_image_read.times,function(x) x[[1]])
imager_image_read.times.df = data.frame(size=files.df$size, user=imager_image_read.times.user,
stringsAsFactors = F)
imager_image_read.times.df.tidy <- imager_image_read.times.df %>% tidyr::gather(key='metric',value = 'time',-size)
imager_image_read.plot <- ggplot(imager_image_read.times.df.tidy,aes(x=size,y=time,color=metric)) + geom_point() +
geom_smooth( se=FALSE, alpha=0.4) + theme_minimal() +
gridExtra::grid.arrange(magick_image_read.plot + labs(x='Image Size', y='Time (sec)', title='magick::image_read()', colour='Time'),
imager_image_read.plot + labs(x='Image Size', y='Time (sec)', title='imager::load.image()', colour='Time'),
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