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Last active October 26, 2016 18:38
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  • Save bhaskarvk/e29b679fecc29e036c216be9e5579057 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bhaskarvk/e29b679fecc29e036c216be9e5579057 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Create 3 dirs in $R_BASEDIR library, library.github, library.cran
mkdir -p R_LIBS=$R_BASEDIR/library $R_BASEDIR/library.github $R_BASEDIR/library.cran
# Directory to log all output
mkdir -p $HOME/Library/Logs/R
export R_LIBS=$R_BASEDIR/library:$R_BASEDIR/library.github:$R_BASEDIR/library.cran
# Bash functions to install R packages with ease.
# TODO color messages with crayon
mkdir -p $HOME/Library/Logs/R
# setup default options when starting r/R/Rscript
alias R='/usr/local/bin/R --quiet --no-save --no-restore'
alias r='/usr/local/bin/R --quiet --no-save --no-restore'
alias Rscript='/usr/local/bin/RScript --quiet --no-save --no-restore'
# Checks if a package is installed.
# Also reports the path where the package is installed.
rIsPkgInstalled() {
dirs=($(Rscript -e 'cat(paste(.libPaths(),collapse=" "))'))
for dir in ${dirs[@]}; do
if [ -d "${dir}/${pkg}" ]; then
echo "$pkg Installed in dir: $dir"
return $ret
# Install R packages from CRAN.
# Skip the ones that are already installed.
# Log output under $HOME/Library/Logs/R
# e.g. rInstPackages dplyr purrr tidyr
rInstPackages() {
packages=$(echo "$@" | sed -e 's/^/"/;s/ /", "/g;s/$/"/')
packages <- c('$packages');
packages.all <- installed.packages();
packages.i <- intersect(packages, packages.all); <- setdiff(packages, packages.all);
if(length(packages.i) > 0) {
print(sprintf("%s : Already Installed. Skipping.",
paste(packages.i, collapse=", ")));
if (length( > 0) {
print(sprintf("Installing : %s",paste(, collapse=", ")));
install.packages(, lib="'$R_BASEDIR/library.cran'")
echo "Installing ${@}"
R --slave <<-EOT
) 2>&1 | tee -a $HOME/Library/Logs/R/${1}-$(date +'%F_%H%M').txt
# Build R source packages from CRAN.
# Skip the ones that are already installed.
# Log output under $HOME/Library/Logs/R
# e.g. rInstSrcPackages dplyr purrr tidyr
rInstSrcPackages() {
packages=$(echo "$@" | sed -e 's/^/"/;s/ /", "/g;s/$/"/')
packages <- c('$packages');
packages.all <- installed.packages();
packages.i <- intersect(packages, packages.all); <- setdiff(packages, packages.all);
if(length(packages.i) > 0) {
print(sprintf("%s : Already Installed. Skipping.",paste(packages.i, collapse=", ")));
if (length( > 0) {
print(sprintf("Installing : %s",paste(, collapse=", ")));
install.packages(, type="source", lib="'$R_BASEDIR/library.cran'")
echo "Installing ${@}"
R --slave <<-EOT
) 2>&1 | tee -a $HOME/Library/Logs/R/${1}-$(date +'%F_%H%M').txt
# Install R packages from CRAN.
# The ones that are already installed are reinstalled.
# Log output under $HOME/Library/Logs/R
# e.g. rInstPackagesForce dplyr purrr tidyr
rInstPackagesForce() {
packages=$(echo "$@" | sed -e "s/^/'/;s/ /', '/g;s/$/'/")
echo "Installing ${1}"
Rscript --slave -e "install.packages(c($packages), lib='$R_BASEDIR/library.cran')"
) 2>&1 | tee -a $HOME/Library/Logs/R/${1}-$(date +'%F_%H%M').txt
# Build R source packages from CRAN.
# The ones that are already installed are reinstalled.
# Log output under $HOME/Library/Logs/R
# e.g. rInstSrcPackagesForce dplyr purrr tidyr
rInstSrcPackagesForce() {
packages=$(echo "$@" | sed -e "s/^/'/;s/ /', '/g;s/$/'/")
echo "Installing ${1}"
Rscript --slave -e "install.packages(c($packages), type='source', lib='$R_BASEDIR/library.cran')"
) 2>&1 | tee -a $HOME/Library/Logs/R/${1}-$(date +'%F_%H%M').txt
# Install R packages from Github using devtools.
# The ones that are already installed are reinstalled.
# Log output under $HOME/Library/Logs/R
# e.g. rInstGithub dplyr purrr tidyr
rInstGithub() {
echo "Installing $1 from github"
Rscript --slave -e "devtools::install_github('$1', lib='$R_BASEDIR/library.github')"
) 2>&1 | tee -a $HOME/Library/Logs/R/${1/\//_}-$(date +'%F_%H%M').txt
# Helper functions for some famous github repo authors
rInstBob() {
rInstGithub "hrbrmstr/$1"
rInstKent() {
rInstGithub "timelyportfolio/$1"
rInstHadley() {
rInstGithub "hadley/$1"
rInstRstudio() {
rInstGithub "rstudio/$1"
rInstRopenGov() {
rInstGithub "ropengov/$1"
rInstOliver() {
rInstGithub "ironholds/$1"
rInstRopenSci() {
rInstGithub "ropensci/$1"
rInstRopenScilabs() {
rInstGithub "ropenscilabs/$1"
# Update R packages from CRAN.
# Log output under $HOME/Library/Logs/R
# e.g. rUpdatePackages
rUpdatePackages() {
echo "Updating R Packages from CRAN"
Rscript --slave -e "update.packages(ask=FALSE, lib.loc='$R_BASEDIR/library.cran', instlib='$R_BASEDIR/library.cran')"
) 2>&1 | tee -a $HOME/Library/Logs/R/cran_update-$(date +'%F_%H%M').txt
# Update R packages from Github.
# Log output under $HOME/Library/Logs/R
# e.g. rUpdateGithubPackages
rUpdateGithubPackages() {
echo "Updating R Packages from Github"
Rscript --slave -e "dtupdate::github_update(ask=FALSE, auto.install=TRUE)"
) 2>&1 | tee -a $HOME/Library/Logs/R/github_update-$(date +'%F_%H%M').txt
# vim:filetype=sh
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