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Created October 3, 2019 17:21
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apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: splunk-kubernetes-logging
namespace: kube-system
app: splunk-kubernetes-logging
version: 1.2.0
fluent.conf: |-
@include system.conf
@include source.containers.conf
@include source.files.conf
@include source.journald.conf
@include monit.conf
@include output.conf
system.conf: |-
# system wide configurations
log_level info
root_dir /tmp/fluentd
source.containers.conf: |-
# This configuration file for Fluentd / td-agent is used
# to watch changes to Docker log files. The kubelet creates symlinks that
# capture the pod name, namespace, container name & Docker container ID
# to the docker logs for pods in the /var/log/containers directory on the host.
# If running this fluentd configuration in a Docker container, the /var/log
# directory should be mounted in the container.
# reading kubelet logs from journal
# Reference:
# Json Log Example:
# {"log":"[info:2016-02-16T16:04:05.930-08:00] Some log text here\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2016-02-17T00:04:05.931087621Z"}
# CRI Log Example (not supported):
# 2016-02-17T00:04:05.931087621Z stdout [info:2016-02-16T16:04:05.930-08:00] Some log text here
@id containers.log
@type tail
@label @SPLUNK
tag tail.containers.*
path /var/log/containers/*.log
pos_file /var/log/splunk-fluentd-containers.log.pos
path_key source
read_from_head true
@type json
time_key time
time_type string
time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ
localtime false
@type prometheus
port 24231
metrics_path /metrics
@type prometheus_output_monitor
interval 10
source.files.conf: "# This fluentd conf file contains sources for log files other
than container logs."
monit.conf: |-
@id fluentd-monitor-agent
@type monitor_agent
@label @SPLUNK
tag monitor_agent
output.conf: |-
<label @SPLUNK>
# = filters for container logs =
<filter tail.containers.var.log.containers.dns-controller*dns-controller*.log>
@type concat
key log
timeout_label @SPLUNK
stream_identity_key stream
multiline_start_regexp /^\w[0-1]\d[0-3]\d/
flush_interval 5s
<filter tail.containers.var.log.containers.kube-dns*sidecar*.log>
@type concat
key log
timeout_label @SPLUNK
stream_identity_key stream
multiline_start_regexp /^\w[0-1]\d[0-3]\d/
flush_interval 5s
<filter tail.containers.var.log.containers.kube-dns*dnsmasq*.log>
@type concat
key log
timeout_label @SPLUNK
stream_identity_key stream
multiline_start_regexp /^\w[0-1]\d[0-3]\d/
flush_interval 5s
<filter tail.containers.var.log.containers.kube-apiserver*kube-apiserver*.log>
@type concat
key log
timeout_label @SPLUNK
stream_identity_key stream
multiline_start_regexp /^\w[0-1]\d[0-3]\d/
flush_interval 5s
<filter tail.containers.var.log.containers.kube-controller-manager*kube-controller-manager*.log>
@type concat
key log
timeout_label @SPLUNK
stream_identity_key stream
multiline_start_regexp /^\w[0-1]\d[0-3]\d/
flush_interval 5s
<filter tail.containers.var.log.containers.kube-dns-autoscaler*autoscaler*.log>
@type concat
key log
timeout_label @SPLUNK
stream_identity_key stream
multiline_start_regexp /^\w[0-1]\d[0-3]\d/
flush_interval 5s
<filter tail.containers.var.log.containers.kube-proxy*kube-proxy*.log>
@type concat
key log
timeout_label @SPLUNK
stream_identity_key stream
multiline_start_regexp /^\w[0-1]\d[0-3]\d/
flush_interval 5s
<filter tail.containers.var.log.containers.kube-scheduler*kube-scheduler*.log>
@type concat
key log
timeout_label @SPLUNK
stream_identity_key stream
multiline_start_regexp /^\w[0-1]\d[0-3]\d/
flush_interval 5s
<filter tail.containers.var.log.containers.kube-dns*kubedns*.log>
@type concat
key log
timeout_label @SPLUNK
stream_identity_key stream
multiline_start_regexp /^\w[0-1]\d[0-3]\d/
flush_interval 5s
# extract index fields and sourcetype for container logs
<filter tail.containers.**>
@type jq_transformer
jq "def find_sourcetype(pod; container_name): container_name + \"/\" + pod | if startswith(\"dns-controller/dns-controller\") then \"kube:dns-controller\" elif startswith(\"sidecar/kube-dns\") then \"kube:kubedns-sidecar\" elif startswith(\"dnsmasq/kube-dns\") then \"kube:dnsmasq\" elif startswith(\"etcd-container/etcd-server\") then \"kube:etcd\" elif startswith(\"etcd-container/etcd-server-events\") then \"kube:etcd-events\" elif startswith(\"kube-apiserver/kube-apiserver\") then \"kube:kube-apiserver\" elif startswith(\"kube-controller-manager/kube-controller-manager\") then \"kube:kube-controller-manager\" elif startswith(\"autoscaler/kube-dns-autoscaler\") then \"kube:kube-dns-autoscaler\" elif startswith(\"kube-proxy/kube-proxy\") then \"kube:kube-proxy\" elif startswith(\"kube-scheduler/kube-scheduler\") then \"kube:kube-scheduler\" elif startswith(\"kubedns/kube-dns\") then \"kube:kubedns\" else empty end; def set_namespace(value): if value == \"default\" then \"main\"else value end; def extract_container_info: (.source | ltrimstr(\"/var/log/containers/\") | split(\"_\")) as $parts | ($parts[-1] | split(\"-\")) as $cparts | .pod = $parts[0] | .namespace = set_namespace($parts[1]) | .container_name = ($cparts[:-1] | join(\"-\")) | .container_id = ($cparts[-1] | rtrimstr(\".log\")) | .cluster_name = \"cluster_name\" | .; .record | extract_container_info | .sourcetype = (find_sourcetype(.pod; .container_name) // \"kube:container:\\(.container_name)\")"
# create source and sourcetype
# = filters for non-container log files =
# = filters for monitor agent =
<filter monitor_agent>
@type jq_transformer
jq ".record.source = \"namespace:#{ENV['MY_NAMESPACE']}/pod:#{ENV['MY_POD_NAME']}\" | .record.sourcetype = \"fluentd:monitor-agent\" | .record"
# = output =
<match **>
@type splunk_hec
protocol https
hec_host ""
hec_token "xxx"
hec_port 443
host "test-host"
source_key source
sourcetype_key sourcetype
insecure_ssl true
@type memory
chunk_limit_records 100000
chunk_limit_size 200m
flush_interval 5s
flush_thread_count 5
overflow_action throw_exception
retry_max_times 3
total_limit_size 600m
<format monitor_agent>
@type json
# we just want to keep the raw logs, not the structure created by docker or journald
@type single_value
message_key log
add_newline false
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