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Created December 10, 2012 20:29
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Running your own hackathon?
# Build around a theme
Ensure that you have a theme around the hackathon. It should be generic enough for people to have freedom on what they want to build, but specific enough for people to focus on. There is nothing like a goal oriented hackathon. The energy that can build up is amazing.
If you are running it as an internal event, then make sure you brainstorm/vote on the theme by getting the whole org involved.
Organize the event for at least 2-3 days.Though I have seen 1 night events, rarely anything comes out of those.
If it's an internal event, avoid conducting it over a weekend, however tempting.
# Logistics
Take care of the food! Three meals, and maybe couple of snack periods. If you can afford it, try to have a full pantry for snacks.
Never ending coffee, tea, etc ... Red bull will be appreciated (especially in the night).
Have mattresses / bean bags around. Sufficient for people to crash out on. More importantly to allow for self-organizing teams.
IRC or something similar for everyone to communicate on.
Wired network for everyone.
Power points + extension chords all over the place.
If you are expecting hardware hacks too, then working tables / benches for people to solder.
Whiteboards will be appreciated.
Keeping the place clean, especially after a meal will be difficult. See if you have a plan to handle that. (Easiest way is to get the attendees clean up the plates + place) But don't expect volunteers. You will need to get everyone be responsible for keeping it clean. I generally see the biggest problem in this front, especially here in India.
Try to have a small team of mentors on call. These people are the ones everyone can go to for help. Have them seated on a well publicized location. Also ask them go around the place and chat up with teams, and see if they need help. On an external events this will be necessary.
# On the day of the event
- First 1 hour is for people to throw out project ideas.
- Next half an hour or so to pitch and build a team
- On the first session (4th hour) try and see if everyone has an idea they can work on.
- Every few hours (4-6 hours) try to organize some impromptu activities. This allows for people to take a forced break. End the break building up some pressure by either indicating remaining hours left or something similar. The pressure of time ticking needs to be felt by everyone.
- Demo time. Voting?
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