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Created July 28, 2019 06:55
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digraph {
node [shape=box, fontname=helvetica, fontsize=14]
edge [fontname=helvetica, fontsize=12]
rankdir=TB; pad=0.5; dpi=80;
// happy path
subgraph cluster_0 {
color=black; label="typical path"; fontname=helvetica
extract -> transform -> load -> check_if_complete
// transform failures
transform -> malformed_data [color=red]
transform -> transform_error [color=red]
// extract failures, and retries
extract -> extract_error [color=red]
extract -> extract_timeout [color=red]
extract_error -> extract [label="retry"]
extract_timeout -> extract [label="retry"]
// load failures, and retries
load -> load_error [color=red]
load -> load_timeout [color=red]
load_error -> load [label="retry"]
load_timeout -> load [label="retry"]
// skip load step, if transform fails
transform_error -> check_if_complete
malformed_data -> check_if_complete
// recur, if there's more data
check_if_complete -> complete
check_if_complete -> recur [label="next batch"]
recur -> extract
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