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Last active July 24, 2021 12:06
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Attribute VB_Name = "MergeMacro"
' Copyright: (c) 2018-2021 by Bhavin Gandhi.
' License: GNU GPL v3+, see
' for more details.
' 0. Open the purchase register sheet generated by Tally.
' 1. Open Visual Basic Editor by pressing Alt + F11.
' 2. Press Ctrl + M to import this file or go to File -> Import
' File…. Select MergeMacro.bas, and click Open.
' 3. Select Modules -> MergeMacro from the Project panel on the left
' side.
' 4. Run macro by pressing F5, click Run for the processMerge.
' 5. Now, it should show a message like: "Total 22 parties processed."
' 6. You can close the Visual Basic Editor now.
Sub processMerge()
' Declaration
Dim tallySheet As Variant
Dim mergedSheet As Variant
Dim rowIndex As Integer
Dim columnIndex As Integer
Dim mergeDict As Variant
Dim keyFromRow As String
Dim currentRow As Variant
Dim mergeSheetRow As Integer
Dim titleRows As Integer
Dim keyColIndex As Integer
' Initialise the variables
Set tallySheet = Sheets(1)
Sheets.Add After:=tallySheet
ActiveSheet.Name = "MergedSheet"
Set mergedSheet = ActiveSheet
Set mergeDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' First 4 rows have things like headline, titles and FY
titleRows = 4
' The GSTIN/UIN is used as key for merging, it's at column F i.e. 6
keyColIndex = 6
' Copy first titleRows rows (Title etc.)
For mergeSheetRow = 1 To titleRows
mergedSheet.Rows(mergeSheetRow).Insert Shift:=xlDown
Next mergeSheetRow
' Actual merging
For rowIndex = titleRows + 1 To tallySheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1
Set currentRow = tallySheet.Rows(rowIndex)
keyFromRow = currentRow.Cells(1, keyColIndex).Text
If mergeDict.Exists(keyFromRow) Then
For columnIndex = keyColIndex + 1 To tallySheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
mergeDict(keyFromRow).Cells(1, columnIndex).Value = mergeDict(keyFromRow).Cells(1, columnIndex).Value + currentRow.Cells(1, columnIndex).Value
Next columnIndex
mergedSheet.Rows(mergeSheetRow).Insert Shift:=xlDown
Set currentRow = mergedSheet.Rows(mergeSheetRow)
mergeSheetRow = mergeSheetRow + 1
mergeDict.Add Key:=keyFromRow, Item:=currentRow
End If
Next rowIndex
' Copy last row of Total
mergedSheet.Rows(mergeSheetRow).Insert Shift:=xlDown
MsgBox ("Total " & mergeDict.Count & " parties processed.")
' Clean dictionary
Set mergeDict = Nothing
End Sub
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