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Created August 28, 2019 18:25
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Imbalance methods
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from imblearn.over_sampling import RandomOverSampler
from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler
from sklearn.utils import class_weight
def get_class_weights(y, one_hot=False):
"""Returns a dict of class weights for label encoded as well as one-hot encoded y."""
if one_hot:
y = np.argmax(y, axis=1)
class_weights = class_weight.compute_class_weight('balanced', np.unique(y), y)
return dict(enumerate(class_weights))
def get_resampled_count_dict(count_dict, count, strategy='max'):
"""count_dict is df.y.value_counts()
fixed - makes value to a fixed value
min - makes value to a min value for those below it
max - makes value to a max value for those above it
if not isinstance(count_dict, dict):
count_dict = dict(count_dict)
if strategy == 'max':
return {k: min(v, count) for k, v in count_dict.items()}
if strategy == 'min':
return {k: max(v, count) for k, v in count_dict.items()}
if strategy == 'fixed':
return {k: count for k, v in count_dict.items()}
def get_resampled_df(df, y_col, count, strategy='max'):
"""Resampling dataframe for imbalanced dataset.
count: The number used by strategy for sampling
min - oversamples minority below the count for respective y
max - undersamples majority over the count for respective y
# TODO: fixed - makes same number of samples for all y
print('Dropping NA by %s.'%y_col)
df = df.dropna(subset=[y_col])
df = df.reset_index()
vc = df[y_col].value_counts()
y_count = vc[vc == count]
df_count = df[df[y_col].isin(y_count.keys())]
if strategy in ['fixed', 'min']:
y_less = vc[vc < count]
y_less = get_resampled_count_dict(y_less, count, strategy='min')
sampler = RandomOverSampler(sampling_strategy=y_less, random_state=42)
if strategy == 'fixed':
temp = df[df[y_col].isin(y_less.keys())]
temp = df
x, y = np.arange(len(temp)), temp[y_col].values
x = np.reshape(x, (-1, 1))
_, _ = sampler.fit_resample(x, y)
df_resampled = temp.iloc[sampler.sample_indices_] # df_oversampled
if strategy in ['fixed', 'max']:
y_more = vc[vc > count]
y_more = get_resampled_count_dict(y_more, count, strategy='max')
sampler = RandomUnderSampler(sampling_strategy=y_more, random_state=42)
if strategy == 'fixed':
temp = df[df[y_col].isin(y_more.keys())]
temp = df
x, y = np.arange(len(temp)), temp[y_col].values
x = np.reshape(x, (-1, 1))
_, _ = sampler.fit_resample(x, y)
df_undersampled = temp.iloc[sampler.sample_indices_]
if strategy in ['fixed']:
df_resampled = pd.concat([df_resampled, df_undersampled], ignore_index=False)
df_resampled = df_undersampled
return df_resampled.set_index('index')
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