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Last active July 17, 2023 21:43
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Full Path Json

Note this is from my article

To download:

wget -O

curl -o

To run (with python3)

python3 some.json

python3 some.json > some.txt

import json
import sys
# import pprint
def flatten_json(nested_json: dict, exclude: list=[], delim: str = "/") -> dict:
"""Flatten json object with nested keys into a single level.
nested_json {dict}: A nested json object.
exclude {list}: Keys to exclude from output.
delim {str}: path delimiter, default is "/"
{dict}: The flattened json object if successful, None otherwise.
out = {}
def flatten(x: dict, name: str='', exclude: list=[]):
if type(x) is dict:
for a in x:
if a not in exclude:
flatten(x[a], f"{name}{delim}{a}", exclude)
elif type(x) is list:
i = 0
for a in x:
flatten(a, f"{name}{delim}{i}", exclude)
i += 1
out[name[1:]] = x
flatten(nested_json, exclude=exclude)
return out
if __name__ == "__main__":
filename = sys.argv[1]
file_content = open(filename,"r").read()
dict_content = json.loads(file_content)
flattened_dict = flatten_json(dict_content)
# pprint.pprint(flattened_dict)
for key, value in flattened_dict.items():
print(f'{key}: {value}')
import json
import sys
import pprint
def flatten_json(nested_json: dict, exclude: list=[], delim: str = "/") -> dict:
"""Flatten json object with nested keys into a single level.
nested_json {dict}: A nested json object.
exclude {list}: Keys to exclude from output.
delim {str}: path delimiter, default is "/"
{dict}: The flattened json object if successful, None otherwise.
out = {}
def flatten(x: dict, name: str='', exclude: list=[]):
if type(x) is dict:
for a in x:
if a not in exclude:
flatten(x[a], f"{name}{delim}{a}", exclude)
elif type(x) is list:
i = 0
for a in x:
flatten(a, f"{name}{delim}{i}", exclude)
i += 1
out[name[1:]] = x
flatten(nested_json, exclude=exclude)
return out
if __name__ == "__main__":
filename = sys.argv[1]
file_content = open(filename,"r").read()
dict_content = json.loads(file_content)
flattened_dict = flatten_json(dict_content)
# for key, value in flattened_dict.items():
# print(f'{key}: {value}')
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