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Last active May 17, 2018 23:27
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Tag Icons in Bear

Bear is a beautiful, flexible writing app for crafting notes and prose. Once you get a decent tag collection going, it can get harder to find the right one in your Sidebar.

This is my current list of small icons, refer to the blog post for more information:

  • academy - school
  • android
  • animals - animal
  • anime - comics
  • app - app
  • apple
  • apple watch
  • apps - app
  • art - art
  • article - article
  • articles - article
  • attire - fashion
  • bank - economy
  • baseball - sport
  • basketball - sport
  • beach volley - sport
  • bear
  • beauty - beauty
  • blog - article
  • blog post - article
  • blog posts - article
  • blogs - article
  • book
  • book - book
  • bookmark - article
  • bookmarked - article
  • bookmarks - article
  • books - book
  • boots - shoes
  • breakfast - cooking
  • bricolage - diy
  • bride - wife
  • brides - wife
  • bug - bug
  • bug report - bug
  • bug reports - bug
  • bugs - bug
  • business - work
  • car - car
  • cars - car
  • cartoon - comics
  • cartoons - comics
  • cash - money
  • cat - cat
  • cats - cat
  • chef
  • cinema - cinema
  • citation - quotes
  • citations - quotes
  • class - school
  • classes - school
  • clothes - fashion
  • clothing - fashion
  • code - development
  • coffee
  • coffee - coffee
  • college - school
  • comic book - comics
  • comic books - comics
  • comicbook - comics
  • comicbooks - comics
  • comics
  • comics - comics
  • cooking
  • cooking - cooking
  • cricket - sport
  • cuisine - cooking
  • daughter - daughter
  • daughters - daughter
  • debian
  • design
  • design - design
  • designer - design
  • designers - design
  • dev
  • dev - development
  • developer - development
  • developers - development
  • development
  • development - development
  • diet - health
  • dinner - cooking
  • diy - diy
  • do it yourself - diy
  • doctor who
  • doctor who - doctor who
  • dog
  • dog - dog
  • doggies - dog
  • doggos
  • doggy - dog
  • dogs - dog
  • drawing - art
  • drawings - art
  • ebooks
  • economy - economy
  • education - school
  • educational - school
  • email - mail
  • emails - mail
  • environment - nature
  • epub(s)
  • espresso
  • essay - book
  • essays - book
  • exercise - exercise
  • exercising - exercise
  • facebook
  • family - family
  • fashion
  • fashion - fashion
  • film - cinema
  • films - cinema
  • financial - economy
  • fitness - exercise
  • flick - cinema
  • flicks - cinema
  • food - cooking
  • foodie - cooking
  • foodies - cooking
  • football - sport
  • footwear - shoes
  • fun
  • fun - fun
  • funny - fun
  • furry
  • game - game
  • gamer - game
  • games - game
  • gaming - game
  • geek
  • gift - present
  • gifts - present
  • graphic novel - comics
  • graphic novels - comics
  • groom - husband
  • handbag - purse
  • handbags - purse
  • hardware - tech
  • health - health
  • healthy - health
  • hockey - sport
  • holiday - holiday
  • holidays - holiday
  • home - home
  • house - home
  • hulu
  • humor - fun
  • humour - fun
  • husband - husband
  • hw - tech
  • i - me
  • ibook
  • idea - idea
  • ideas - idea
  • illustration - art
  • illustrations - art
  • image - photography
  • images - photography
  • inspiration - idea
  • inspirations - idea
  • instagram
  • ipad
  • iPad Pro
  • iphone
  • iphone 7
  • iphone 7+
  • iphone 8
  • iphone 8+
  • iphone x
  • iphone7
  • iphone7+
  • iphone8
  • iphone8+
  • it
  • italy - italy
  • itc
  • job - work
  • jobs - work
  • kindle
  • kitchen - cooking
  • kitten - cat
  • kittens - cat
  • kitties - cat
  • kitty - cat
  • links - article
  • linux
  • lmao
  • love - love
  • lunch - cooking
  • lyrics - music
  • mac
  • macos
  • mail - mail
  • mails - mail
  • manga - comics
  • marathon - exercise
  • mario
  • mario kart
  • mario odissey — misspelled odyssey
  • mario world
  • math
  • me - me
  • meme
  • mlb
  • money - money
  • moon - moon
  • movie - cinema
  • movies - cinema
  • music - music
  • must see - places
  • mustsee - places
  • myself - me
  • nature - nature
  • nba
  • nerd
  • nerds
  • nerdy
  • nes
  • netflix
  • nfl
  • nhl
  • nintendo
  • nintendo 64
  • nintendo switch
  • novel - book
  • novels - book
  • nsfw
  • nutrition - health
  • one punch man
  • one punch-man
  • one-punch man
  • onepunch-man
  • outfit - fashion
  • outfits - fashion
  • painting - art
  • paintings - art
  • password
  • passwords
  • peace - peace
  • photo - photography
  • photography - photography
  • photos - photography
  • pic - photography
  • pics - photography
  • picture - photography
  • pictures - photography
  • place - places
  • places - places
  • playstation
  • podcast - podcast
  • podcasts - podcast
  • poem - poetry
  • poems - poetry
  • poetry - poetry
  • pokemon - pokemon
  • poo - poop
  • poop - poop
  • porn
  • porn - porn
  • pornography - porn
  • posts - article
  • present - present
  • presents - present
  • privacy - privacy
  • project - development
  • projects - development
  • ps1
  • ps2
  • ps3
  • ps4
  • ps4 pro
  • publication - book
  • publications - book
  • puppies - dog
  • puppy - dog
  • purse - purse
  • purses - purse
  • quote - quotes
  • quotes - quotes
  • reading - book
  • readings - book
  • recipe - cooking
  • recipes - cooking
  • reddit
  • restaurant - cooking
  • resturants - cooking
  • retail - shop
  • rodent - rodents
  • rodents - rodents
  • rotfl
  • run - exercise
  • running - exercise
  • saitama
  • savings - money
  • school - school
  • science - science
  • sex - porn
  • shiny frog
  • shinyfrog
  • shit - poop
  • shitty - poop
  • shoes - shoes
  • shop - shop
  • shopping - shop
  • shops - shop
  • skate - skate
  • skateboard - skate
  • skateboarding - skate
  • skateboards - skate
  • sketch - art
  • sketches - art
  • sneakers - shoes
  • snes
  • soccer - sport
  • software - app
  • son - son
  • song - music
  • songs - music
  • sons - son
  • sport
  • sport - sport
  • sports - sport
  • spouse - wife
  • star - star
  • star wars - star wars
  • starred - star
  • starwars - star wars
  • stocks - economy
  • store - shop
  • stores - shop
  • subreddit
  • subreddits
  • sun - sun
  • super mario
  • super mario brothers
  • supernes
  • suse
  • swag
  • switch
  • task - todo
  • tasks - todo
  • tea - tea
  • tech - tech
  • techie - tech
  • techies - tech
  • technologies - tech
  • technology - tech
  • television - tv
  • tennis - sport
  • textbook - book
  • textbooks - book
  • the doctor - doctor who
  • theater - cinema
  • theaters - cinema
  • to do - todo
  • to dos - todo
  • todo - todo
  • todo list - todo
  • todo lists - todo
  • todolist - todo
  • todolists - todo
  • todos - todo
  • tracks - music
  • travel - travel
  • travels - travel
  • trip - travel
  • trips - travel
  • tumblr
  • tunes - music
  • TV
  • tv - tv
  • tv series - tv
  • tv show - tv
  • tv shows - tv
  • tvseries - tv
  • tvshow - tv
  • tvshows - tv
  • typography - typography
  • ubuntu
  • ui
  • universities - school
  • university - school
  • ux
  • vacation - holiday
  • vacations - holiday
  • valentine - love
  • video game - game
  • video games - game
  • videogame - game
  • videogames - game
  • visit - places
  • volley - sport
  • wallet - money
  • watch - watch
  • web pages - article
  • webpages - article
  • wife - wife
  • wii
  • wiiu
  • windows
  • windows 8
  • windows vista
  • windows xp
  • windows8
  • windowsxp
  • wish list - present
  • wishlist - present
  • work - work
  • working - work
  • workout - exercise
  • world - nature
  • writing - poetry
  • writings - poetry
  • xbox
  • xboxone
  • yoga
  • youtube
  • youtuber
  • youtubers
  • zelda

Adding an icon to a tag that doesn't have one on macOS

  1. Go to Applications -> Bearthen right click on the icon. Select Show package contents
  2. Navigate to Contents -> Resources -> Custom Tag Keywords
  3. Open en.plist with your favorite text editor.
  4. You will see this:
Let's say you want to use your school's name as the school tag. In that case just add a new key and string like this:


Save and enter your password when the system asks you to do so, then restart Bear. Your icon should now be there. There is a chance that you will lose your custom tags when Bear updates, so keep a backup ;)

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