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Created April 28, 2021 18:48
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~/repos/ci-configuration ❯ ci-admin diff --environment firefoxci --ci-configuration-directory .
--- current
+++ generated
@@ -159800,16 +159800,39 @@
Scopes in this role are defined in [ci-configuration/grants.yml](
- project:mobile:fenix:releng:github:action:release
- project:mobile:fenix:releng:github:project:mock
- project:mobile:fenix:releng:googleplay:product:fenix:dep
- project:releng:ship-it:action:mark-as-shipped
- project:releng:ship-it:server:staging
+ roleId:*
+ description:
+ *DO NOT EDIT* - This resource is configured automatically by [ci-admin](
+ Scopes in this role are defined in [ci-configuration/grants.yml](
+ scopes:
+ - docker-worker:cache:xpi-level-1-*
+ - project:xpi:releng:signing:cert:dep-signing
+ - queue:create-task:low:built-in/*
+ - queue:create-task:low:scriptworker-k8s/xpi-t-*
+ - queue:create-task:low:xpi-1/*
+ - queue:create-task:low:xpi-t/*
+ - queue:get-artifact:xpi/*
+ - queue:route:checks
+ - queue:route:index.xpi.cache.level-1.*
+ - queue:route:index.xpi.v2.*
+ - queue:route:index.xpi.xpi-manifest.cache.level-1.*
+ -*
+ - queue:scheduler-id:taskcluster-github
+ - queue:scheduler-id:xpi-level-1
+ - secrets:get:project/xpi/xpi-github-clone-ssh
*DO NOT EDIT* - This resource is configured automatically by [ci-admin](
Scopes in this role are defined in [ci-configuration/grants.yml](
- docker-worker:cache:xpi-level-1-*
@@ -284581,801 +284604,16 @@ WorkerPool=gecko-t/t-win7-32-gpu:
"reregistrationTimeout": 345600
"maxCapacity": 600,
"minCapacity": 0
emailOnError: False
providerId: aws
- WorkerPool=gecko-t/win10-64-azure:
- workerPoolId: gecko-t/win10-64-azure
- description:
- *DO NOT EDIT* - This resource is configured automatically by [ci-admin](
- ### experimental gecko-t/win10-64-azure taskcluster worker
- #### provenance
- - operating system: **Windows 10**
- - os edition: **Professional**
- - source iso: **en_windows_10_business_editions_version_1903_updated_sept_2019_x64_dvd_a10b235d.iso**
- - iso wim index: **5** (Windows 10 Professional)
- - architecture: **x86-64**
- - language: **en-US**
- - system timezone: **UTC**
- #### integration
- - commits and build tasks:
- #### deployment
- - platform: **azure (centralus, northcentralus, southcentralus, eastus, eastus2)**
- - last worker pool update: 2021-04-27 23:34 [NvDKQt_DSsKbhCY8LK6EIg](
- owner:
- config:
- {
- "launchConfigs": [
- {
- "billingProfile": {
- "maxPrice": -1
- },
- "capacityPerInstance": 1,
- "diagnosticsProfile": {
- "bootDiagnostics": {
- "enabled": false
- }
- },
- "evictionPolicy": "Delete",
- "hardwareProfile": {
- "vmSize": "Standard_DS3_v2"
- },
- "location": "eastus",
- "osProfile": {
- "windowsConfiguration": {
- "enableAutomaticUpdates": false,
- "timeZone": "UTC"
- }
- },
- "priority": "Spot",
- "storageProfile": {
- "dataDisks": [
- {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "diskSizeGB": 30,
- "lun": 0,
- "managedDisk": {
- "storageAccountType": "Standard_LRS"
- }
- }
- ],
- "imageReference": {
- "id": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-packer-through-cib/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/gecko-t-win10-64-azure-eastus-f678428"
- },
- "osDisk": {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "osType": "Windows"
- }
- },
- "subnetId": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-east-us-gecko-t/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vn-east-us-gecko-t/subnets/sn-east-us-gecko-t",
- "tags": {
- "deploymentId": "f678428",
- "markcovar": "empty_var",
- "sourceOrganisation": "mozilla-platform-ops",
- "sourceRepository": "ronin_puppet",
- "sourceRevision": "cloud_windows",
- "sourceScript": "provisioners/windows/azure/azure-bootstrap.ps1",
- "workerType": "gecko-t-win10-64-azure"
- },
- "workerConfig": {
- "genericWorker": {
- "config": {
- "cachesDir": "Z:\\caches",
- "cleanUpTaskDirs": true,
- "deploymentId": "f678428",
- "disableReboots": false,
- "downloadsDir": "Z:\\downloads",
- "ed25519SigningKeyLocation": "C:\\generic-worker\\ed25519-private.key",
- "idleTimeoutSecs": 90,
- "livelogExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\livelog.exe",
- "numberOfTasksToRun": 0,
- "provisionerId": "gecko-t",
- "runAfterUserCreation": "C:\\generic-worker\\task-user-init.cmd",
- "runTasksAsCurrentUser": false,
- "sentryProject": "generic-worker",
- "shutdownMachineOnIdle": true,
- "shutdownMachineOnInternalError": true,
- "taskclusterProxyExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\taskcluster-proxy.exe",
- "taskclusterProxyPort": 80,
- "tasksDir": "Z:\\",
- "workerGroup": "eastusgeckot",
- "workerLocation": "{\"cloud\":\"azure\",\"region\":\"eastus\",\"availabilityZone\":\"eastus\"}",
- "workerType": "win10-64-azure",
- "wstAudience": "cloudopsstage",
- "wstServerURL": ""
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "billingProfile": {
- "maxPrice": -1
- },
- "capacityPerInstance": 1,
- "diagnosticsProfile": {
- "bootDiagnostics": {
- "enabled": false
- }
- },
- "evictionPolicy": "Delete",
- "hardwareProfile": {
- "vmSize": "Standard_DS3_v2"
- },
- "location": "eastus2",
- "osProfile": {
- "windowsConfiguration": {
- "enableAutomaticUpdates": false,
- "timeZone": "UTC"
- }
- },
- "priority": "Spot",
- "storageProfile": {
- "dataDisks": [
- {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "diskSizeGB": 30,
- "lun": 0,
- "managedDisk": {
- "storageAccountType": "Standard_LRS"
- }
- }
- ],
- "imageReference": {
- "id": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-packer-through-cib/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/gecko-t-win10-64-azure-eastus2-f678428"
- },
- "osDisk": {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "osType": "Windows"
- }
- },
- "subnetId": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-east-us-2-gecko-t/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vn-east-us-2-gecko-t/subnets/sn-east-us-2-gecko-t",
- "tags": {
- "deploymentId": "f678428",
- "markcovar": "empty_var",
- "sourceOrganisation": "mozilla-platform-ops",
- "sourceRepository": "ronin_puppet",
- "sourceRevision": "cloud_windows",
- "sourceScript": "provisioners/windows/azure/azure-bootstrap.ps1",
- "workerType": "gecko-t-win10-64-azure"
- },
- "workerConfig": {
- "genericWorker": {
- "config": {
- "cachesDir": "Z:\\caches",
- "cleanUpTaskDirs": true,
- "deploymentId": "f678428",
- "disableReboots": false,
- "downloadsDir": "Z:\\downloads",
- "ed25519SigningKeyLocation": "C:\\generic-worker\\ed25519-private.key",
- "idleTimeoutSecs": 300,
- "livelogExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\livelog.exe",
- "numberOfTasksToRun": 0,
- "provisionerId": "gecko-t",
- "runAfterUserCreation": "C:\\generic-worker\\task-user-init.cmd",
- "runTasksAsCurrentUser": false,
- "sentryProject": "generic-worker",
- "shutdownMachineOnIdle": true,
- "shutdownMachineOnInternalError": true,
- "taskclusterProxyExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\taskcluster-proxy.exe",
- "taskclusterProxyPort": 80,
- "tasksDir": "Z:\\",
- "workerGroup": "eastus2geckot",
- "workerLocation": "{\"cloud\":\"azure\",\"region\":\"eastus2\",\"availabilityZone\":\"eastus2\"}",
- "workerType": "win10-64-azure",
- "wstAudience": "cloudopsstage",
- "wstServerURL": ""
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "billingProfile": {
- "maxPrice": -1
- },
- "capacityPerInstance": 1,
- "diagnosticsProfile": {
- "bootDiagnostics": {
- "enabled": false
- }
- },
- "evictionPolicy": "Delete",
- "hardwareProfile": {
- "vmSize": "Standard_DS3_v2"
- },
- "location": "CentralUS",
- "osProfile": {
- "windowsConfiguration": {
- "enableAutomaticUpdates": false,
- "timeZone": "UTC"
- }
- },
- "priority": "Spot",
- "storageProfile": {
- "dataDisks": [
- {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "diskSizeGB": 30,
- "lun": 0,
- "managedDisk": {
- "storageAccountType": "Standard_LRS"
- }
- }
- ],
- "imageReference": {
- "id": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-packer-through-cib/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/gecko-t-win10-64-azure-centralus-f678428"
- },
- "osDisk": {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "osType": "Windows"
- }
- },
- "subnetId": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-central-us-gecko-t/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vn-central-us-gecko-t/subnets/sn-central-us-gecko-t",
- "tags": {
- "deploymentId": "f678428",
- "markcovar": "empty_var",
- "sourceOrganisation": "mozilla-platform-ops",
- "sourceRepository": "ronin_puppet",
- "sourceRevision": "cloud_windows",
- "sourceScript": "provisioners/windows/azure/azure-bootstrap.ps1",
- "workerType": "gecko-t-win10-64-azure"
- },
- "workerConfig": {
- "genericWorker": {
- "config": {
- "cachesDir": "Z:\\caches",
- "cleanUpTaskDirs": true,
- "deploymentId": "f678428",
- "disableReboots": false,
- "downloadsDir": "Z:\\downloads",
- "ed25519SigningKeyLocation": "C:\\generic-worker\\ed25519-private.key",
- "idleTimeoutSecs": 300,
- "livelogExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\livelog.exe",
- "numberOfTasksToRun": 0,
- "provisionerId": "gecko-t",
- "runAfterUserCreation": "C:\\generic-worker\\task-user-init.cmd",
- "runTasksAsCurrentUser": false,
- "sentryProject": "generic-worker",
- "shutdownMachineOnIdle": true,
- "shutdownMachineOnInternalError": true,
- "taskclusterProxyExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\taskcluster-proxy.exe",
- "taskclusterProxyPort": 80,
- "tasksDir": "Z:\\",
- "workerGroup": "centralusgeckot",
- "workerLocation": "{\"cloud\":\"azure\",\"region\":\"centralus\",\"availabilityZone\":\"centralus\"}",
- "workerType": "win10-64-azure",
- "wstAudience": "cloudopsstage",
- "wstServerURL": ""
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "billingProfile": {
- "maxPrice": -1
- },
- "capacityPerInstance": 1,
- "diagnosticsProfile": {
- "bootDiagnostics": {
- "enabled": false
- }
- },
- "evictionPolicy": "Delete",
- "hardwareProfile": {
- "vmSize": "Standard_DS3_v2"
- },
- "location": "NorthCentralUS",
- "osProfile": {
- "windowsConfiguration": {
- "enableAutomaticUpdates": false,
- "timeZone": "UTC"
- }
- },
- "priority": "Spot",
- "storageProfile": {
- "dataDisks": [
- {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "diskSizeGB": 30,
- "lun": 0,
- "managedDisk": {
- "storageAccountType": "Standard_LRS"
- }
- }
- ],
- "imageReference": {
- "id": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-packer-through-cib/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/gecko-t-win10-64-azure-northcentralus-f678428"
- },
- "osDisk": {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "osType": "Windows"
- }
- },
- "subnetId": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-north-central-us-gecko-t/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vn-north-central-us-gecko-t/subnets/sn-north-central-us-gecko-t",
- "tags": {
- "deploymentId": "f678428",
- "markcovar": "empty_var",
- "sourceOrganisation": "mozilla-platform-ops",
- "sourceRepository": "ronin_puppet",
- "sourceRevision": "cloud_windows",
- "sourceScript": "provisioners/windows/azure/azure-bootstrap.ps1",
- "workerType": "gecko-t-win10-64-azure"
- },
- "workerConfig": {
- "genericWorker": {
- "config": {
- "cachesDir": "Z:\\caches",
- "cleanUpTaskDirs": true,
- "deploymentId": "f678428",
- "disableReboots": false,
- "downloadsDir": "Z:\\downloads",
- "ed25519SigningKeyLocation": "C:\\generic-worker\\ed25519-private.key",
- "idleTimeoutSecs": 300,
- "livelogExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\livelog.exe",
- "numberOfTasksToRun": 0,
- "provisionerId": "gecko-t",
- "runAfterUserCreation": "C:\\generic-worker\\task-user-init.cmd",
- "runTasksAsCurrentUser": false,
- "sentryProject": "generic-worker",
- "shutdownMachineOnIdle": true,
- "shutdownMachineOnInternalError": true,
- "taskclusterProxyExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\taskcluster-proxy.exe",
- "taskclusterProxyPort": 80,
- "tasksDir": "Z:\\",
- "workerGroup": "northcentralusgeckot",
- "workerLocation": "{\"cloud\":\"azure\",\"region\":\"centralus\",\"availabilityZone\":\"centralus\"}",
- "workerType": "win10-64-azure",
- "wstAudience": "cloudopsstage",
- "wstServerURL": ""
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "billingProfile": {
- "maxPrice": -1
- },
- "capacityPerInstance": 1,
- "diagnosticsProfile": {
- "bootDiagnostics": {
- "enabled": false
- }
- },
- "evictionPolicy": "Delete",
- "hardwareProfile": {
- "vmSize": "Standard_DS3_v2"
- },
- "location": "SouthCentralUS",
- "osProfile": {
- "windowsConfiguration": {
- "enableAutomaticUpdates": false,
- "timeZone": "UTC"
- }
- },
- "priority": "Spot",
- "storageProfile": {
- "dataDisks": [
- {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "diskSizeGB": 30,
- "lun": 0,
- "managedDisk": {
- "storageAccountType": "Standard_LRS"
- }
- }
- ],
- "imageReference": {
- "id": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-packer-through-cib/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/gecko-t-win10-64-azure-southcentralus-f678428"
- },
- "osDisk": {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "osType": "Windows"
- }
- },
- "subnetId": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-south-central-us-gecko-t/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vn-south-central-us-gecko-t/subnets/sn-south-central-us-gecko-t",
- "tags": {
- "deploymentId": "f678428",
- "markcovar": "empty_var",
- "sourceOrganisation": "mozilla-platform-ops",
- "sourceRepository": "ronin_puppet",
- "sourceRevision": "cloud_windows",
- "sourceScript": "provisioners/windows/azure/azure-bootstrap.ps1",
- "workerType": "gecko-t-win10-64-azure"
- },
- "workerConfig": {
- "genericWorker": {
- "config": {
- "cachesDir": "Z:\\caches",
- "cleanUpTaskDirs": true,
- "deploymentId": "f678428",
- "disableReboots": false,
- "downloadsDir": "Z:\\downloads",
- "ed25519SigningKeyLocation": "C:\\generic-worker\\ed25519-private.key",
- "idleTimeoutSecs": 300,
- "livelogExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\livelog.exe",
- "numberOfTasksToRun": 0,
- "provisionerId": "gecko-t",
- "runAfterUserCreation": "C:\\generic-worker\\task-user-init.cmd",
- "runTasksAsCurrentUser": false,
- "sentryProject": "generic-worker",
- "shutdownMachineOnIdle": true,
- "shutdownMachineOnInternalError": true,
- "taskclusterProxyExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\taskcluster-proxy.exe",
- "taskclusterProxyPort": 80,
- "tasksDir": "Z:\\",
- "workerGroup": "southcentralusgeckot",
- "workerLocation": "{\"cloud\":\"azure\",\"region\":\"centralus\",\"availabilityZone\":\"centralus\"}",
- "workerType": "win10-64-azure",
- "wstAudience": "cloudopsstage",
- "wstServerURL": ""
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "billingProfile": {
- "maxPrice": -1
- },
- "capacityPerInstance": 1,
- "diagnosticsProfile": {
- "bootDiagnostics": {
- "enabled": false
- }
- },
- "evictionPolicy": "Delete",
- "hardwareProfile": {
- "vmSize": "Standard_DS3_v2"
- },
- "location": "WestUS",
- "osProfile": {
- "windowsConfiguration": {
- "enableAutomaticUpdates": false,
- "timeZone": "UTC"
- }
- },
- "priority": "Spot",
- "storageProfile": {
- "dataDisks": [
- {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "diskSizeGB": 30,
- "lun": 0,
- "managedDisk": {
- "storageAccountType": "Standard_LRS"
- }
- }
- ],
- "imageReference": {
- "id": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-packer-through-cib/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/gecko-t-win10-64-azure-westus-f678428"
- },
- "osDisk": {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "osType": "Windows"
- }
- },
- "subnetId": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-west-us-gecko-t/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vn-west-us-gecko-t/subnets/sn-west-us-gecko-t",
- "tags": {
- "deploymentId": "f678428",
- "markcovar": "empty_var",
- "sourceOrganisation": "mozilla-platform-ops",
- "sourceRepository": "ronin_puppet",
- "sourceRevision": "cloud_windows",
- "sourceScript": "provisioners/windows/azure/azure-bootstrap.ps1",
- "workerType": "gecko-t-win10-64-azure"
- },
- "workerConfig": {
- "genericWorker": {
- "config": {
- "cachesDir": "Z:\\caches",
- "cleanUpTaskDirs": true,
- "deploymentId": "f678428",
- "disableReboots": false,
- "downloadsDir": "Z:\\downloads",
- "ed25519SigningKeyLocation": "C:\\generic-worker\\ed25519-private.key",
- "idleTimeoutSecs": 300,
- "livelogExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\livelog.exe",
- "numberOfTasksToRun": 0,
- "provisionerId": "gecko-t",
- "runAfterUserCreation": "C:\\generic-worker\\task-user-init.cmd",
- "runTasksAsCurrentUser": false,
- "sentryProject": "generic-worker",
- "shutdownMachineOnIdle": true,
- "shutdownMachineOnInternalError": true,
- "taskclusterProxyExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\taskcluster-proxy.exe",
- "taskclusterProxyPort": 80,
- "tasksDir": "Z:\\",
- "workerGroup": "westusgeckot",
- "workerLocation": "{\"cloud\":\"azure\",\"region\":\"centralus\",\"availabilityZone\":\"centralus\"}",
- "workerType": "win10-64-azure",
- "wstAudience": "cloudopsstage",
- "wstServerURL": ""
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "billingProfile": {
- "maxPrice": -1
- },
- "capacityPerInstance": 1,
- "diagnosticsProfile": {
- "bootDiagnostics": {
- "enabled": false
- }
- },
- "evictionPolicy": "Delete",
- "hardwareProfile": {
- "vmSize": "Standard_DS3_v2"
- },
- "location": "WestUS2",
- "osProfile": {
- "windowsConfiguration": {
- "enableAutomaticUpdates": false,
- "timeZone": "UTC"
- }
- },
- "priority": "Spot",
- "storageProfile": {
- "dataDisks": [
- {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "diskSizeGB": 30,
- "lun": 0,
- "managedDisk": {
- "storageAccountType": "Standard_LRS"
- }
- }
- ],
- "imageReference": {
- "id": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-packer-through-cib/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/gecko-t-win10-64-azure-westus2-f678428"
- },
- "osDisk": {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "osType": "Windows"
- }
- },
- "subnetId": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-west-us-2-gecko-t/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vn-west-us-2-gecko-t/subnets/sn-west-us-2-gecko-t",
- "tags": {
- "deploymentId": "f678428",
- "markcovar": "empty_var",
- "sourceOrganisation": "mozilla-platform-ops",
- "sourceRepository": "ronin_puppet",
- "sourceRevision": "cloud_windows",
- "sourceScript": "provisioners/windows/azure/azure-bootstrap.ps1",
- "workerType": "gecko-t-win10-64-azure"
- },
- "workerConfig": {
- "genericWorker": {
- "config": {
- "cachesDir": "Z:\\caches",
- "cleanUpTaskDirs": true,
- "deploymentId": "f678428",
- "disableReboots": false,
- "downloadsDir": "Z:\\downloads",
- "ed25519SigningKeyLocation": "C:\\generic-worker\\ed25519-private.key",
- "idleTimeoutSecs": 300,
- "livelogExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\livelog.exe",
- "numberOfTasksToRun": 0,
- "provisionerId": "gecko-t",
- "runAfterUserCreation": "C:\\generic-worker\\task-user-init.cmd",
- "runTasksAsCurrentUser": false,
- "sentryProject": "generic-worker",
- "shutdownMachineOnIdle": true,
- "shutdownMachineOnInternalError": true,
- "taskclusterProxyExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\taskcluster-proxy.exe",
- "taskclusterProxyPort": 80,
- "tasksDir": "Z:\\",
- "workerGroup": "westus2geckot",
- "workerLocation": "{\"cloud\":\"azure\",\"region\":\"centralus\",\"availabilityZone\":\"centralus\"}",
- "workerType": "win10-64-azure",
- "wstAudience": "cloudopsstage",
- "wstServerURL": ""
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "lifecycle": {
- "registrationTimeout": 3600,
- "reregistrationTimeout": 86400
- },
- "maxCapacity": 300,
- "minCapacity": 0
- }
- emailOnError: True
- providerId: azure2
- WorkerPool=gecko-t/win10-64-azure-a8v2:
- workerPoolId: gecko-t/win10-64-azure-a8v2
- description:
- *DO NOT EDIT* - This resource is configured automatically by [ci-admin](
- owner:
- config:
- {
- "launchConfigs": [
- {
- "billingProfile": {
- "maxPrice": -1
- },
- "capacityPerInstance": 1,
- "diagnosticsProfile": {
- "bootDiagnostics": {
- "enabled": false
- }
- },
- "evictionPolicy": "Delete",
- "hardwareProfile": {
- "vmSize": "Standard_A8_v2"
- },
- "location": "eastus",
- "osProfile": {
- "windowsConfiguration": {
- "enableAutomaticUpdates": false,
- "timeZone": "UTC"
- }
- },
- "priority": "Spot",
- "storageProfile": {
- "dataDisks": [
- {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "diskSizeGB": 30,
- "lun": 0,
- "managedDisk": {
- "storageAccountType": "Standard_LRS"
- }
- }
- ],
- "imageReference": {
- "id": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-packer-through-cib/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/gecko-t-win10-64-azure-eastus-0d66002"
- },
- "osDisk": {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "osType": "Windows"
- }
- },
- "subnetId": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-east-us-gecko-t/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vn-east-us-gecko-t/subnets/sn-east-us-gecko-t",
- "tags": {
- "deploymentId": "0d66002",
- "markcovar": "empty_var",
- "sourceOrganisation": "mozilla-platform-ops",
- "sourceRepository": "ronin_puppet",
- "sourceRevision": "cloud_windows",
- "sourceScript": "provisioners/windows/azure/azure-bootstrap.ps1",
- "workerType": "gecko-t-win10-64-azure-a8v2"
- },
- "workerConfig": {
- "genericWorker": {
- "config": {
- "cachesDir": "Z:\\caches",
- "cleanUpTaskDirs": true,
- "deploymentId": "0d66002",
- "disableReboots": false,
- "downloadsDir": "Z:\\downloads",
- "ed25519SigningKeyLocation": "C:\\generic-worker\\ed25519-private.key",
- "idleTimeoutSecs": 600,
- "livelogExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\livelog.exe",
- "numberOfTasksToRun": 0,
- "provisionerId": "gecko-t",
- "runAfterUserCreation": "C:\\generic-worker\\task-user-init.cmd",
- "runTasksAsCurrentUser": false,
- "sentryProject": "generic-worker",
- "shutdownMachineOnIdle": true,
- "shutdownMachineOnInternalError": true,
- "taskclusterProxyExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\taskcluster-proxy.exe",
- "taskclusterProxyPort": 80,
- "tasksDir": "Z:\\",
- "workerGroup": "east",
- "workerLocation": "{\"cloud\":\"azure\",\"region\":\"eastus\",\"availabilityZone\":\"eastus\"}",
- "workerType": "win10-64-azure-a8v2",
- "wstAudience": "cloudopsstage",
- "wstServerURL": ""
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "billingProfile": {
- "maxPrice": -1
- },
- "capacityPerInstance": 1,
- "diagnosticsProfile": {
- "bootDiagnostics": {
- "enabled": false
- }
- },
- "evictionPolicy": "Delete",
- "hardwareProfile": {
- "vmSize": "Standard_A8_v2"
- },
- "location": "eastus2",
- "osProfile": {
- "windowsConfiguration": {
- "enableAutomaticUpdates": false,
- "timeZone": "UTC"
- }
- },
- "priority": "Spot",
- "storageProfile": {
- "dataDisks": [
- {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "diskSizeGB": 30,
- "lun": 0,
- "managedDisk": {
- "storageAccountType": "Standard_LRS"
- }
- }
- ],
- "imageReference": {
- "id": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-packer-through-cib/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/gecko-t-win10-64-azure-eastus2-0d66002"
- },
- "osDisk": {
- "createOption": "FromImage",
- "osType": "Windows"
- }
- },
- "subnetId": "/subscriptions/108d46d5-fe9b-4850-9a7d-8c914aa6c1f0/resourceGroups/rg-east-us-2-gecko-t/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vn-east-us-2-gecko-t/subnets/sn-east-us-2-gecko-t",
- "tags": {
- "deploymentId": "0d66002",
- "markcovar": "empty_var",
- "sourceOrganisation": "mozilla-platform-ops",
- "sourceRepository": "ronin_puppet",
- "sourceRevision": "cloud_windows",
- "sourceScript": "provisioners/windows/azure/azure-bootstrap.ps1",
- "workerType": "gecko-t-win10-64-azure-a8v2"
- },
- "workerConfig": {
- "genericWorker": {
- "config": {
- "cachesDir": "Z:\\caches",
- "cleanUpTaskDirs": true,
- "deploymentId": "0d66002",
- "disableReboots": false,
- "downloadsDir": "Z:\\downloads",
- "ed25519SigningKeyLocation": "C:\\generic-worker\\ed25519-private.key",
- "idleTimeoutSecs": 600,
- "livelogExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\livelog.exe",
- "numberOfTasksToRun": 0,
- "provisionerId": "gecko-t",
- "runAfterUserCreation": "C:\\generic-worker\\task-user-init.cmd",
- "runTasksAsCurrentUser": false,
- "sentryProject": "generic-worker",
- "shutdownMachineOnIdle": true,
- "shutdownMachineOnInternalError": true,
- "taskclusterProxyExecutable": "C:\\generic-worker\\taskcluster-proxy.exe",
- "taskclusterProxyPort": 80,
- "tasksDir": "Z:\\",
- "workerGroup": "east2",
- "workerLocation": "{\"cloud\":\"azure\",\"region\":\"eastus2\",\"availabilityZone\":\"eastus2\"}",
- "workerType": "win10-64-azure-a8v2",
- "wstAudience": "cloudopsstage",
- "wstServerURL": ""
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "lifecycle": {
- "registrationTimeout": 3600,
- "reregistrationTimeout": 86400
- },
- "maxCapacity": 300,
- "minCapacity": 0
- }
- emailOnError: True
- providerId: azure2
workerPoolId: glean-1/b-linux
*DO NOT EDIT* - This resource is configured automatically by [ci-admin](
Worker for rust projects by Glean team
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