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Forked from cuixin/csv.lua
Created March 20, 2014 23:59
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-- Using lua to parse CSV file to a table.
-- Notice: first line must be data description filed.
-- The separator is '|', change it if you want.
-- Usage: csv = require('csv')
-- tab = csv.load('test.csv', ',')
-- table.foreach(tab[1], print)
-- print(tab[1].you_field)
local error = error
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local lines = io.lines
local insert = table.insert
local ipairs = ipairs
local string = string
string.split = function (str, pattern)
pattern = pattern or "[^%s]+"
if pattern:len() == 0 then pattern = "[^%s]+" end
local parts = {__index = insert}
setmetatable(parts, parts)
str:gsub(pattern, parts)
setmetatable(parts, nil)
parts.__index = nil
return parts
local function parse_title(title, sep)
local desc = title:split("[^" .. sep .. "]+")
local class_mt = {}
for k, v in ipairs(desc) do
class_mt[v] = k
return class_mt
local function parse_line(mt, line, sep)
local data = line:split("[^" .. sep .. "]+")
setmetatable(data, mt)
return data
function load(path, sep)
local tag, sep, mt, data = false, sep or '|', nil, {}
for line in lines(path) do
if not tag then
tag = true
mt = parse_title(line, sep)
mt.__index = function(t, k) if mt[k] then return t[mt[k]] else return nil end end
mt.__newindex = function(t, k, v) error('attempt to write to undeclare variable "' .. k .. '"') end
insert(data, parse_line(mt, line, sep))
return data
local class_mt = {
__newindex = function(t, k, v)
error('attempt to write to undeclare variable "' .. k .. '"')
setmetatable(_M, class_mt)
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