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Created October 17, 2020 17:48
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Signal/Background Counting Experiment in Turing.jl
using Turing
using Distributions
using StatsPlots
using StatsBase
using Random
# Setup Turing
# Binning Function
bin(data, edges) = fit(Histogram, data, edges);
# Sample Signal/Background
sample_signal(n; μ=1, σ=0) = rand(Normal(μ, σ), n)
sample_background(n; θ=1) = rand(Exponential(θ), n)
# Sample Generator
function sample_full(n; θ=1, μ=1, σ=0, r=1)
return (sample_signal(round(Int, n * r); μ=μ, σ=σ),
sample_background(n; θ=θ))
# Signal/Background Estimate Generator
function expected(n, binning; θ=1, μ=1, σ=0, r=1)
s, b = sample_full(n; θ=θ, μ=μ, σ=σ, r=r)
sₕ = bin(s, binning)
bₕ = bin(b, binning)
return sₕ, bₕ, merge(bₕ, sₕ)
# Fake Data Generator
function observed(α, n, binning; θ=1, μ=1, σ=0, r=1)
s, b = sample_full(n; θ=θ, μ=μ, σ=σ, r=r)
sₕ = bin(s, binning)
sₕ.weights = map(w -> round(Int, α * w), sₕ.weights)
return merge(sₕ, bin(b, binning))
# Fake Data Generator
function observed(α, sₕ, bₕ)
dsₕ = deepcopy(sₕ)
dsₕ.weights = map(w -> round(Int, α * w), dsₕ.weights)
return merge(dsₕ, bₕ)
# True Signal Strength
true_α = 0.25
# Make Expected Counts and Fake Data
N = 4000
binning = 0:0.1:2.5
θ = 0.56
μ = 1.12
σ = 0.09
r = 0.1
signal, background, total = expected(N, binning; θ=θ, μ=μ, σ=σ, r=r)
data = observed(true_α, N, binning; θ=θ, μ=μ, σ=σ, r=r)
# "Bump Hunt" Plot
plot(total, title="Bump Hunt", label="expected signal")
plot!(background, label="expected background")
scatter!(data, label="data", color=:black)
# Counting Experiment Model
@model counting_experiment(data, signal, background) = begin
# Signal Strength Prior
α ~ Flat()
# Draw a Poisson Process in each Bin
for i in eachindex(data)
data[i] ~ Poisson(α * signal[i] + background[i])
iterations = 1000
# HMC:
ϵ = 0.001
τ = 1
hmc_sampler = HMC(iterations, ϵ, τ);
# MH:
mh_sampler = MH(iterations);
adapts = 200
δ = 0.65
nuts_sampler = NUTS(iterations, adapts, δ)
# Sample Many Markov Chains
sample_many(n, args...) = mapreduce(_ -> sample(args...), chainscat, 1:n)
# Compute the Posterior
chains = 12
algorithm = mh_sampler
model_instance = counting_experiment(data.weights,
observed_posterior = sample_many(chains, model_instance, algorithm)
println("true_α = $true_α")
println("median(α) = $(median(observed_posterior[:α].value))")
histogram(observed_posterior[:α], bins=70)
# 95% Confidence Limit for Signal Strength
limit(posterior; q=0.95) = quantile(posterior, q=[q])[1, 2]
# Observed Limit
observed_limit = limit(observed_posterior[:α])
chains = round(Int, chains / 3)
limit_samples = 100
expected_limits = Vector{Float64}(undef, limit_samples)
for i in 1:limit_samples
sb = bin(sample_background(N; θ=θ), binning)
toy_model = counting_experiment(sb.weights,
expected_limits[i] = limit(sample_many(chains, toy_model, algorithm))
histogram(expected_limits, bins=50)
expected_bands = quantile(expected_limits, [0.025, 0.16, 0.5, 0.84, 0.975])
plus_2σ = expected_bands[5]
excess_found = plus_2σ < observed_limit
println(excess_found ? "excess:" : "upper limit:")
println(" +2σ=", plus_2σ, " $(excess_found ? '<' : '>') obs=", observed_limit)
plus_5σ = quantile(expected_limits, 0.999999426697)
@model counting_experiment(data, control) = begin
N = length(data)
signal = Vector(undef, N)
background = Vector(undef, N)
# Signal Strength Prior
α ~ Flat()
# Background in Control Region
τ ~ Flat()
# Fit Signal to Normal(μ, σ²)
σ² ~ InverseGamma(2, 3)
μ ~ Normal(0, √σ²)
# Fit Background to Exponential(θ)
θ ~ Flat()
# Draw a Poisson Process in each Bin
for i in 1:N
# Fit Signal and Background
signal[i] ~ Normal(μ, σ²)
background[i] ~ Exponential(θ)
# Estimate Expected Counts
data[i] ~ Poisson(α * signal[i] + background[i])
control[i] ~ Poisson(τ * background[i])
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