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Created September 1, 2013 20:20
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Save bhollis/6407054 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
I hate how iMovie wants to move your files into its own directory structure, which is slow and wasteful. This script creates iMovie events as hardlinks to my own directory structure. Hardlinks are requires so that iMovie will let you mark favorites/rejected.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Usage: imovie-event SRC [EVENT NAME]
# Creates an iMovie event for all the .MOV files at "SRC".
# For me, the iMovie Events folder and some other rules are hardcoded.
require 'fileutils'
IMOVIE_EVENTS = "/Volumes/Photo & Backup/iMovie Events.localized/"
src = ARGV.shift
event_name = ARGV.shift
# If it's a GoPro conversion folder, use the parent folder event_name
unless event_name
folder = File.basename(src)
if folder =~ /Converted/i # My convention for converted GoPro files
folder = File.basename(File.dirname(src))
orig_dest = File.join(IMOVIE_EVENTS, folder)
if File.exist?(orig_dest) && !File.symlink?(orig_dest)
folder << " GoPro"
event_name = folder
dest = File.join(IMOVIE_EVENTS, event_name)
# I tried using symlinks, but iMovie won't let you mark
# favorites/rejected if you do that, so replace with hardlinks
if File.symlink? dest
File.delete dest
# Only look for MOV files - GoPro .MP4s need conversion
Dir.glob(File.join(src, "*.{mov,MOV}")) do |f|
next if
FileUtils.mkdir_p dest
dest_file = File.join(dest, File.basename(f))
FileUtils.ln f, dest_file, verbose: true unless File.exist?(dest_file)
# Move over any previously-computed iMovie thumbnails from my
# symlinks experiment to save time.
thumbs = File.join(File.dirname(f), 'iMovie Thumbnails')
if File.exists? thumbs thumbs, dest, verbose: true
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