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Last active February 7, 2016 00:08
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String interpolation in Python 2 using `eval` and `inspect` to get caller's locals.
import inspect
import re
def fmt(s):
Interpolate arbitrary expressions inside '{}' in strings (similar to Ruby or Scala).
It should go without saying that because this uses `eval`, it is unsafe to use with any user-provided inputs.
It is also probably terribly slow because it's using `inspect` to get the caller's local variables.
x = 1
print fmt('x is {x}, x+1 is {x+1}')
> x is 1, x+1 is 2
caller_locals = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals
return re.compile(r"{(.*?)}").sub(lambda m: str(eval(, globals(), caller_locals)), str(s))
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