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Last active June 20, 2024 08:34
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Testing Stimulus with Jest in a Rails App. Stimulus isn't mounted before the test runs, so these helpers wrap the calls in async functions to fix race conditions.
// This helper file provides a consistent API for testing Stimulus Controllers
// Use:
// import { getHTML, setHTML, startStimulus } from './_stimulus_helper';
// import MyController from '@javascripts/controllers/my_controller';
// beforeEach(() => startStimulus('my', MyController));
// test('should do something', async () => {
// await setHTML(`<button data-controller="my" data-action="my#action">click</button>`);
// const button = screen.getByText('click');
// await;
// expect(getHTML()).toEqual('something');
// });
import { Application } from '@hotwired/stimulus';
// Initializes and registers the controller for the test file
// Use it in a before block:
// beforeEach(() => startStimulus('dom', DomController));
// @name = string of the controller
// @controller = controller class
export function startStimulus(name, controller) {
const application = Application.start();
application.register(name, controller);
// Helper function for setting HTML
// - It trims content to prevent false negatives
// - It's async so there's time for the Stimulus controller to load
// Use within tests:
// await setHTML(`<p>My HTML Content</p>`);
export async function setHTML(content = '') {
document.body.innerHTML = content.trim();
return document.body.innerHTML;
// Helper function for getting HTML content
// - Trims content to prevent false negatives
// - Is consistent with setHTML
// Use within tests:
// expect(getHTML()).toEqual('something');
export function getHTML() {
return document.body.innerHTML.trim();
import { screen } from '@testing-library/dom';
import { getHTML, setHTML, startStimulus } from './_stimulus_helper';
import DomController from '@javascripts/controllers/dom_controller';
beforeEach(() => startStimulus('dom', DomController));
test('should remove itself', async () => {
await setHTML(`<button data-controller="dom" data-action="dom#remove">remove</button>`);
const button = screen.getByText('remove');
test('should remove the parent element', async () => {
await setHTML(`
<div data-controller="dom">
<a data-action="dom#remove:once">remove</a>
const button = screen.getByText('remove');
module.exports = {
setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./jest.setup.js'],
testMatch: ['**/test/**/*.test.js'],
cacheDirectory: './tmp/cache/jest',
moduleNameMapper: {
'@javascripts(.*)$': '<rootDir>/app/assets/javascripts$1',
testEnvironment: 'jsdom',
transformIgnorePatterns: ['node_modules']
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime';
import '@testing-library/jest-dom';
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@gwdox I used Slim templates in this app, but found it easier to use setHTML (above) than import and parse slim. It means you miss an integration step in the tests -- the tested HTML markup may not be what's actually in use -- but I was more focused on unit testing. The Stimulus controller actually worked as documented and would work with identical setup.

You could probably use the NPM Slim package to parse slim, and have that pass through as a function. I'm not sure exactly which function they use though.

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gwdox commented Mar 25, 2023

Thanks. Will report back if I figure out how to do it.

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