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Created October 13, 2014 22:03
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<canvas id="drawing-board" height="1000" width="1000"></canvas>
<script type="text/javascript">
var c = document.getElementById("drawing-board");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCanvas, false);
function resizeCanvas() {
c.width = window.innerWidth;
c.height = window.innerHeight;
c.addEventListener('mousedown', startDraw);
c.addEventListener('mouseup', endDraw);
var update;
function startDraw(e) {
var grad = makeColorGradient(.3,.3,.3,0,2,4, 230,45, 80);
var incrementer = 1;
var currentColorIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*grad.length);
var delta = 0.02;
var x = e.pageX - c.offsetLeft,
y = e.pageY - c.offsetTop;
var previousLine = [];
update = setInterval(function() {
c.addEventListener('mousemove', function(drag){
x = drag.pageX - c.offsetLeft,
y = drag.pageY - c.offsetTop;
}, false);
var radsInCircle = 2*Math.PI;
var angle = delta*radsInCircle;
delta += 0.008;
var maxLength = 30;
var minLength = 18;
var length = (Math.random()*maxLength) + minLength;
var endpoints = [{x: x+Math.sin(angle)*length, y: y+Math.cos(angle)*length},
{x: x+Math.sin(angle)*(-length), y: y+Math.cos(angle)*(-length)}];
ctx.globalAlpha = Math.random();
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.moveTo(endpoints[0].x, endpoints[0].y);
ctx.lineTo(endpoints[1].x, endpoints[1].y);
ctx.strokeStyle = grad[currentColorIndex];
if (previousLine.length != 0) {
ctx.fillStyle = grad[currentColorIndex];
ctx.stokeStyle = grad[currentColorIndex];
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.8;
ctx.moveTo(endpoints[0].x, endpoints[0].y);
ctx.lineTo(endpoints[1].x, endpoints[1].y);
ctx.lineTo(previousLine[1].x, previousLine[1].y);
ctx.lineTo(previousLine[0].x, previousLine[0].y);
previousLine = endpoints;
currentColorIndex += incrementer;
if (currentColorIndex == grad.length || currentColorIndex == 0) {
incrementer = -incrementer;
}, 10);
function endDraw(e) {
function gradient(startColor, endColor, steps) {
var start = {
'Hex' : startColor,
'R' : parseInt(startColor.slice(1,3), 16),
'G' : parseInt(startColor.slice(3,5), 16),
'B' : parseInt(startColor.slice(5,7), 16)
var end = {
'Hex' : endColor,
'R' : parseInt(endColor.slice(1,3), 16),
'G' : parseInt(endColor.slice(3,5), 16),
'B' : parseInt(endColor.slice(5,7), 16)
var diffR = end['R'] - start['R'];
var diffG = end['G'] - start['G'];
var diffB = end['B'] - start['B'];
var stepsHex = new Array();
var stepsR = new Array();
var stepsG = new Array();
var stepsB = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i <= steps; i++) {
stepsR[i] = start['R'] + ((diffR / steps) * i);
stepsG[i] = start['G'] + ((diffG / steps) * i);
stepsB[i] = start['B'] + ((diffB / steps) * i);
stepsHex[i] = '#' + Math.round(stepsR[i]).toString(16) + '' + Math.round(stepsG[i]).toString(16) + '' + Math.round(stepsB[i]).toString(16);
return stepsHex;
function makeColorGradient(frequency1, frequency2, frequency3,
phase1, phase2, phase3,
center, width, len)
var colors = [];
if (center == undefined) center = 128;
if (width == undefined) width = 127;
if (len == undefined) len = 50;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i)
var red = Math.sin(frequency1*i + phase1) * width + center;
var green = Math.sin(frequency2*i + phase2) * width + center;
var blue = Math.sin(frequency3*i + phase3) * width + center;
var rgb = blue | (green << 8) | (red << 16);
colors.push('#' + rgb.toString(16));
return colors;
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