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Created January 16, 2022 07:57
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AoC 2021 Day 19
(struct scanner (id beacons fingerprint [rel/pos #:mutable]) #:transparent)
(struct beacon (id scanner rel/pos [abs/pos #:mutable]) #:transparent)
;; Any scanner can be the base, the problem uses scanner 0
(define *BASE* 0)
;; base scanner is S0.
;; Some scanners must overlap beacons with S0
;; Find their orientations/positions relative to S0
;; These form the queue of a BFS.
;; - queue item is orientation & vector needed to transform into S0's frame of reference
;; When scanner Sn is dequeued
;; - find all other (unprocessed) scanners Sk, with overlapping beacons
;; - find orientation & position of Sk relative to Sn
;; - combine Sk and Sn orientation/vector for Sk relative to S0
;; - add them to the queue.;;
;; part 1: iterate beacons for all scanners and count the unique positions (relative to S0)
;; part 2: iterate all scanner pairs and find the maximum manhattan distance
(define (part-02 input)
(define S (parse-scanners input))
(define unseen (apply mutable-seteq (remove *BASE* (hash-keys S))))
(define Q (make-queue))
(define (orientations/bfs)
(cond [(queue-empty? Q) (void)]
[else (match-define (list a:id O:a->*BASE* V:a->*BASE*) (dequeue! Q))
(define sa (hash-ref S a:id))
(for* ([v (in-set unseen)]
[sb (in-value (hash-ref S v))]
[I (in-list (intersections sa sb))])
(define-values (O:b->a V:b->a) (local-transformation I))
(define V:b->*BASE* (global-transformation O:a->*BASE* O:b->a V:a->*BASE* V:b->a (set-first I)))
(define O:b->*BAE* (reduce-orientation O:b->a O:a->*BASE*))
(set-scanner-rel/pos! sb V:b->*BASE*)
(for ([b (in-list (scanner-beacons sb))])
(define b/*BASE* (vec V:b->*BASE* (orientation (beacon-rel/pos b) O:b->*BAE*)))
(set-beacon-abs/pos! b b/*BASE*))
(set-remove! unseen v)
(enqueue! Q (list v O:b->*BAE* V:b->*BASE*)))
(define O:origin 0)
(define V:origin (list 0 0 0))
(enqueue! Q (list *BASE* O:origin V:origin))
(cons (count-beacons (hash-values S))
(max-separation S)))
(define (parse-scanners ss)
(for/hash ([(s i) (in-indexed (in-list ss))])
(define readings (map numbers (rest (lines s))))
(define bs (parse-beacons i readings))
(define ls (fingerprint-beacons bs))
(values i (scanner i bs ls (and (= *BASE* i) (list 0 0 0))))))
(define (parse-beacons S rs)
(for/list ([(r i) (in-indexed (in-list rs))])
(beacon i S r (and (= *BASE* S) r))))
(define (fingerprint-beacons bs)
(for/fold ([ls (hash)])
([bs (in-combinations bs 2)])
(define a/pos (beacon-rel/pos (first bs)))
(define b/pos (beacon-rel/pos (second bs)))
(hash-set ls (distance^2 (vec a/pos b/pos)) bs)))
(define (global-transformation O:global O:local V:global V:local intersection)
(define rel/pos (beacon-rel/pos (second (second intersection))))
;; how origin sees b
(define b/origin (vec V:global (orientation (vec V:local (orientation rel/pos O:local)) O:global)))
;; vector from b's Scanner - > S0 is
;; b's position (as seen by S0) -> rel/pos oriented to S0
(vec b/origin (combine-orientations rel/pos O:local O:global)))
(define (count-beacons S)
(for*/set ([s (in-list S)]
[b (in-list (scanner-beacons s))])
(beacon-abs/pos b))))
;; the beacons that intersect in scanners a & b
(define (intersections a b)
(define fingerprint/a (scanner-fingerprint a))
(define fingerprint/b (scanner-fingerprint b))
(define distances (set-intersect (hash-keys fingerprint/a) (hash-keys fingerprint/b)))
(define beacons (beacons@ distances fingerprint/a fingerprint/b))
(if (>= (set-count distances) 66)
(list beacons)
;; For 2 scanners a, b - find the local orientation and translation
(define (local-transformation is)
(for*/fold ([o/count (hash)]
[V/ba (hash)]
#:result (values (histogram/max o/count)
(histogram/max V/ba)))
([s (in-set is)]
#:break (and (consensus? o/count) (consensus? V/ba)))
(match-define (list (list av a1 a2) (list bv b1 b2)) s)
(define o (relative-orientation av bv))
(define t1 (and o (vec (beacon-rel/pos a1) (orientation (beacon-rel/pos b1) o))))
(if o
(values (hash-update o/count o add1 0)
(hash-update V/ba t1 add1 0))
(values o/count V/ba))))
;; some internal beacon pairs give false positive match
;; testing for intersections so use a majority consensus.
(define *consensus* 3)
(define (consensus? h)
(for/or ([v (in-hash-values h)])
(> v *consensus*)))
;; he set of internal matching beacon pairs
;; that match in 2 scanner a and b
(define (beacons@ distances la lb)
(for/set ([d (in-list distances)])
(define a/pair (hash-ref la d))
(define b/pair (hash-ref lb d))
(define va (apply vec (map beacon-rel/pos a/pair)))
(define vb (apply vec (map beacon-rel/pos b/pair)))
(list (cons va a/pair) (cons vb b/pair))))
(define (in-orientations p)
(in-indexed (in-list (orientations/3d p))))
;; once the relative orientation is known and indexed, apply it directly
;; hard-coded transformations to avoid iterating/calculating all 24
(define (orientation p i)
(match-define (list x y z) p)
(match-define (list -x -y -z)(map - p))
(match i
[ 0 (list x y z)]
[ 1 (list x -y -z)]
[ 2 (list x z -y)]
[ 3 (list x -z y)]
[ 4 (list -x y -z)]
[ 5 (list -x -y z)]
[ 6 (list -x z y)]
[ 7 (list -x -z -y)]
[ 8 (list y x -z)]
[ 9 (list y -x z)]
[10 (list y z x)]
[11 (list y -z -x)]
[12 (list -y x z)]
[13 (list -y -x -z)]
[14 (list -y z -x)]
[15 (list -y -z x)]
[16 (list z x y)]
[17 (list z -x -y)]
[18 (list z y -x)]
[19 (list z -y x)]
[20 (list -z x -y)]
[21 (list -z -x y)]
[22 (list -z y x)]
[23 (list -z -y -x)]))
(define (distance^2 p)
(apply + (map sqr p)))
(define (orientations/3d p)
(for/list ([i (in-range 24)])
(orientation p i)))
(define (combine-orientations p o1 o2)
(orientation p (reduce-orientation o1 o2)))
;; Combine local and global orientations.
;; remember the result since it's used often
(define reduce-orientation
(let ([reduced (make-hash)]
[p '(1 2 3)])
(λ (o1 o2)
reduced (list o1 o2)
(λ ()
(define oriented (orientation (orientation p o1) o2))
(for/or ([(o i) (in-orientations p)])
(and (equal? o oriented) i)))))))
;; orientation of matching beacons pairs in 2 scanners.
(define (relative-orientation va vb)
(for/first ([(o i) (in-orientations vb)]
#:when (equal? o va))
;; the consensus of readings with false positive matches
(define (histogram/max h #:key [key values])
(for/fold ([m 0] [r #f] #:result r)
([(k v) (in-hash h)] #:when (> (key v) m))
(values v k)))
; vector from a to b
(define (vec a b)
(map - b a))
;; manhattan distance between two points
(define (manhattan a b)
(apply + (map abs (vec a b))))
(define (max-separation S)
(for/fold ([max-separation 0] [ids #f] #:result (list max-separation ids))
([ij (in-combinations (hash-values S) 2)])
(define separation (apply manhattan (map scanner-rel/pos ij)))
(if (> separation max-separation)
(values separation (map scanner-id ij))
(values max-separation ids))))
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