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Brian Rutledge bhrutledge

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bhrutledge /
Last active October 9, 2024 09:44
Professional development resources
bhrutledge /
Last active June 29, 2020 13:09
Documenting .pypirc

Documenting .pypirc

In the past year, I've become a maintainer of Twine, a tool for publishing Python packages to repositories like PyPI (the Python Package Index). Twine uses the .pypirc file for configuring repository locations and credentials. This is a timeline of how resolving a seemingly trivial bug report related to that file yielded my first release of Twine and my first contribution to CPython.

On May 27th, 2020, a Twine user reported an unhelpful error message due to invalid configuration:

Incorrect URL for .pypirc format · Issue #638 · pypa/twine

I discovered that the details about the .pypirc format were removed from the Python docs the previous year. Since the format is not exclusive to Twine, it was decided to that the Python Packaging User Guide was a more appropriate place for resolution:

bhrutledge /
Last active June 30, 2020 10:45
Defund The Police

Defund The Police

When I first heard this, I thought: that doesn't sound like a good idea. However, a conversation with some friends made me curious to learn more, and since then I've been going down rabbit holes trying to understand what it means. I now support it at a high level, but I still have a lot to learn. This is meant to be a living document of that process, shared in the hope that other folks will find it useful.


  • Invest in community well-being via public services to prevent the problems that result in police response
  • Police reforms haven't worked, so why keep investing in them?
  • No amount of training will address the root causes of systemic police racism
  • We're asking the police to solve too many problems
bhrutledge /
Last active June 19, 2020 18:14
Campaign Zero and 8 Can't Wait

Campaign Zero and 8 Can't Wait

When I first heared of this organization and its campaign for police reform, it seemed like a great idea. Now, I don't support it. This is an attempt to demonstrate why, but in short, lots of people say the reforms won't work, and promoting them as a solution is dangerous. See my reading about defunding the police for more.

All non-italicized words were copied directly from the source, and lightly edited for readability in this context.

The messaging evolved dramatically over a few days.

bhrutledge /
Last active June 14, 2020 14:33
Notes from testing articles/talks
bhrutledge /
Last active October 31, 2019 18:02
PyCon 2019 Talks I've Watched

PyCon 2019 Talks I've Watched

  • Slides
  • Nine levels of hell, leading to tech debt
  • References and builds on prior talks and writing
  • Puts mocking in historical TDD/OOP context, disambiguates it from other kinds of test doubles
  • Works through example of getting out of hell via stubs/fakes, seams, dependency injection, clean architecture, etc.
bhrutledge /
Last active January 15, 2020 14:42
Python 3 Talk Recommendations
bhrutledge /
Last active July 30, 2019 14:06
Talks on how to do better code reviews
bhrutledge /
Last active December 12, 2023 16:34
My thoughts on Django tutorials

Django Tutorials

I've scanned through these, and they all seem to cover the basic features of Django (models, function-based views, forms, templates, CSS, and the admin interface), and use Python 3 and Django 2. My notes indicate what I think differentiates them.

Django Girls tutorial

  • Written for Django Girls workshops or self-teaching
  • Widely recommended for beginners, even to Python, web development, and command line
  • Build a blog
  • Instructions for Windows, Mac, and Linux (including Python installation)
bhrutledge /
Last active October 31, 2019 18:31
Keybase proof

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am bhrutledge on github.
  • I am bhrutledge ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is B60D 7DBC F2ED 2AB2 26F6 672C 4F9F E091 35CB BCBD

To claim this, I am signing this object: