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Created July 5, 2016 22:40
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// This is the text editor interface.
// Anything you type or change here will be seen by the other person in real time.
// You are given tasks which can be identified as A, B, ...
// Execution of eack task takes tA, tB, ... time
// If you execute task A, you have to wait dA time before executing task A again
// If you are given a sequence of tasks and asked to execute sequentially, how long would it take to execute them?
// A B C A A D B
// tA = 5
// tB = 1
// tC = 1
// tD = 2
// dA = 5
// dB = 2
// dC = 2
// dD = 3
// 5(tA) + 1(tB) + 1(tC) + 3(dA:5 - 2) + 5(tA) + 5(dA) + 5(tA) + 2(tD) + 1(tB) = 28
// A + 1 + 1 + waiting 3 + A
//array signature for each task : taskname, executionTime, waitTime
$tasksInfo = array(
array('A', 5, 5),
array('C', 1,2),
array('D', 2, 3)
$inputTaskSequence = array ('A', 'B','C', 'A', 'A', 'D', 'B');
// task#1: AA
// task#2: BB
// task#3: CCCCC
// .
// 1000s of distinct tasks
function array_search_custom ($task, $taskInfo) { //search multidimentional array for values
foreach ($taskInfo as $key => $t) {
if ($t[0] === $task) return $key;
return false;
function taskExecutionTime($input, $taskCount, $tasksInfo){
$time = 0;
$taskStack = array ();
// 5(tA) + 1(tB) + 1(tC) + 3(dA:5 - 2) + 5(tA) + 5(dA) + 5(tA) + 2(tD) + 1(tB) = 28
// A + 1 + 1 + waiting 3 + A
for($i = 0; $i < $taskCount; $i++) {
$currentTask = $input[$i];
echo "\nhere: ".$currentTask;
//// If you execute task A, you have to wait dA time before executing task A again
if (!empty($taskStack) && in_array($currentTask, $taskStack)) {
//this task was already started and is in taskStack, now need to wait before executing this again
//need to calculate: time elapsed since the task
//check if this is less than or equal to wait time
// simply: waitTime for this task - time elapsed since this tasks was pushed to stack
$elapsedTime =0;
$waitTime = 0;
echo "\n---------reverse---------";
for($elapsedIndex = $i -1 ; $elapsedIndex >= 0; $elapsedIndex--) {
echo "\nrepeated task: " . $repeatedTask = $currentTask;
echo "\nprevious task: " . $previousTask = $taskStack[$elapsedIndex];
echo "\n";
if ($repeatedTask != $previousTask) {
$k = array_search_custom ($previousTask, $tasksInfo); //find info about previous task
$elapsedTime += $tasksInfo[$k][1]; //save its execution time to elapsed time
}else {
$elapsedTime += $tasksInfo[$k][2];
echo "\n---------reverse---------";
// A B C A A D B
// 5(tA) + 1(tB) + 1(tC) + 3(dA:5 - 2) + 5(tA) + 5(dA) + 5(tA) + 2(tD) + 1(tB) = 28
// 5 + 1 + 1 + waiting 3 + 5 + waiting 5 + 5 + 2 + 1 = 28
$k = array_search_custom ($currentTask, $tasksInfo);
echo "\nElapsed time: " . $elapsedTime . PHP_EOL;
if ($tasksInfo[$k][2] > $elapsedTime) {
$waitTime = $tasksInfo[$k][2] - $elapsedTime; //waitTime - timeElapsed
} else {
$waitTime += $elapsedTime; //$tasksInfo[$k][1];
$time += $waitTime;
}else {
//find task by Value
$key = array_search_custom ($currentTask, $tasksInfo);
echo "\nkey: " . $key . PHP_EOL;
$time += $tasksInfo[$key][1];
echo "Execution time: " . $tasksInfo[$key][1] . PHP_EOL;
array_push($taskStack, $currentTask);
echo "Total time " . $time;
echo PHP_EOL;
return $time;
echo taskExecutionTime($inputTaskSequence, count($inputTaskSequence), $tasksInfo);
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