Lately we’ve run into some trouble here and there with the Gravity Forms Hubspot Add-On (and/or the Zapier... zap... thing) de-authenticating and losing its connection to the mothership. As a “workaround” we’re being asked to use HubSpot forms instead, but that solution sucks because then we lose all those sweet Gravity Forms styles we worked so hard on during development (not to mention whatever fancy backend stuff we did using filters/actions)
So, I did a little digging and I found that it’s actually super easy to integrate the entire site, forms and all, directly into HubSpot with no Gravity Forms add-on or Zapier integrations. The trick is that you need to install HubSpot’s official plugin: Contact Form Builder for WordPress – Conversion Tools by HubSpot. The title makes it sound like this is something you would use instead of Gravity Forms, but what it actually does is add the Hubspot tracking code to your site and aut