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Created July 25, 2016 09:55
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(ns physics-demos.fractals
[ :as g]
[ :as v :refer [vec2 vec3]]
[ :as mat :refer [M32 M44]]
[ :as c]
[ :as accel]
[ :as svg]
[ :as phys]
[ :refer [animate]]
[ :as dom]
[shodan.inspection :as shodan]))
(def pi (.-PI js/Math))
(def cos #(.cos js/Math %))
(def sin #(.sin js/Math %))
(def sqrt #(.sqrt js/Math %))
(def sign #(if (>= % 0) 1 -1))
(def abs #(if (>= % 0) % (- %)))
(defn add-functional-meta [f]
(fn [& args]
(with-meta (apply f args)
{:is f
:args args
(def my-partial (add-functional-meta partial))
(defn merged-juxt[fs] (comp (partial reduce into []) (apply juxt fs)))
(defn rotate [a [x y]]
[(- (* (cos a) x) (* (sin a) y))
(+ (* (sin a) x) (* (cos a) y))])
(defn add [[x0 y0] [x1 y1]]
[(+ x0 x1) (+ y0 y1)])
(defn minus [[x0 y0] [x1 y1]]
[(- x0 x1) (- y0 y1)])
(defn rotate-around [center a p]
(add center (rotate a (minus p center))))
(defn cross-product [[x0 y0] [x1 y1]]
(+ (* x0 x1) (* y0 y1)))
(def norm-sq #(cross-product % %))
(defn scalar-multiply [k [x y]]
[(* k x) (* k y)])
;; TODO macro !!!
;; (def comp (add-functional-meta comp))
;; (def juxt (add-functional-meta juxt))
;; (def apply (add-functional-meta apply))
;; (def add (add-functional-meta add))
;; (def rotate (add-functional-meta rotate))
;; (def scalar-multiply (add-functional-meta scalar-multiply))
;; (def mapv (add-functional-meta mapv))
;; (def merged-juxt (add-functional-meta merged-juxt))
(defn eltwise_op [op [x0 y0] [x1 y1]]
[(op x0 x1) (op y0 y1)])
(defn barycenter [ps]
(scalar-multiply (/ 1 (count ps)) (reduce add [0. 0.] ps)))
(defn regular-polygon [n]
(take n (iterate (partial rotate (/ (* 2 pi) n)) [1. 0.])))
(defn fractal-step [[step-f step-elts] current-elts]
(into step-elts (step-f current-elts)))
(defn fractal [[init-elts step-params] details]
(nth (iterate (partial fractal-step step-params) init-elts) details))
(defn close-polygon [ps] (conj (into [] ps) (first ps)))
(defn sierpinski-params [n]
(let[step-elt (close-polygon (regular-polygon n))
scale-f (partial scalar-multiply (/ 1 (dec n)))]
(condp = n
3 [[]
[(merged-juxt (for [i [0 1 2]](partial mapv (partial mapv (comp (partial add (rotate (+ pi (* i 2 (/ pi 3))) [1. 0.])) scale-f)))))
4 [[]
[(merged-juxt (let [d [-1 0 1]](for [dx d
dy d
:when (not= 0 dx dy)]
(partial mapv (partial mapv (comp (partial add (scalar-multiply (sqrt 2.) [dx dy])) scale-f))))))
[(map (partial rotate (/ pi 4)) step-elt)]]])))
(defn tree-params [angles]
(let[branch [0 1]
ratio (/ (+ 1 (sqrt 5.)) 2.)]
[(merged-juxt (for [a angles](partial mapv (partial mapv (comp (partial add branch)
(partial scalar-multiply (/ 1 ratio))
(partial rotate a))))))
[[[0. 0] branch]]]]))
(def koch-params [[[[-0.5 0][0.5 0]]]
[(merged-juxt (for [[v a] [[[(/ -1 3) 0] 0]
[[(/ 1 3) 0] 0]
[(rotate (/ pi 3) [(/ 1 6) 0]) (/ pi -3)]
[(rotate (/ pi -3) [(/ -1 6) 0]) (/ pi 3)]]]
(partial mapv (partial mapv (comp (partial add v) (partial rotate a) (partial scalar-multiply (/ 1 3)))))))
(def positive-infinity (.-POSITIVE_INFINITY js/Number))
(def negative-infinity (.-NEGATIVE_INFINITY js/Number))
(defn bounding-box [ps]
(reduce (fn [[[x-min y-min][x-max y-max]] [x y]]
[ [(min x-min x) (min y-min y)] [(max x-max x) (max y-max y)]])
[[positive-infinity positive-infinity] [negative-infinity negative-infinity]]
(defn merge-bb [[[x-min y-min][x-max y-max]] [[X-min Y-min][X-max Y-max]]]
[[(min x-min X-min) (min y-min Y-min)] [(max x-max X-max) (max y-max Y-max)]])
(defn adjust-bounding-box [preserve-ratio target-box scene]
(let [scene-bb (reduce merge-bb (map bounding-box scene))
center-f (fn[box] (let[center (barycenter box)][center (apply minus (mapv #(minus % center) box))]))
[target-c target-centered] (center-f target-box)
[scene-c scene-centered] (center-f scene-bb)
scaling (partial eltwise_op *
(let[tmp (eltwise_op / target-centered scene-centered)]
(if preserve-ratio
(scalar-multiply (apply min (map abs tmp)) (map sign tmp))
(fn[v] (-> v (minus scene-c) scaling (add target-c)))))
(defn display-fractal [id params details]
(let [root (dom/by-id id)
display-params {:width 300 :height 300}
color "#000"
draw #(svg/line-strip % )
display #(dom/create-dom! (let [[w h] ((juxt :width :height) display-params)
f (adjust-bounding-box true [[0 h][w 0]] %)]
(svg/svg display-params (svg/group {:stroke color} (map (comp draw (partial mapv f)) %))))
scene (fractal params details)]
(display scene)))
(defn -main
(let[ f (my-partial add [0 1])
(shodan/inspect (meta f)))
(doall (for [details (range 1 5)
params [(sierpinski-params 3)
(sierpinski-params 4)
(tree-params [(/ pi 6) (/ pi -3)])
(display-fractal (str "fractals-" details) params details)))
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