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Created June 18, 2015 23:51
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org-mode teaching material for introduction to algorithmic complexity

Algorithmic Complexity


Goal : Modeling the running time

It is not enough for an algorithm to be exact (i.e. demonstrably give the correct result). For an algorithm to be useful in practice, it must give the result in reasonable amount of time. The reasonable amount of time is the one that users will be willing to wait. It varies according to tasks, for instance :

  • the time between to graphic updates on the screen (cf. frame rate)
  • the time before getting bored/annoyed
  • a coffee break
  • a night / week-end

The time will presumably but shorter than human lifespan, and most probably shorter than the expected time before the predicted end of the solar system.

Of course, the actual running time depends on the actual hardware used to run the program (e.g. CPU clock speed, number of cores,…). So we will have to come up with an abstract measure based on the number of “steps” (cf. instructions) of the algorithms.

While it is possible to just implement a program and time it, an abstract model allows us to avoid implementing an algorithm if it is possible to understand beforehand that it would be unacceptably slow. Furthermore, an abstract model allows us to predict/estimate the running time for various inputs and compare various implementation strategies.

Input dependent

Of course, the running time will often depend on the input.


The most obvious way in which a running time depends on input is the amount of data to be processed. Let us see a few examples : First, we will use a utility class to generate random data.

  import java.util.Random;

  public class RandomData {
      public static int[] generate1d(int nbVals, int min, int max){
          int[] res= new int[nbVals];
          Random generator = new Random();
          for(int i=0; i != nbVals; ++i){
              res[i]= (int)((generator.nextLong()%((long)max-min))+min);
          return res;


The random data generator in listing random-data-generator, takes min and max arguments to restrict the interval of possible values. When studying the algorithms, try to consider the impact (if any !) of this interval on :

  • the running time of the implementations
  • the possibility for other, more specific, implementations

We’ll study the former in section quick-bad-sec and the later in section values-interval-sec.


Another way in which data can impact the running time is the order of values. We will study this in sections bubble-sorted-sec and quick-bad-sec.

Utility functions

public class DummySort {
    public static void main(String[] args){}
echo -n "Testing ${classname} "
echo $(javac ${classname}.java && seq 1 1000 |parallel "java ${classname}" 2>&1 1>/dev/null |wc -l) "errors found"
javac ${classname}.java && (seq 1000 1000 500000 | parallel "java -Xss512M ${classname}" | sort -n)
return input
import numpy as np
from sklearn import linear_model


regr= linear_model.LinearRegression()[:,0:1], data[:,1:2])
return regr.coef_[0]


The first algorithm that we will consider is simply finding the minimum element of an array of numerical values. How long does it take to find the minimum of such a sequence ?

public class Minimum {
    public static void main(String [] args){
        int nbVals= Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        int [] data= RandomData.generate1d(nbVals, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        int min=minimum(data);
    public static int minimum(int[] data){
        int res=data[0];
        for(int i=1; i != data.length; ++i){
            if(data[i] < res){
                res= data[i];
        return res;

We can see the experimental results of the running time measurements :

Can you estimate what is the relationship between the running time and the number of elements ?

Could you know it beforehand be reading the code ? You should focus first on the function minimumIndex() and then consider :

  • the number of times it is called from selectionSort()
  • the number of elements it has to process each time

Would the running time depend on the range of values in the data ?

What if the data were sorted ?

<<mean-algo>> Mean

Of course, the type of data has no implication on the algorithmic complexity, as long as the elementary operations can still be considered … elementary.(One notes $O(1)$ to indicate such an algorithmic complexity that does not depend on the data being processed). What is the algorithmic complexity of a function public static float mean(float[] data) ?


We will now study more a more interesting and challenging task : sorting an array. In order to “move” values in a (fixed-size) array, one has to swap elements. This can be achieved by the following code :

public static void swap(int[] data, int i, int j){
    int tmp= data[i];
    data[i]= data[j];
    data[j]= tmp;

What is the algorithmic complexity of this function ?

We will first benchmark our sorting implementations on random data :

public static void main(String [] args){
    int nbVals= Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    int [] data= RandomData.generate1d(nbVals, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    long start = System.nanoTime();
        for(int i=0; i != data.length; ++i){

A check is performed so as to ascertain that our implementations are working as intended:

  public class Tests {
      public static boolean isSorted(int[] data){
          if(data.length<2){return true;}
          boolean res=true;
          for(int i=1; (i != data.length) && res; ++i){
              res= data[i-1] <= data[i];
          return res;

Selection Sort

Selection sort is a sorting algorithm based on the fact that when an array is sorted (in ascending order), each element lesser or equal than all the elements after it : $data[i]$ it is the minimum of the elements of indices greater or equal to $i$. So we can sort an array by “moving” (swapping) the smallest of all elements to the beginning, and then the smallest of the remaining elements just after, and so on. So for each index, starting with the first, we will find the minimum value from this index on, and swap with this minimum value.

Running times are compounded (multiplied) in nested loops, as we can see in the following implementation selection sort functions. Could you guess the relationship between the running time and the number of elements to sort ?

public static int minimumIndex(int[] data, int begin, int end){
    int res= begin;
    for(int i=begin+1; i != end; ++i){
        if(data[i] < data[res]){
            res= i;
    return res;

public static void sort(int[] data){
    if(data.length < 2){return;}
    for(int i=0; i != data.length-1; ++i){
        swap(data, i, minimumIndex(data, i, data.length));
public class SelectionSort {



#+RESULTS[f2b650eb5296f72a1f7237c2a65b7fb3443acf5f]: selection-algo-test

Testing SelectionSort, 0 errors found

The running time of the selection sort implementation is shown below :

#+RESULTS[f2b650eb5296f72a1f7237c2a65b7fb3443acf5f]: selection-exponent-estimate


Can you estimate what is the relationship between the running time and the number of elements ?

Could you know it beforehand be reading the code ?

Bubble sort

Another way to approach sorting is to consider that in a sorted array, any two adjacent elements are in relative order. Bubble sort takes (all) adjacent pairs of elements and orders them. This process is repeated until all adjacent pairs are ordered.

Try to understand the relationship between the running time and the number on elements to sort with bubble sort, by reading the implementation.

public static void sort(int[] data){
    if(data.length < 2){return;}
    boolean hadToSwap= false;
        for(int i= 0; i != data.length-1; ++i){
            if(data[i] > data[i+1]){
                swap(data, i, i+1);
                hadToSwap= true;
public class BubbleSort {




Testing BubbleSort 0 errors found

The running time of the bubble sort implementation is shown below :

Can you estimate what is the relationship between the running time and the number of elements ?

Could you know it beforehand be reading the code ?

Comb sort

An interesting variation of the bubble sort is the comb sort. Compare its following implementation with the bubble sort in Listing bubble-sort-functions.

  public class CombSort{
     public static void sort(int[] data){
     if(data.length < 2) {return;}
     boolean hadToSwap= false;
     float gapFactor=1.3f;
     int gap=data.length;
         hadToSwap= false;
         gap= (gap > gapFactor) ? (int)(gap / gapFactor) : 1;
         for(int i=0; (i+gap) < data.length; ++i){
             if(data[i] > data[i+gap]){
                 swap(data, i, i+gap);
                 hadToSwap= true;
     }while((gap > 1) || hadToSwap);



Testing CombSort 0 errors found

Can you estimate what is the relationship between the running time and the number of elements ?

Could you know it beforehand be reading the code ?

Merge Sort

Yet another way to sort elements is to sort recursively halve and merge the sorted halves. Of course, array intervals of 0 or 1 element are trivially “sorted” by not doing anything.

Let us first focus on the merging algorithm.

Merging sorted sequences

Given the following implementation to merge to sorted consecutive intervals $\left[ begin, middle \right[$ and $\left[middle, end \right[$, can you tell the relationship between the intervals sizes and the running time ?

public static void mergeSorted(int data[], int begin, int middle, int end){
    int[] tmp= new int[middle-begin];
    System.arraycopy(data, begin, tmp, 0, tmp.length);
    int i=0, j=middle, dest=begin;
    while((i< tmp.length) && (j<end)){
        data[dest++]= (tmp[i] < data[j]) ? tmp[i++] : data[j++] ;
    while(i < tmp.length){
        data[dest++]= tmp[i++];

What is the algorithmic complexity of this algorithm ? How much memory does it use ?

Recursive Merge Sort

Given the following implementation of a merge sort, can you tell the relationship between the running time and the number of elements to sort ?

public class MergeSort {
  public static void sort(int[] data){
    sort(data, 0, data.length);
  public static void sort(int[] data, int begin, int end){
    if((end-begin) < 2){return;}
    int middle= (end+begin)/2;
    sort(data, begin, middle);
    sort(data, middle, end);
    mergeSorted(data, begin, middle, end);

#+RESULTS[f2b650eb5296f72a1f7237c2a65b7fb3443acf5f]: merge-algo-test

Testing MergeSort 0 errors found

Can you find out the relationship between the running time of the merge sort algorithm and the number of elements to sort ? Try by studying the data and by studying the code.


Another way to “divide and conquer” for a sorting algorithm is to pre-process the data before dividing so as to make the merging trivial. Quicksort does so by partitioning the data according to a pivot element. This enables in-place sorting without any external memory.

we want to be sure to reduce the intervals when doing the recursive calls after the partition around the pivot. To ensure that, we make sure that the pivot is processed and we will recurse excluding this value. To enable that, we have to move the pivot value at the beginning of the second interval (so just after the first one). We will then be able to skip this value in the recursive call (cf. line (quick-recur) in listing quick-sort-functions)
public static int partition(int[] data, int begin, int end, int pivotIdx){
    swap(data, pivotIdx, --end);
    pivotIdx= end;
    int pivot= data[pivotIdx];
    //invariant is that everything before begin is known to be < pivot
    // and everything after end is known to be >= pivot
    while(begin != end){
        if(data[begin] >= pivot){
            swap(data, begin, --end);
    swap(data, pivotIdx, begin);
    return begin;

public static void sort(int[] data){
    sort(data, 0, data.length);

public static void sort(int[] data, int begin, int end){
 if((end-begin) < 2){ return; }
 int m= partition(data, begin, end, (end+begin)/2); 
 sort(data, begin, m);
 sort(data, m+1, end); // +1 for convergence (ref:quick-recur)
public class QuickSort {



#+RESULTS[f2b650eb5296f72a1f7237c2a65b7fb3443acf5f]: quick-algo-test

Testing QuickSort 0 errors found

The running time of the quicksort implementation is shown below :

Can you estimate what is the relationship between the running time and the number of elements ?

Could you know it beforehand be reading the code ?

<<sec-tco>>Tail Recursion optimization

One can rewrite implementations to eliminate recursions. It is trivial in the case of a tail call as there is no local execution context to save (on a stack). We can study if such a rewrite changes anything with regards to algorithmic complexity.

public static void sort(int[] data){
    sort(data, 0, data.length);

public static void sort(int[] data, int begin, int end){
    while((end-begin) > 1){
        int m= partition(data, begin, end, (begin+end)/2);
        sort(data, begin, m);
        begin= m+1;
public class QuickSortTCO {




#+RESULTS[f2b650eb5296f72a1f7237c2a65b7fb3443acf5f]: quicktco-algo-test

Testing QuickSortTCO 0 errors found

The running times of the quicksort implementations, with and without tail call optimization, are shown in Figure quick-vs-tco-plot-label.

Comparing sorting Algorithms

We can compare various sorting algorithms by plotting their running time on the same figure :

Could this be expected ? What can you conclude from those comparisons.


We focused of the amount of data to process, but the actual data to process can also have an impact on the running times.

<<bubble-sorted-sec>>Bubblesorting Sorted data

First, we will study how bubble sort behaves on sorted data. As an aside, note the use of the standard library function java.util.Arrays.sort. Understanding sorting algorithms does not mean that we should ignore the available implementations [fn:: quite the opposite, you should understand them!].

public static void main(String [] args){
    int nbVals= Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    int [] data= RandomData.generate1d(nbVals, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    long start = System.nanoTime();
public class BubbleSorted {




Testing BubbleSorted 0 errors found

The running time of the bubble sort of already sorted data is shown in figure bubble-algo-sorted-timing-plot-label :

We compare the running times of the bubble sort of random and already sorted data in figure bubble-algo-random-vs-sorted-timing-plot-label :

What is the algorithmic complexity when the data was already sorted ? Could this be expected ? What are the consequences (if any)?

<<quick-bad-sec>>Quicksort on “bad” data

We now study the behavior of quicksort algorithm on “bad” data, an example being all the values in the array left to the default value (0 for int).

public static void main(String [] args){
    int nbVals= Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    int [] data= bad(nbVals);
    long start = System.nanoTime();

public static int[] bad(int nb){
    return new int[nb];
public class QuickSortBad {




What about the memory consumption[fn:: Watch out for stack overflow, even with tco ! -Xss512M option to set stack size to 512 Mo.] ?

#+RESULTS[f2b650eb5296f72a1f7237c2a65b7fb3443acf5f]: quick-algo-bad-test

Testing QuickSortBad 0 errors found

What is the relationship between the running time of the quicksort algorithm and the number of elements to sort ? What is the memory consumption of quicksort, for random and for “bad” data ?

Why did the “bad” data make quicksort behave that way ? Is it only related to the values or could “bad” data be created with random values ?

Could there be some data making quicksort have an even worst performance ? (Otherwise, one calls is the worst case algorithmic complexity).

<<values-interval-sec>>Sorting over a limited number of values

What if the data was made of a potentially very large number of elements, but those elements could only take a limited number of values ($0$ and $1$ for instance, or $0$ to $256$) ? Could a sorting algorithm take that into account to have a linear running time with regards to the number of elements ? Could you use the same principle to sort 32 bits or 64 bits integers ? How could you sort a very large number of names in alphabetical order ?

Uses of algorithmic complexity

In order to anticipate the running time of an algorithm, one can (try to) figure out its algorithmic complexity. It is the dominant factor of the number of elementary steps performed to process data, as a function of the relevant parameters, often the number of elements to process.

This algorithmic complexity might depend on the actual data to be processed. One can be interested in average performance, or worst case performance. While one cannot be so optimistic as to rely on best case performance, some specific data arrangement (e.g. sorted) can enable more efficient algorithms.

Which sorting algorithm would you choose if you had to sort dozens of elements ?


Random data

Searching if some specific value is part of a collection is easy but slow on unsorted data, as implemented in listing linear-search.

int indexOf(int[] data, int v){
  int res= -1; // not found
  for(int i=0; (i != data.length) && (res == -1); ++i){
    if(data[i] == v){
      res= i;
  return res;

What is the algorithmic complexity of this search ?

Sorted data

It is possible to search efficiently a sorted array by dichotomy. One searches a collection by comparing the searched value with the median. Whether the median is lower or greater than the searched value, this one comparison allows to discard half (respectively the upper or lower half) of the collection, by transitivity of the ordering relationship. As seen in section sec-tco, it is easy to remove the recursive call, as it is in tail position. Does the TCO affect :

  • the algorithmic complexity ?
  • the performance ?
  • the memory complexity ?
public class Dichotomy {

  public static void main(String[] args){
    int nbVals= Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    int[] data= new int[nbVals];
    for(int i=0; i != data.length; ++i){
      data[i]= 2*i;
    System.out.println(lowerBound(data,  Integer.parseInt(args[1])));

  public static int indexOfOrdered(int[] data, int v){
    int res=lowerBound(data, v);
    if((res==data.length) || (data[res] != v)){
      res= -1;
    return res;
    // index of first element >= v
  public static int lowerBound(int[] data, int v){
    return lowerBound(data, v, 0, data.length);

  public static int lowerBound(int[] data, int v, int begin, int end){
    if(begin == end){ return begin;}
    int m= (begin + end)/2;
    return data[m] < v ? lowerBound(data, v, m+1, end) : lowerBound(data, v, begin, m);

  public static int lowerBoundTCO(int[] data, int v){
    int begin=0, end=data.length;
    while(begin != end){
      int m= (begin + end)/2;
      if(data[m] < v){
        begin= m+1;
        end= m;
    return begin;

What is the algorithmic complexity of the dichotomic search ? (Hint : how many more elements can one process by having one more comparison ?)


It is also possible to index the data in order to improve access time. Explain the trade-offs according to the index size.

If the index structure is independent of the actual data (i.e. based on digits, most significant or least significant), it can be built without pre-scanning and could be easily updated. However, it could handle skewed very poorly : imagine indexing numbers according to the most significant byte or prefix sharing strings (e.g. “http://”) according to the first byte. This will be overcome by hashing (cf. infra).

Future works : data structures

As we have seen, it is very interesting to be able to work on sorted data. However, data is often inserted and/or removed during the execution of programs. Consider inserting and removing data in/from a sorted array implemented in listing insert-array.

int[] insert(int[] array, int v){
  int [] res= new int[array.length+1];
  int src=0, dest=0;
  while(array[src] < v){
    res[dest++]= array[src++];
  res[dest++]= v;
  while(src != array.length){
    res[dest++]= array[src++];
  return res;

In practice, one can avoid reallocating each time an element is added (cf. infra vectors), but one cannot avoid moving all the elements that are greater than the inserted value, if one is to keep contiguous memory layout. What is the algorithmic complexity of an insertion into an array ?

In order to overcome this restriction and more, we’ll explore other ways to store data.


1 Dimension

Sliding Mean

We saw in section mean-algo an function public static float mean(float[] data) to compute the mean of a whole array. We would now like to compute the mean of a sliding window of w elements (e.g. for a mean filter) public static float[] meanFilter(float[] data, int w). Give an implementation of meanFilter and explain the algorithmic complexity. Can you do better than $O(N × w)$ where $N$ is data.length ?

Sliding Sum of Squares Errors

In fact, when processing data, one is usually interested not only in a model, but also it its accuracy. For each windows, we not only want the mean, but also the Sum of Squares Errors, $SSE= \frac{1}{2} ∑i+wj=i( data[j]-\overline{datai … i+w})^2$ where $\overline{datai … i+w}$ is the mean of $data$ over the range $[i … i+w[$.

Give an implementation focusing on algorithmic complexity (i.e. not naive).

2 Dimensions

Given $N$ points in a two-dimensional space. We want to know the distance between the pair of points that are the furthest from each other. What is the algorithmic complexity of your solution ?

As we will see later, it is sometimes possible to have sub-optimal (or just an estimate of the) answer with a much more efficient algorithm. Consider the task of just finding the bounding box (i.e. rectangle) of the points, and using it to estimate the desired distance (the exact answer would have been given by the bounding circle).

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