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Created June 4, 2013 21:45
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(defn fibonacci [n]
(letfn [(power-accumulate-positive [r a n op]
(let [r (if (odd? n) (op r a) r)]
( if (= 1 n) r (recur r (op a a) (bigint (/ n 2)) op))))
(power [a n op]
(if (odd? n)
(let [n (bigint (/ n 2))]
(if (zero? n) a (power-accumulate-positive a (op a a) n op)))
(recur (op a a) (bigint (/ n 2)) op)))
(fibonacci-matrix-multiply [[x0 x1] [y0 y1]]
[ (+ (* x0 (+ y1 y0)) (* x1 y0))
(+ (* x0 y0) (* x1 y1))])]
(if (zero? n) 0N)
(first (power [1N 0N] n fibonacci-matrix-multiply))))
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