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Created February 24, 2016 15:45
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import turtle
import math
import random
import sys
# point is (x,y,z) float cooords
# polygon is ([points], color) is oriented for vector product to know if facing
# object is [polygons] is convex (cf. orientation)
# rotating_object is (object, (a,(u,v,w)) angle and axis of rotation (center of rotation is barycenter of object)
# figure is [rotating_objects]
def dot_product(v0, v1):
(x0, y0, z0)= v0
(x1, y1, z1)= v1
return x0*x1 + y0*y1 + z0*z1
def rotate_face(polygon, angle, direction, center=(0,0,0)):
(cx, cy, cz)= center
(u, v, w)= direction
cos= math.cos(angle)
sin= math.sin(angle)
x1= (1-cos)*(cx*(v*v + w*w) - u*(cy*v + cz*w)) + sin*(cy*w - cz*v)
x2= (1-cos)*u
y1= (1-cos)*(cy*(w*w + u*u) - v*(cz*w + cx*u)) + sin*(cz*u - cx*w)
y2= (1-cos)*v
z1= (1-cos)*(cz*(u*u + v*v) - w*(cx*u + cy*v)) + sin*(cx*v - cy*u)
z2= (1-cos)*w
for p in polygon:
(x,y,z)= p
dotp= dot_product(p, direction)
res.append((x1 + x2*dotp + x*cos + sin*(v*z - w*y)
,y1 + y2*dotp + y*cos + sin*(w*x - u*z)
,z1 + z2*dotp + z*cos + sin*(u*y - v*x)))
return res
def rotate_object(obj, angle, direction, center=(0,0,0)):
res= []
for (polygon, color) in obj:
res.append((rotate_face(polygon, angle, direction, center), color))
return res
def rotate_figure(figure, angle, axis):
res= []
for (obj, rotation_data) in figure:
res.append((rotate_object(obj, angle, axis), rotation_data))
return res
def rotate_in_figure(figure):
res= []
for (obj, rotation_data) in figure:
(angle, axis)= rotation_data
for (polygon, color) in obj:
res.append((rotate_object(obj, angle, axis, barycenter(poly_bary)), rotation_data))
return res
def substract_vectors(v0, v1):
(x0, y0, z0)= v0
(x1, y1, z1)= v1
return (x0-x1, y0-y1, z0-z1)
def apply_perspective(points, camera, viewer):
(vx, vy, vz)= viewer
for p in points:
(x, y, z) = substract_vectors(p, camera)
res.append((vy-(vx*y)/x, vz-(vx*z)/x))
return res
def make_rectangular_cuboid_vertices(center, dimensions):
(cx, cy, cz)= center
(dx, dy, dz)= dimensions
for deltaX in (-dx/2, dx/2):
for deltaY in (-dy/2, dy/2):
for deltaZ in (-dz/2, dz/2):
res.append((cx+deltaX, cy+deltaY, cz+deltaZ))
return res;
def make_rectangular_cuboid_faces(center, dimensions, colors):
points= make_rectangular_cuboid_vertices(center, dimensions)
for (face_points, c) in zip(((0,2,3,1),(2,6,7,3),(0,1,5,4),(0,4,6,2),(1,3,7,5),(7,6,4,5)), colors):
face=[] # list comprehension would be better
for idx in face_points:
return res
def repeat_call(f,n):
for i in range(n):
return res
def add_vectors(v0, v1):
(x0, y0, z0)= v0
(x1, y1, z1)= v1
return (x0+x1, y0+y1, z0+z1)
def custom_rotation(_, size, detail, indice):
axis=[(1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1)]
sign= 1
if (indice == 0) or (indice == 5) or (indice == 6) or (indice == 3):
sign= -1
return (sign * math.pi/size, axis[detail%len(axis)])
def make_fractal_cuboids(center, size, color_function, rotation_function, detail, indice=0):
size/= 3
res= [(make_rectangular_cuboid_faces(center, (size, size, size), repeat_call(color_function, 6))
,rotation_function(center, size, detail, indice))]
if detail > 0:
indice= 0
d= (-size, size)
for dx in d:
for dy in d:
for dz in d:
res+= make_fractal_cuboids(add_vectors(center,(dx, dy, dz)), size
, color_function, rotation_function, detail-1, indice)
return res
def draw_face_2D(points, color):
for p in points:
def cross_product(v0, v1):
(x0, y0, z0)= v0
(x1, y1, z1)= v1
return (y0*z1 - z0*y1, z0*x1 - x0*z1, x0*y1 - y0*x1)
def points_to_vector(p0, p1):
(x0, y0, z0)= p0
(x1, y1, z1)= p1
return (x1-x0, y1-y0, z1-z0)
def draw_colored_faces(colored_faces, camera, viewer):
for (face_points, color) in colored_faces:
if dot_product(cross_product(points_to_vector(face_points[1], face_points[0])
,points_to_vector(face_points[1], face_points[2]))
,points_to_vector(camera, viewer)) >0 :
draw_face_2D(apply_perspective(face_points, camera, viewer), color)
def barycenter(points):
(cx, cy, cz)= (0., 0., 0.)
for (x,y,z) in points:
cx+= x
cy+= y
cz+= z
return (cx/len(points), cy/len(points), cz/len(points))
def dist_square(p0, p1):
(x0, y0, z0)= p0
(x1, y1, z1)= p1
return (x1-x0)*(x1-x0)+(y1-y0)*(y1-y0)+(z1-z0)*(z1-z0)
def make_dist_key(viewer):
def dist_key(colored_face):
(points, color)= colored_face
return dist_square(barycenter(points), viewer)
return dist_key
def get_colored_faces_from_figure(figure):
for (obj, _) in figure:
res+= obj
return res
def draw_colored_oriented_faces_viewer_order(colored_faces, camera, viewer):
colored_faces.sort(key= make_dist_key(viewer), reverse= True)
for (face_points, color) in colored_faces:
if dot_product(cross_product(points_to_vector(face_points[1], face_points[0])
,points_to_vector(face_points[1], face_points[2]))
,points_to_vector(camera, viewer)) >0 :
draw_face_2D(apply_perspective(face_points, camera, viewer), color)
def draw(figure, camera, viewer):
draw_colored_oriented_faces_viewer_order(get_colored_faces_from_figure(figure), camera, viewer)
def random_color():
return (random.random(), random.random(), random.random())
def colorize_faces(faces, color_function):
for f in faces:
res.append((f, color_function()))
return res
def scale_vector(v, s):
(x, y, z)= v
return (x*s, y*s, z*s)
def scale_figure(figure, s):
res= []
for (obj, rotation_data) in figure:
scaled_obj= []
for (points, color) in obj:
scaled_points= []
for point in points:
scaled_points.append(scale_vector(point, s))
scaled_obj.append((scaled_points, color))
res.append((scaled_obj, rotation_data))
return res
# for i in test_prefix-2-00*.ps; do convert $i ${}.png; done
# convert -background white -alpha remove test_prefix-2-00*.png test_prefix.gif
def pic_to_file(filename):
def demo(details=2, outfile_prefix=None):
turtle.title("3d cube demo")
cuboids= make_fractal_cuboids((10, 10, 10), 200, random_color, custom_rotation, details)
axis = 1, 1, 1
camera = 500, 0, 0
viewer = 550, 0, 0
angle = 0.01
scale_delta= 1.02
scale= 1
while True:
draw(scale_figure(cuboids, scale), camera, viewer)
if outfile_prefix:
pic_to_file(outfile_prefix+"-"+str(details)+"-"+format(index, '04d')+".ps")
index+= 1
cuboids=rotate_figure(rotate_in_figure(cuboids), angle, axis)
scale*= scale_delta
if scale>1.5:
scale= 1.5
scale_delta= 0.9
if scale < 0.5:
scale= 0.5
scale_delta= 1.1
if __name__ == "__main__":
details= 2
outfile_prefix= None
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
outfile_prefix= sys.argv[2]
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
details= int(sys.argv[1])
demo(details, outfile_prefix)
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