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Last active January 18, 2016 14:20
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Filter MailPoet tags not being stripped
* Filter MailPoet tags not stripped out of emails - add table tags
* Located in wysija-newsletters/helpers/articles.php
* @link
add_filter( 'mpoet_strip_tags_ignored', 'bhww_core_mailpoet_filter_tags_not_being_stripped' );
function bhww_core_mailpoet_filter_tags_not_being_stripped( $tags_not_being_stripped ) {
// added table, tr, td, th
$tags_not_being_stripped = array('<p>','<em>','<span>','<b>','<strong>','<i>','<h1>','<h2>','<h3>','<a>','<ul>','<ol>','<li>','<br>','<table>','<tr>','<td>','<th>');
return $tags_not_being_stripped;
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