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Last active December 16, 2015 01:29
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Load this into your lisp, and then goto http://localhost:8081/SyntaxHighlighter-1 for an example of using Alexgor Batchev javascript, client side, syntax highlighter via Common Lisp, Hunchentoot, cl-who, and parenscript
; -*- Mode: Common-Lisp -*
;;; A stand alone example of using Alex Batchev's javascript, client side,
;;; syntax highlighter <>
;;; via Common Lisp, Hunchentoot, cl-who, and parenscript.
(ql:quickload '(hunchentoot cl-who parenscript))
(defpackage #:script-highlighter-example
(:use #:common-lisp #:hunchentoot #:cl-who #:parenscript))
(in-package #:script-highlighter-example)
(setf *js-string-delimiter* #\")
(defvar *my-acceptor* (start (make-instance 'easy-acceptor :port 8081)))
; (stop *my-acceptor*)
(defmacro url-of-syntax-highligher-files (file)
(concatenate 'string
#+nil "" ;; broken?
(import-macros-from-lisp 'url-of-syntax-highligher-files)
(defun add-syntax-highligher (s)
(with-html-output (s)
(flet ((javascript-file (url)
(with-html-output (s)
(:script :src url :type "text/javascript")))
(css-file (url)
(with-html-output (s)
(:link :href url :rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css"))))
(javascript-file (url-of-syntax-highligher-files "scripts/shCore.js"))
(javascript-file (url-of-syntax-highligher-files "scripts/shBrushJScript.js"))
(css-file (url-of-syntax-highligher-files "styles/shCore.css"))
(css-file (url-of-syntax-highligher-files "styles/shThemeDefault.css")))
(:script :type "text/javascript"
((@ -syntax-highlighter all)))))))
(define-easy-handler (SyntaxHighlighter-1 :uri "/SyntaxHighlighter-1") ()
(with-html-output-to-string (s)
(:head (:title "Syntax Highligher")
(add-syntax-highligher s))
(:h2 "Example of syntax highlighting")
(:P "Example of Alex Batchev's "
(:a :href "" "Syntax Highligher"))
;; Highlight some Javascript, as compiled by Parenscript.
(:pre :class "brush:js" (str (ps (defun hi (x) (+ x 10)))))))))
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