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Last active March 30, 2017 18:54
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Election Problem
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from pyscipopt import Model, quicksum
import pdb
import random
def generate_votes(row=10, col=10):
votes = {}
for x in range(row):
for y in range(col):
democrats = random.randint(0, 50)
republicans = random.randint(0, 50) * 2
votes[x, y] = {'d': democrats, 'r': republicans}
return votes
def main():
model = Model("Election")
row = 10
col = 10
constituency = 10
s = {}
wd = {}
wr = {}
winner = {}
votes = generate_votes(row, col)
# Winner vars for the 10 constituency
for i in range(constituency):
# Total number of democrats in this constituency
wd[i] = model.addVar(vtype="I", name="wd{}".format(i))
# Total number of republicans in this constituency
wr[i] = model.addVar(vtype="I", name="wr{}".format(i))
# If democrats have more votes than republicans set to 1 else 0
winner[i] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="winner{}".format(i))
# Vars for the induvidual states
for x in range(row):
for y in range(col):
for w in range(constituency):
s[x, y, w] = model.addVar(vtype="B", name="{}-{}-{}".format(x, y, w))
# Constraints
# Every state can only be in one constituency
for x in range(row):
for y in range(col):
model.addCons(quicksum(s[x, y, w] for w in range(constituency)) == 1) # Nur 1 Bezirk
# Every constituency has 10 states
for w in range(constituency):
model.addCons(quicksum(s[x, y, w] for x in range(col) for y in range(row)) == 10,
# Sum up the total number of votes for this constituency for democrats wd and republicans wr
for w in range(constituency):
model.addCons(wd[w] == quicksum(s[x, y, w] * votes[x, y]['d'] for x in range(col) for y in range(row)))
model.addCons(wr[w] == quicksum(s[x, y, w] * votes[x, y]['r'] for x in range(col) for y in range(row)))
# Set the winner[w] to 1 if democrats have more votes else 0
for w in range(constituency):
model.addCons(wd[w] - wr[w] <= 500 * winner[w])
model.addCons(winner[w] <= (wd[w] - wr[w]) * winner[w])
conshdlr = ElectionHdlr(s, logger=logger)
model.setBoolParam("misc/allowdualreds", False)
model.includeConshdlr(conshdlr, "election",
"Election", chckpriority=-10,
# Set the target: As many 1 in winner[w] (democrats wins)
model.setObjective(quicksum(winner[w] for w in range(constituency)), "maximize")
if model.getStatus() != 'optimal':
print('No solution found!')
print("Solution found")
# Print solution
solution = {}
for x in range(row):
out = ''
for y in range(col):
for w in range(10):
if model.getVal(s[x, y, w]) >= 0.5:
# print(w+1)
solution[x, y] = w + 1
out += str(solution[x, y]) + ' '
if __name__ == "__main__":
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pyscipopt import Model, Conshdlr, SCIP_RESULT
import pdb
import logging
EPS = 1.e-6
class ElectionHdlr(Conshdlr):
def __init__(self, variables, row=10, col=10, cons=10, logger=None):
self.row = row
self.col = col
self.constituency = cons
self.variables = variables
self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)
def deepSearch(self, solution, pos_x, pos_y):
"""Check if the next states has the same value
fields = [{'x': pos_x, 'y': pos_y}]
value = solution[pos_x, pos_y]['value']
while len(fields) > 0:
field = fields.pop(0)
x = field['x']
y = field['y']
solution[x, y]['visited'] = True
# Check right:
if y < 9 and not solution[x, y+1 ]['visited'] and solution[x, y+1 ]['value'] == value:
fields.append({'x': x, 'y': y+1})
# Check down
if x < 9 and not solution[x+1, y ]['visited'] and solution[x+1, y ]['value'] == value:
fields.append({'x': x+1, 'y': y})
# Check vertical
if x < 9 and y < 9 and not solution[x+1, y+1 ]['visited'] and solution[x+1, y+1 ]['value'] == value:
fields.append({'x': x+1, 'y': y+1})
def checkNeighbour(self, sol=None):
"""self.model.getSolVal(solution, x[i,j]) > EPS:
# Build the solution to work with solution[x,y]
solution = {}
var = self.variables
for x in range(self.row):
for y in range(self.col):
for w in range(self.constituency):
if self.model.getSolVal(sol, var[x, y, w]) > EPS:
solution[x, y] = {'visited': False, 'value': w}
if not solution:
return {'solution': False}
# Check constrain that the constituency are aside
visited_constituency = set()
for x in range(self.row):
for y in range(self.col):
# Check if this value already is visited
if solution[x, y]['visited']:
# Check if this constituency is in our list
if solution[x, y]['value'] in visited_constituency:"Value: {} was already searched".format(solution[x, y]['value']))
return {'solution': False, 'x': x, 'y': y, 'w': solution[x, y]['value']}
# Set visited flag for
visited_constituency.add(solution[x, y]['value'])"Deep search from x: {}, y: {} for element {}".format(x, y, solution[x, y]['value']))
self.deepSearch(solution, x, y)
return {'solution': True}
def conscheck(self, constraints, solution, checkintegrality,
checklprows, printreason, completely):"Check one solution")"-"*20)
sol = self.checkNeighbour(solution)
if sol['solution']:"Solution seems OK")
return {"result": SCIP_RESULT.FEASIBLE}
else:"Solution is not OK")
return {"result": SCIP_RESULT.INFEASIBLE}
def consenfolp(self, constraints, n_useful_conss, sol_infeasible):"Check CONSENS")"="*20)
var = self.variables
sol = self.checkNeighbour()
if sol['solution']:
return {"result": SCIP_RESULT.CUTOFF}
def conslock(self, constraint, nlockspos, nlocksneg):
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