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Last active June 12, 2019 17:42
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Save biancadanforth/0fa493144437bce56a9b9e4d490bd791 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
temporary backup for bug 1542035 adding rest of test coverage for issue #4
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
/* globals browser */
"use strict";
const {
} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://testing-common/AddonTestUtils.jsm");
const {
} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm");
const {
} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://testing-common/ExtensionXPCShellUtils.jsm");
const {
} = AddonTestUtils;
const LEAVE_UUID_PREF = "extensions.webextensions.keepUuidOnUninstall";
const LEAVE_STORAGE_PREF = "extensions.webextensions.keepStorageOnUninstall";
createAppInfo("", "XPCShell", "1", "42");
// This storage actor is gated behind a pref, so make sure it is enabled first
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(EXTENSION_STORAGE_ENABLED_PREF, true);
registerCleanupFunction(() => {
* Starts up and connects the Debugger server to the DevTools client (both in the main
* process) by listening over an nsIPipe, so that they can send remote debugging
* protocol messages to each other.
* @return {Promise} Resolves with a client object when the debugger has started up.
async function startDebugger() {
const transport = DebuggerServer.connectPipe();
const client = new DebuggerClient(transport);
await client.connect();
return client;
* Set up the equivalent of an `about:debugging` toolbox for a given extension, minus
* the toolbox.
* @param {String} id - The id for the extension to be targeted by the toolbox.
* @return {Object} Resolves with the web extension actor front and target objects when
* the debugger has been connected to the extension.
async function setupExtensionDebugging(id) {
const client = await startDebugger();
const front = await client.mainRoot.getAddon({id});
// Starts a DevTools server in the extension child process.
const target = await front.connect();
return {front, target};
* Loads and starts up a test extension given the provided extension configuration.
* @param {Object} extConfig - The extension configuration object
* @return {ExtensionWrapper} extension - Resolves with an extension object once the
* extension has started up.
async function startupExtension(extConfig) {
const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(extConfig);
await extension.startup();
return extension;
* Opens the addon debugger's storage panel
* @param {String} - id, The addon id
* @return {Object} - Resolves with the web extension actor target and extensionStorage
* store objects when the panel has been opened.
async function openAddonStoragePanel(id) {
const {target} = await setupExtensionDebugging(id);
const storageFront = await target.getFront("storage");
const stores = await storageFront.listStores();
const extensionStorage = stores.extensionStorage || null;
return {target, extensionStorage};
* Builds the extension configuration object passed into ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension
* @param {Object} options - Options, if any, to add to the configuration
* @param {Function} options.background - A function comprising the test extension's
* background script if provided
* @param {Object} options.files - An object whose keys correspond to file names and
* values map to the file contents
* @param {Object} options.manifest - An object representing the extension's manifest
* @return {Object} - The extension configuration object
function getExtensionConfig(options = {}) {
const {manifest, ...otherOptions} = options;
const baseConfig = {
manifest: {
permissions: ["storage"],
useAddonManager: "temporary",
return {
* An extension script that can be used in any extension context (e.g. as a background
* script or as an extension page script loaded in a tab).
async function extensionScriptWithMessageListener() {
browser.test.onMessage.addListener(async (msg, ...args) => {
let value = null;
switch (msg) {
case "storage-local-set":
case "storage-local-get":
value = (await[0]))[args[0]];
case "storage-local-remove":
case "storage-local-clear":
default:`Unexpected test message: ${msg}`);
browser.test.sendMessage(`${msg}:done`, value);
browser.test.sendMessage("extension-origin", window.location.origin);
* Shared files for a test extension that has no background page but adds storage
* items via a transient extension page in a tab
const ext_no_bg = {
files: {
"extension_page_in_tab.html": `<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<h1>Extension Page in a Tab</h1>
<script src="extension_page_in_tab.js"></script>
"extension_page_in_tab.js": extensionScriptWithMessageListener,
* Shutdown procedure common to all tasks.
* @param {Object} extension - The test extension
* @param {Object} target - The web extension actor targeted by the DevTools client
async function shutdown(extension, target) {
if (target) {
await target.destroy();
await extension.unload();
* Mocks the missing 'storage/permanent' directory needed by the "indexedDB"
* storage actor's 'preListStores' method (called when 'listStores' is called). This
* directory exists in a full browser i.e. mochitest.
function createMissingIndexedDBDirs() {
const dir = (Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile)).clone();
if (!dir.exists()) {
dir.create(dir.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY);
if (!dir.exists()) {
dir.create(dir.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY);
Assert.ok(dir.exists(), "Should have a 'storage/permanent' dir in the profile dir");
add_task(async function setup() {
await promiseStartupManager();
add_task(async function test_extension_store_exists() {
const extension = await startupExtension(getExtensionConfig());
const {target, extensionStorage} = await openAddonStoragePanel(;
ok(extensionStorage, "Should have an extensionStorage store");
await shutdown(extension, target);
add_task(async function test_extension_origin_matches_debugger_target() {
async function background() {
browser.test.sendMessage("extension-origin", window.location.origin);
const extension = await startupExtension(getExtensionConfig({background}));
const {target, extensionStorage} = await openAddonStoragePanel(;
const {hosts} = extensionStorage;
const expectedHost = await extension.awaitMessage("extension-origin");
ok(expectedHost in hosts,
"Should have the expected extension host in the extensionStorage store");
await shutdown(extension, target);
* Test case: Bg page adds item while storage panel is open.
* - Load extension with background page.
* - Open the add-on debugger storage panel.
* - With the panel still open, add an item from the background page.
* - The data in the panel should match the item added by the extension.
add_task(async function test_panel_live_updates() {
const extension = await startupExtension(
getExtensionConfig({background: extensionScriptWithMessageListener}),
const {target, extensionStorage} = await openAddonStoragePanel(;
const host = await extension.awaitMessage("extension-origin");
let {data} = await extensionStorage.getStoreObjects(host);
Assert.deepEqual(data, [], "Got the expected results on empty storage.local");
info("Waiting for extension to bulk add 50 items to storage local");
const bulkStorageItems = {};
// limited by MAX_STORE_OBJECT_COUNT in devtools/server/actors/storage.js
const numItems = 44;
for (let i = 1; i <= numItems; i++) {
bulkStorageItems[i] = i;
extension.sendMessage("storage-local-set", {
a: 123,
b: [4, 5],
c: {d: 678},
d: true,
e: "hi",
f: null,
await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-set:done");
info("Confirming items added by extension match items in extensionStorage store");
const bulkStorageObjects = [];
for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(bulkStorageItems)) {
area: "local",
value: {str: String(value)},
editable: true,
data = (await extensionStorage.getStoreObjects(host)).data;
{area: "local", name: "a", value: {str: "123"}, editable: true},
{area: "local", name: "b", value: {str: "[4,5]"}, editable: true},
{area: "local", name: "c", value: {str: "{\"d\":678}"}, editable: true},
{area: "local", name: "d", value: {str: "true"}, editable: true},
{area: "local", name: "e", value: {str: "hi"}, editable: true},
{area: "local", name: "f", value: {str: "null"}, editable: true},
"Got the expected results on populated storage.local"
info("Waiting for extension to edit a few storage item values");
extension.sendMessage("storage-local-set", {
a: ["c", "d"],
b: 456,
c: false,
await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-set:done");
info("Confirming items edited by extension match items in extensionStorage store");
data = (await extensionStorage.getStoreObjects(host)).data;
{area: "local", name: "a", value: {str: "[\"c\",\"d\"]"}, editable: true},
{area: "local", name: "b", value: {str: "456"}, editable: true},
{area: "local", name: "c", value: {str: "false"}, editable: true},
{area: "local", name: "d", value: {str: "true"}, editable: true},
{area: "local", name: "e", value: {str: "hi"}, editable: true},
{area: "local", name: "f", value: {str: "null"}, editable: true},
"Got the expected results on populated storage.local"
info("Waiting for extension to remove a few storage item values");
extension.sendMessage("storage-local-remove", ["d", "e", "f"]);
await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-remove:done");
info("Confirming items removed by extension were removed in extensionStorage store");
data = (await extensionStorage.getStoreObjects(host)).data;
{area: "local", name: "a", value: {str: "[\"c\",\"d\"]"}, editable: true},
{area: "local", name: "b", value: {str: "456"}, editable: true},
{area: "local", name: "c", value: {str: "false"}, editable: true},
"Got the expected results on populated storage.local"
info("Waiting for extension to remove all remaining storage items");
await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-clear:done");
info("Confirming extensionStorage store was cleared");
data = (await extensionStorage.getStoreObjects(host)).data;
"Got the expected results on populated storage.local"
await shutdown(extension, target);
* Test case: No bg page. Transient page adds item before storage panel opened.
* - Load extension with no background page.
* - Open an extension page in a tab that adds a local storage item.
* - With the extension page still open, open the add-on storage panel.
* - The data in the storage panel should match the items added by the extension.
add_task(async function test_panel_data_matches_extension_with_transient_page_open() {
const extension = await startupExtension(getExtensionConfig({files: ext_no_bg.files}));
const url = extension.extension.baseURI.resolve("extension_page_in_tab.html");
const contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(url, {extension});
const host = await extension.awaitMessage("extension-origin");
extension.sendMessage("storage-local-set", {a: 123});
await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-set:done");
const {target, extensionStorage} = await openAddonStoragePanel(;
const {data} = await extensionStorage.getStoreObjects(host);
[{area: "local", name: "a", value: {str: "123"}, editable: true}],
"Got the expected results on populated storage.local"
await contentPage.close();
await shutdown(extension, target);
* Test case: No bg page. Transient page adds item then closes before storage panel opened.
* - Load extension with no background page.
* - Open an extension page in a tab that adds a local storage item.
* - Close all extension pages.
* - Open the add-on storage panel.
* - The data in the storage panel should match the item added by the extension.
add_task(async function test_panel_data_matches_extension_with_no_pages_open() {
const extension = await startupExtension(getExtensionConfig({files: ext_no_bg.files}));
const url = extension.extension.baseURI.resolve("extension_page_in_tab.html");
const contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(url, {extension});
const host = await extension.awaitMessage("extension-origin");
extension.sendMessage("storage-local-set", {a: 123});
await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-set:done");
await contentPage.close();
const {target, extensionStorage} = await openAddonStoragePanel(;
const {data} = await extensionStorage.getStoreObjects(host);
[{area: "local", name: "a", value: {str: "123"}, editable: true}],
"Got the expected results on populated storage.local"
await shutdown(extension, target);
* Test case: No bg page. Storage panel live updates when a transient page adds an item.
* - Load extension with no background page.
* - Open the add-on storage panel.
* - With the storage panel still open, open an extension page in a new tab that adds an
* item.
* - Assert:
* - The data in the storage panel should live update to match the item added by the
* extension.
* - If an extension page adds the same data again, the data in the storage panel should
* not change.
add_task(async function test_panel_data_live_updates_for_extension_without_bg_page() {
const extension = await startupExtension(getExtensionConfig({files: ext_no_bg.files}));
const {target, extensionStorage} = await openAddonStoragePanel(;
const url = extension.extension.baseURI.resolve("extension_page_in_tab.html");
const contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(url, {extension});
const host = await extension.awaitMessage("extension-origin");
let {data} = await extensionStorage.getStoreObjects(host);
Assert.deepEqual(data, [], "Got the expected results on empty storage.local");
extension.sendMessage("storage-local-set", {a: 123});
await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-set:done");
data = (await extensionStorage.getStoreObjects(host)).data;
[{area: "local", name: "a", value: {str: "123"}, editable: true}],
"Got the expected results on populated storage.local"
extension.sendMessage("storage-local-set", {a: 123});
await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-set:done");
data = (await extensionStorage.getStoreObjects(host)).data;
[{area: "local", name: "a", value: {str: "123"}, editable: true}],
"The results are unchanged when an extension page adds duplicate items"
await contentPage.close();
await shutdown(extension, target);
* Test case: Bg page adds item while storage panel is open. Panel edits item's value.
* - Load extension with background page.
* - Open the add-on storage panel.
* - With the storage panel still open, add item from the background page.
* - Edit the value of the item in the storage panel
* - Assert:
* - The data in the storage panel should match the item added by the extension.
* - The storage actor is correctly parsing and setting the string representation of
* the value in the storage local database when the item's value is edited in the
* storage panel
add_task(async function test_editing_items_in_panel_parses_supported_values_correctly() {
const extension = await startupExtension(
getExtensionConfig({background: extensionScriptWithMessageListener}),
const host = await extension.awaitMessage("extension-origin");
const {target, extensionStorage} = await openAddonStoragePanel(;
const oldItem = {a: 123};
const key = Object.keys(oldItem)[0];
const oldValue = oldItem[key];
// A tuple representing information for a new value entered into the panel for oldItem:
// [
// value,
// editItem string representation of value,
// toStoreObject string representation of value,
// ]
const valueInfo = [
[true, "true", "true"],
["hi", "hi", "hi"],
[456, "456", "456"],
[{b: 789}, "{b: 789}", "{\"b\":789}"],
[[1, 2, 3], "[1, 2, 3]", "[1,2,3]"],
[null, "null", "null"],
for (const [value, editItemValueStr, toStoreObjectValueStr] of valueInfo) {
info("Setting a storage item through the extension");
extension.sendMessage("storage-local-set", oldItem);
await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-set:done");
info("Editing the storage item in the panel with a new value of a different type");
// When the user edits an item in the panel, they are entering a string into a
// textbox. This string is parsed by the storage actor's editItem method.
await extensionStorage.editItem({
field: "value",
items: {name: key, value: editItemValueStr},
info("Verifying item in the storage actor matches the item edited in the panel");
const {data} = await extensionStorage.getStoreObjects(host);
[{area: "local", name: key, value: {str: toStoreObjectValueStr}, editable: true}],
"Got the expected results on populated storage.local"
// The view layer is separate from the database layer; therefore while values are
// stringified (via toStoreObject) for display in the client, the value (and its type)
// in the database is unchanged.
info("Verifying the expected new value matches the value fetched in the extension");
extension.sendMessage("storage-local-get", key);
const extValue = await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-get:done");
`The string value ${editItemValueStr} was correctly parsed to ${value}`
await shutdown(extension, target);
* Test case: Storage panel shows extension storage data added prior to extension startup
* - Load extension that adds a storage item
* - Uninstall the extension
* - Reinstall the extension
* - Open the add-on storage panel.
* - The data in the storage panel should match the data added the first time the extension
* was installed
* Related test case: Storage panel shows extension storage data when an extension that has
* already migrated to the IndexedDB storage backend prior to extension startup adds
* another storage item.
* - (Building from previous steps)
* - The reinstalled extension adds a storage item
* - The data in the storage panel should live update with both items: the item added from
* the first and the item added from the reinstall.
add_task(async function test_panel_data_matches_data_added_prior_to_ext_startup() {
// The pref to leave the addonid->uuid mapping around after uninstall so that we can
// re-attach to the same storage
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(LEAVE_UUID_PREF, true);
// The pref to prevent cleaning up storage on uninstall
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(LEAVE_STORAGE_PREF, true);
let extension = await startupExtension(
getExtensionConfig({background: extensionScriptWithMessageListener}),
const host = await extension.awaitMessage("extension-origin");
extension.sendMessage("storage-local-set", {a: 123});
await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-set:done");
await shutdown(extension);
// Reinstall the same extension
extension = await startupExtension(
getExtensionConfig({background: extensionScriptWithMessageListener})
await extension.awaitMessage("extension-origin");
const {target, extensionStorage} = await openAddonStoragePanel(;
let {data} = await extensionStorage.getStoreObjects(host);
[{area: "local", name: "a", value: {str: "123"}, editable: true}],
"Got the expected results on populated storage.local"
// Related test case
extension.sendMessage("storage-local-set", {b: 456});
await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-set:done");
data = (await extensionStorage.getStoreObjects(host)).data;
{area: "local", name: "a", value: {str: "123"}, editable: true},
{area: "local", name: "b", value: {str: "456"}, editable: true},
"Got the expected results on populated storage.local"
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(LEAVE_STORAGE_PREF, false);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(LEAVE_UUID_PREF, false);
await shutdown(extension, target);
add_task(function cleanup_for_test_panel_data_matches_data_added_prior_to_ext_startup() {
* Test case: Bg page adds an item to storage. With storage panel open, reload extension.
* - Load extension with background page that adds a storage item on message.
* - Open the add-on storage panel.
* - With the storage panel still open, reload the extension.
* - The data in the storage panel should match the item added prior to reloading.
add_task(async function test_panel_live_reload() {
const EXTENSION_ID = "";
let manifest = {
version: "1.0",
applications: {
gecko: {
info("Loading extension version 1.0");
const extension = await startupExtension(
background: extensionScriptWithMessageListener,
info("Waiting for message from test extension");
const host = await extension.awaitMessage("extension-origin");
info("Adding storage item");
extension.sendMessage("storage-local-set", {a: 123});
await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-set:done");
const {target, extensionStorage} = await openAddonStoragePanel(;
manifest = {
version: "2.0",
// "Reload" is most similar to an upgrade, as e.g. storage data is preserved
info("Update to version 2.0");
await extension.upgrade(
background: extensionScriptWithMessageListener,
await extension.awaitMessage("extension-origin");
const {data} = await extensionStorage.getStoreObjects(host);
[{area: "local", name: "a", value: {str: "123"}, editable: true}],
"Got the expected results on populated storage.local"
await shutdown(extension, target);
* Test case: Transient page adds an item to storage. With storage panel open,
* reload extension.
* - Load extension with no background page.
* - Open transient page that adds a storage item on message.
* - Open the add-on storage panel.
* - With the storage panel still open, reload the extension.
* - The data in the storage panel should match the item added prior to reloading.
add_task(async function test_panel_live_reload_for_extension_without_bg_page() {
const EXTENSION_ID = "";
let manifest = {
version: "1.0",
applications: {
gecko: {
info("Loading and starting extension version 1.0");
const extension = await startupExtension(getExtensionConfig({
files: ext_no_bg.files,
info("Opening extension page in a tab");
const url = extension.extension.baseURI.resolve("extension_page_in_tab.html");
const contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(url, {extension});
const host = await extension.awaitMessage("extension-origin");
info("Waiting for extension page in a tab to add storage item");
extension.sendMessage("storage-local-set", {a: 123});
await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-set:done");
await contentPage.close();
info("Opening storage panel");
const {target, extensionStorage} = await openAddonStoragePanel(;
manifest = {
version: "2.0",
// "Reload" is most similar to an upgrade, as e.g. storage data is preserved
info("Updating extension to version 2.0");
await extension.upgrade(
files: ext_no_bg.files,
const {data} = await extensionStorage.getStoreObjects(host);
[{area: "local", name: "a", value: {str: "123"}, editable: true}],
"Got the expected results on populated storage.local"
await shutdown(extension, target);
* Test case: Bg page auto adds item(s). With storage panel open, reload extension.
* - Load extension with background page that automatically adds a storage item on startup.
* - Open the add-on storage panel.
* - With the storage panel still open, reload the extension.
* - The data in the storage panel should match the item(s) added by the reloaded
* extension.
add_task(async function test_panel_live_reload_when_extension_auto_adds_items() {
async function background() {
await{a: {b: 123}, c: {d: 456}});
browser.test.sendMessage("extension-origin", window.location.origin);
const EXTENSION_ID = "";
let manifest = {
version: "1.0",
applications: {
gecko: {
info("Loading and starting extension version 1.0");
const extension = await startupExtension(getExtensionConfig({manifest, background}));
info("Waiting for message from test extension");
const host = await extension.awaitMessage("extension-origin");
info("Opening storage panel");
const {target, extensionStorage} = await openAddonStoragePanel(;
manifest = {
version: "2.0",
// "Reload" is most similar to an upgrade, as e.g. storage data is preserved
info("Update to version 2.0");
await extension.upgrade(
await extension.awaitMessage("extension-origin");
const {data} = await extensionStorage.getStoreObjects(host);
{area: "local", name: "a", value: {str: "{\"b\":123}"}, editable: true},
{area: "local", name: "c", value: {str: "{\"d\":456}"}, editable: true},
"Got the expected results on populated storage.local"
await shutdown(extension, target);
* This task should be last, as it sets a pref to disable the extensionStorage
* storage actor. Since this pref is set at the beginning of the file, it
* already will be cleared via registerCleanupFunction when the test finishes.
add_task(async function test_extensionStorage_store_disabled_on_pref() {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(EXTENSION_STORAGE_ENABLED_PREF, false);
const extension = await startupExtension(getExtensionConfig());
const {target, extensionStorage} = await openAddonStoragePanel(;
extensionStorage === null,
"Should not have an extensionStorage store when pref disabled"
await shutdown(extension, target);
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