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Algorithms Coursera Part II Programming Assignment 1.js
/* eslint-env node */
* The file contains the edges of a directed graph. Vertices are labeled
* as positive integers from 1 to 875714. Every row indicates an edge,
* the vertex label in first column is the tail and the vertex label in
* second column is the head (recall the graph is directed, and the edges
* are directed from the first column vertex to the second column vertex).
* So for example, the 11th row looks like: "2 47646". This just means
* that the vertex with label 2 has an outgoing edge to the vertex with
* label 47646
* Your task is to code up the algorithm from the video lectures for
* computing strongly connected components (SCCs), and to run this algorithm
* on the given graph.
* Output Format: You should output the sizes of the 5 largest SCCs in the
* given graph, in decreasing order of sizes, separated by commas (avoid any
* spaces). So if your algorithm computes the sizes of the five largest SCCs
* to be 500, 400, 300, 200 and 100, then your answer should be
* "500,400,300,200,100" (without the quotes). If your algorithm finds less
* than 5 SCCs, then write 0 for the remaining terms. Thus, if your algorithm
* computes only 3 SCCs whose sizes are 400, 300, and 100, then your answer
* should be "400,300,100,0,0" (without the quotes). (Note also that your
* answer should not have any spaces in it.)
* WARNING: This is the most challenging programming assignment of the course.
* Because of the size of the graph you may have to manage memory carefully.
* The best way to do this depends on your programming language and environment,
* and we strongly suggest that you exchange tips for doing this on the
* discussion forums.
* Download SCC.txt at:
// Convert text file into an adjacency list object.
const fs = require("fs");
const nodesList = [];
const g = []; // the graph as an edgesList
const adjMap = {}; // A map from node: [ list of outgoing edges for that node ]
const adjMapRev = {}; // same as adjMap, but for G_rev
let n = 0; // number of nodes
const startTime =;
try {
var data = fs.readFileSync("SCC.txt", "utf8");
const rows = data.split("\n");
for (let row of rows) {
// Remove excess white space at the end of the line
row = row.trim();
// Turn each row into an array
const rowArr = row.split(" ");
// Make edges list, convert strings to a number
let [tail, head] = rowArr;
tail = Number(tail);
head = Number(head);
// Build adjMap
if (adjMap[tail] === undefined) {
adjMap[tail] = [];
// Build adjMapRev
if (adjMapRev[head] === undefined) {
adjMapRev[head] = [];
g.push([ tail, head ]);
// This simple comparison is faster than checking the entire nodesList
// every time with array.includes
if (tail > n) {
n = tail;
if (head > n) {
n = head;
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error:", e.stack);
// Make nodesList
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
// console.log(adjMap);
// console.log(adjMapRev);
// Implement Kosaraju's Two-Pass Algorithm to find all SCCs in O(m + n) time
// SCC = Strongly Connected Component
* Intuitively, we want to first discover a "sink SCC", meaning an SCC with no
* outgoing edges. We want to discover the SCCs in "reverse topological order",
* plucking off sink SCCs one by one (AI Part 2 Section 8.6).
* Refresher: What do we mean by topological order? (See AI Part 2 Section 8.5.1)
* Imagine you have a bunch of tasks to complete, and there are precedence
* constraints, meaning that you cannot start some of the tasks until you have
* completed other (e.g. courses in a university degree program).
* We therefore order the vertices from the vertex with the smallest f-value to
* the one with the largest. All of G's directed edges should travel forward
* in the ordering, with the label of the tail of an edge smaller than that of
* its head.
* So if we want to start with a "sink SCC", then we want to start in a part of
* the graph with the largest f-value and proceed backwards (n, n - 1, ... 1) --
* hence reverse topological order.
* In Kosaraju's Two-Step Algorithm, the first DFS pass on G_rev finds this
* reverse topological order (we just calculate the topological order of G_rev,
* which is the same as the reverse topological order of G). This is the order
* we should process the vertices in the second DFS pass on G (starting with the
* "sink vertex" (the vertex in the last position, aka with the largest f-value)
* in the "sink SCC"), so that we uncover each SCC one at a time.
* Pseudocode for Kosaraju (AI Part 2 Section 8.6.4)
* Input: Directed graph G = (V, E) in adjacency list representation, with
* V = {1, 2, ... , n}.
* Postcondition: For every v, w in V, scc(v) = scc(w) iff v, w are in the same
* SCC of G.
* 1. G_rev = G with all edges reversed
* 2. Mark all vertices of G_rev as unexplored
* 3. First pass of DFS, which computes f(v)'s, the ordering
* - TopoSort(Grev)
* - TODO: Run this algorithm backward in the original input graph by
* replacing the clause "each edge (s,v) in s's outgoing adjacency
* list" in the DFS-Topo subroutine of Section 8.5.4 with "each edge
* (s,v) in s's incoming adjacency list".
* (Right now I am just going to create a G_rev)
* - Should export an array that contains the vertices in order of their
* f(v)
* 4. Second pass of DFS, finds SCCs in reverse topological order
* - Mark all vertices of G as unexplored
* - numSCC = 0 // global variable
* - for each v in V, in increasing order of f(v),
* - if v is unexplored
* - numSCC++;
* - Assign scc-values (details below)
* - DFS-SCC(G,v)
* - This is the same as DFS with one additional line of bookkeeping:
* see pseudocode in AI Part 2 Section 8.6.4.
* Note: in JavaScript there is no stack limit; whereas in Python there is a
* small recursion depth (every time you recurse into a function, that adds
* another element to the stack).
* Takes in a directed graph, gRev, in an adjacency list representation and a
* vertex s in V. Every vertex reachable from s is marked as explored and
* has an assigned f-value.
* Note: we don't pass in gRev every time, because we aren't altering it at
* any point and can save memory by using it as a reference instead.
function dfsTopo(s) {
// mark s as explored
if (adjMapRev[s] === undefined) {
// For each (s,v) in s's outgoing adjacency list
for (const head of adjMapRev[s]) {
if (!explored.has(head)) {
// E.g. whichever node is first to finish being fully explored has a f(s) = 1
finishingTime[s] = currentLabel;
* Takes in a directed acyclic graph, g, in adjacency list representation and
* returns the f-values of vertices that constitutes a topological ordering of g.
function topoSort() {
for (let v = n; v > 0; v--) {
if (!explored.has(v)) {
// return an array with the vertices in order of their finishing times
const finishingTimeOrder = Object.keys(finishingTime).sort((a, b) => {
return finishingTime[b] - finishingTime[a];
// Object keys are coerced to strings, so convert them back to numbers
return => {
return Number(val);
* Takes a directed graph G = (V,E) in adjacency list representation and a
* vertex s in V.
* Marks every vertex reachable from s as "explored" and assigns it an scc-value.
* Similar to dfsTopo function. See AI Part 2 Section 8.6.5 for pseudocode of
* this function.
* Note: we don't pass in g every time, because we aren't altering it at
* any point and can save memory by using it as a reference instead.
function dfsSCC(s) {
// mark s as explored
scc[numSCC - 1].push(s);
if (adjMap[s] === undefined) {
// For each edge (s,v) in s's outgoing adjacency list
for (const head of adjMap[s]) {
if (!explored.has(head)) {
// Globals
// DFS first pass on Grev
const finishingTime = {};
let currentLabel = 1; // the first node to be fully explored is labeled 1, etc.
// Create reverse graph for first pass of DFS
const gRev =[s, v]) => {
return [v, s];
// DFS both passes
const explored = new Set([]); // The list of nodes that have been explored
// DFS second pass
let numSCC = 0;
const scc = [];
function kosaraju() {
// First DFS pass on Grev to get the reverse topological order for the nodes
// in G
const reverseTopoOrder = topoSort();
// console.log(`first DFS pass complete: order to search in second pass: ${reverseTopoOrder}`);
// reset explored set for second DFS pass on G
// Second DFS pass on G, traversing graph in reverse topological order
for (const v of reverseTopoOrder) {
if (!explored.has(v)) {
numSCC++; // Every time we hit an unexplored node in the outer for loop, that's a new SCC
// for easier record keeping given how they want us to submit the answer
scc[numSCC - 1] = []; // numSCC starts at 1 but arrays index starting at 0
// scc is an array of arrays where the ith element represents an SCC in the
// graph G, and each SCC is an array of the vertices contained within it.
// e.g. [ [ 7, 1, 4 ], [ 9, 3, 6 ], [ 8, 5, 2 ] ]
// We want to convert this into something like 3,3,3,0,0
const result = => {
return arr.length;
// Sort from largest to smallest SCC size, and return only the 5 largest SCCs
return result.sort((a, b) => {
return b - a;
const totalTime = - startTime;
console.log(totalTime); // ms
// testCase1 answer: 3,3,3,0,0
// testCase2 answer: 3,3,2,0,0
// testCase3 answer: 3,3,1,1,0
// testCase4 answer: 7,1,0,0,0
// testCase5 answer: 6,3,2,1,0
// solution: 434821,968,459,313,211
1 4
2 8
3 6
4 7
5 2
6 9
7 1
8 5
8 6
9 7
9 3
1 2
2 6
2 3
2 4
3 1
3 4
4 5
5 4
6 5
6 7
7 6
7 8
8 5
8 7
1 2
2 3
3 1
3 4
5 4
6 4
8 6
6 7
7 8
1 2
2 3
3 1
3 4
5 4
6 4
8 6
6 7
7 8
4 3
4 6
1 2
2 3
2 4
2 5
3 6
4 5
4 7
5 2
5 6
5 7
6 3
6 8
7 8
7 10
8 7
9 7
10 9
10 11
11 12
12 10
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