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Created January 5, 2022 23:08
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Fathom article webpage ruleset
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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/* eslint-disable max-len, arrow-body-style */
import {linearScale} from "fathom-web/utilsForFrontend";
import {dom, out, rule, ruleset, score, type} from "fathom-web";
const coefficients = {
"paragraph": [
["pElementHasListItemAncestor", -2.86763596534729],
["hasLongTextContent", 5.575725555419922],
["containsElipsisAtEndOfText", -0.13708636164665222],
["classNameOfSelfOrParentContainsUnlikelyWord", -2.073239326477051]
"article": [
["hasEnoughParagraphs", -1.0311405658721924],
["hasExactlyOneArticleElement", -1.2359271049499512],
["paragraphElementsHaveSiblingsWithSameTagName", 12.159211158752441],
["mostParagraphElementsAreHorizontallyAligned", 0.5681423544883728],
["moreParagraphElementsThanListItemsOrTableRows", -2.6533799171447754],
["headerElementIsSiblingToParagraphElements", 12.294110298156738],
["hasMultipleArticleElements", -3.300487756729126],
["hasMultipleParagraphsWhoseClassNameIncludesArticle", 0.26676997542381287]
const biases = [
["paragraph", -4.550228595733643],
["article", -2.676619291305542]
* Fathom ruleset
* These are the features used to extract different types of information on a page (or categorize the entire page).
// Memoize expensive results, so they are only computed once.
let highestScoringParagraphs;
let numParagraphsInAllDivs;
const MIN_PARAGRAPH_LENGTH = 234; // Optimized with 10 sample pages
// Text nodes are not targetable via document.querySelectorAll (i.e. Fathom's `dom` method), so we instead use
// different heuristics based on the child elements contained inside the <div>.
function numParagraphTextNodesInDiv({element}) {
if (divHasBrChildElement({element})) {
// Estimate the number of paragraph-like text nodes based on the number of descendant <br> elements and
// list elements in the <div>
const listDescendants = Array.from(element.querySelectorAll("ol")).concat(Array.from(element.querySelectorAll("ul")));
const brDescendants = Array.from(element.querySelectorAll("br"));
const pDescendants = Array.from(element.querySelectorAll("p"));
// We assume a <br> divides two text nodes/"chunks" (a paragraph or a list)
// But let's make sure each <br> is actually immediately adjacent to at least one textNode of sufficient length, as
// sometimes there are lots of extra <br>s just for styling purposes.
const brsNextToSufficientlyLongTextNodes = brDescendants.filter((descendant) => {
const {previousSibling, nextSibling} = descendant;
if (previousSibling && previousSibling.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && previousSibling.length >= MIN_PARAGRAPH_LENGTH) {
return true;
if (nextSibling && nextSibling.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && nextSibling.length >= MIN_PARAGRAPH_LENGTH) {
return true;
return false;
return (brsNextToSufficientlyLongTextNodes.length - listDescendants.length - pDescendants.length + 1);
// The only other divs this function would receive are if divHasOnlyTextNodesAnchorElementsOrSpanElements,
// so we'll just say the div contains one paragraph if its text nodes, when summed together, have sufficient length.
const textNodeLengths = Array.from(element.childNodes).map(node => node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? node.nodeValue.length : 0);
const totalLength = textNodeLengths.reduce((prev, current) => current + prev, 0);
return (totalLength >= MIN_PARAGRAPH_LENGTH) ? 1 : 0;
function getNumParagraphsInAllDivs(highestScoringParagraphs) {
const divFnodes = highestScoringParagraphs.filter(({element}) => element.tagName === "DIV");
return divFnodes.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => {
return accumulator + currentValue.noteFor("paragraph");
}, 0);
// Returns true if an element's center coordinates are somewhere likely to be the main content area of the page.
function elementIsInTheMainContentArea(element) {
const {left, top, width, height} = element.getBoundingClientRect();
const [xCenter, yCenter] = [left + (width / 2), top + (height / 2)];
// Get the middle 50% area of the page in the x-direction (TODO: Optimize %).
const win = element.ownerDocument.defaultView;
const docLeftCutoff = win.innerWidth / 4;
const docRightCutoff = 3 * win.innerWidth / 4;
return (xCenter >= docLeftCutoff && xCenter <= docRightCutoff && yCenter >= MAIN_CONTENT_VERTICAL_CUTOFF);
* Positive ``when`` callbacks
function isElementVisible({element}) {
// Have to null-check to deal with SVG and MathML nodes.
return (
(! || != "none")
&& !element.hasAttribute("hidden")
function divHasOnlyTextNodesAnchorElementsOrSpanElements({element}) {
return Array.from(element.childNodes).every(node => (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE || node.tagName === "A" || node.tagName === "SPAN"));
function divHasBrChildElement({element}) {
return Array.from(element.children).some((childEle) => childEle.tagName === "BR");
* Negative "paragraph" rules
function pElementHasListItemAncestor({element}) {
return element.matches("li p");
// This probably means this is just a preview of a complete paragraph
function containsElipsisAtEndOfText({element}) {
return element.innerText.endsWith("...");
// Modeled after toolkit/components/reader/Readability-readerable.js in Firefox
function classNameOfSelfOrParentContainsUnlikelyWord({element}) {
const matchString = `${element.className} ${element.parentNode.className}`;
* Positive "paragraph" rules
function hasLongTextContent({element}) {
const textContentLength = element.textContent.trim().length;
return linearScale(textContentLength, 0, MIN_PARAGRAPH_LENGTH);
function getHighestScoringParagraphs(fnode) {
return fnode._ruleset.get("paragraph");
* Negative "article rules"
// Often homepages of news websites have article previews (i.e. not a single, encapsulated article).
function hasMultipleArticleElements({element}) {
const doc = element.ownerDocument;
const articleElements = doc.querySelectorAll("article");
return articleElements.length > 1;
function hasMultipleParagraphsWhoseClassNameIncludesArticle(fnode) {
highestScoringParagraphs = highestScoringParagraphs || getHighestScoringParagraphs(fnode);
const paragraphsWithArticleInClassName = highestScoringParagraphs.filter(({element}) => element.className.toLowerCase().includes("article"));
return paragraphsWithArticleInClassName.length > 1;
* Positive "article" rules
function hasEnoughParagraphs(fnode) {
highestScoringParagraphs = highestScoringParagraphs || getHighestScoringParagraphs(fnode);
numParagraphsInAllDivs = numParagraphsInAllDivs || getNumParagraphsInAllDivs(highestScoringParagraphs);
return (highestScoringParagraphs.length + numParagraphsInAllDivs) >= 9; // Optimized with 40 training samples
function hasExactlyOneArticleElement({element}) {
const doc = element.ownerDocument;
const articleElements = doc.querySelectorAll("article");
// TODO: May want to award less points the more article elements a page has. Revisit.
return articleElements.length === 1;
function paragraphElementsHaveSiblingsWithSameTagName(fnode) {
highestScoringParagraphs = highestScoringParagraphs || getHighestScoringParagraphs(fnode);
const numSiblingsPerParagraphNode = [];
for (const fnode of highestScoringParagraphs) {
const {element} = fnode;
let siblingsWithSameTagName = 0;
if (element.tagName === "DIV") {
const numParagraphs = fnode.noteFor("paragraph");
siblingsWithSameTagName = numParagraphs - 1;
} else {
siblingsWithSameTagName = Array.from(
node => node.tagName === element.tagName && node !== element
const sum = numSiblingsPerParagraphNode.reduce((prev, current) => current + prev, 0);
// average sibling count per highest scoring paragraph node; divide by 0 returns NaN which makes the feature return false
return Math.round(sum / numSiblingsPerParagraphNode.length) >= 3; // Optimized with 40 training samples
function mostParagraphElementsAreHorizontallyAligned(fnode) {
// TODO: Include paragraphs inside divs with brs, see 'getNumParagraphsInAllDivs'
highestScoringParagraphs = highestScoringParagraphs || getHighestScoringParagraphs(fnode);
const leftPositionVsFrequency = new Map();
for (const {element} of highestScoringParagraphs) {
const left = element.getBoundingClientRect().left;
if (leftPositionVsFrequency.get(left) === undefined) {
leftPositionVsFrequency.set(left, 1);
} else {
leftPositionVsFrequency.set(left, leftPositionVsFrequency.get(left) + 1);
const totals = []; // Each element (int) corresponds to the number of paragraphs with the same left position
for (const total of leftPositionVsFrequency.values()) {
const maxNumParagraphsWithSameLeftPosition = Math.max(...totals);
if (highestScoringParagraphs.length < 2) {
// Avoid divide by 0 errors, and we don't want to give a page that only has one paragraph the max score;
// this rule is intended to compare a paragraph's left position relative to other paragraphs.
return 0;
return maxNumParagraphsWithSameLeftPosition / highestScoringParagraphs.length;
function moreParagraphElementsThanListItemsOrTableRows(fnode) {
highestScoringParagraphs = highestScoringParagraphs || getHighestScoringParagraphs(fnode);
const numParagraphElements = highestScoringParagraphs.length;
const doc = fnode.element.ownerDocument;
const tableRowElements = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll("tr")).filter(node => elementIsInTheMainContentArea(node));
const listItemElements = Array.from(doc.getElementsByTagName("li")).filter(node => elementIsInTheMainContentArea(node));
// TODO: Include paragraphs inside divs with brs, see 'getNumParagraphsInAllDivs'
// TODO: the greater the difference, the higher the score
return numParagraphElements > tableRowElements.length && numParagraphElements > listItemElements.length;
function headerElementIsSiblingToParagraphElements(fnode) {
const headerTagNames = ["H1", "H2"];
let counter = 0;
highestScoringParagraphs = highestScoringParagraphs || getHighestScoringParagraphs(fnode);
for (const {element} of highestScoringParagraphs) {
const siblings = Array.from(element.parentNode.children).filter(node => node !== element);
if (siblings.some(sibling => headerTagNames.includes(sibling.tagName))) {
// TODO: Include paragraphs inside divs with brs, see 'getNumParagraphsInAllDivs'
return linearScale(counter, 4, 11); // oneAt cut-off optimized with 40 samples
function makeRuleset(coeffs, biases) {
return ruleset([
* Paragraph rules
// Consider all visible paragraph-ish elements
rule(dom("p, pre").when(isElementVisible), type("paragraph")),
rule(dom("div").when(isElementVisible).when(divHasBrChildElement), type("paragraph").note(numParagraphTextNodesInDiv)),
rule(dom("div").when(isElementVisible).when(divHasOnlyTextNodesAnchorElementsOrSpanElements), type("paragraph").note(numParagraphTextNodesInDiv)),
rule(type("paragraph"), score(pElementHasListItemAncestor), {name: "pElementHasListItemAncestor"}),
rule(type("paragraph"), score(hasLongTextContent), {name: "hasLongTextContent"}),
rule(type("paragraph"), score(containsElipsisAtEndOfText), {name: "containsElipsisAtEndOfText"}),
rule(type("paragraph"), score(classNameOfSelfOrParentContainsUnlikelyWord), {name: "classNameOfSelfOrParentContainsUnlikelyWord"}),
// return paragraph-ish element(s) with max score
rule(type("paragraph").max(), out("paragraph")),
* Article rules
rule(dom("html"), type("article")),
rule(type("article"), score(hasEnoughParagraphs), {name: "hasEnoughParagraphs"}),
rule(type("article"), score(hasExactlyOneArticleElement), {name: "hasExactlyOneArticleElement"}),
rule(type("article"), score(paragraphElementsHaveSiblingsWithSameTagName), {name: "paragraphElementsHaveSiblingsWithSameTagName"}),
rule(type("article"), score(mostParagraphElementsAreHorizontallyAligned), {name: "mostParagraphElementsAreHorizontallyAligned"}),
rule(type("article"), score(moreParagraphElementsThanListItemsOrTableRows), {name: "moreParagraphElementsThanListItemsOrTableRows"}),
rule(type("article"), score(headerElementIsSiblingToParagraphElements), {name: "headerElementIsSiblingToParagraphElements"}),
rule(type("article"), score(hasMultipleArticleElements), {name: "hasMultipleArticleElements"}),
rule(type("article"), score(hasMultipleParagraphsWhoseClassNameIncludesArticle), {name: "hasMultipleParagraphsWhoseClassNameIncludesArticle"}),
rule(type("article"), out("article"))
* FathomFox sends the fathom-trainees extension a ``trainees`` object to execute the Fathom ruleset on the page.
const trainees = new Map();
width: 1680,
height: 950
const FEATURES = ["paragraph", "article"];
for (const feature of FEATURES) {
const ruleset = {
coeffs: new Map(coefficients[feature]),
viewportSize: VIEWPORT_SIZE,
vectorType: feature,
rulesetMaker: () => makeRuleset([
], biases),
trainees.set(feature, ruleset);
export default trainees;
* Ruleset development helpers
* These helpers run each Fathom ruleset when the page is loaded; this allows debugging and iterating without
* having to use the Vectorizer. These would not ship with the ruleset in the Fathom application.
function getHighestScoringParagraphElements() {
const rules = makeRuleset([
], biases);
const results = rules.against(document);
const fnodesList = results.get("paragraph");
const elementsList = => fnode.element);
const elementToScore = new Map();
fnodesList.forEach(fnode => {
elementToScore.set(fnode.element, fnode.scoreFor("paragraph"));
return elementsList;
const highScoringParagraphElementsList = getHighestScoringParagraphElements();
const allParagraphTargetElements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("*[data-fathom='paragraph']"));
const falseNegativesParagraphs = []; // target elements that Fathom doesn't find
const falsePositivesParagraphs = []; // candidate elements that Fathom wrongly thinks are targets
for (const element of allParagraphTargetElements) {
if (!highScoringParagraphElementsList.includes(element)) {
for (const element of highScoringParagraphElementsList) {
if (!allParagraphTargetElements.includes(element)) {
console.log("False Negatives Paragraph: ", falseNegativesParagraphs);
console.log("False Positives Paragraph: ", falsePositivesParagraphs);
function getHighestScoringArticleElement() {
const rules = makeRuleset([
], biases);
const results = rules.against(document);
const fnodesList = results.get("article");
const elementsList = => fnode.element);
const elementToScore = new Map();
fnodesList.forEach(fnode => {
elementToScore.set(fnode.element, fnode.scoreFor("article"));
return elementsList;
const highScoringArticleElementsList = getHighestScoringArticleElement();
const allArticleTargetElements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("*[data-fathom='article']"));
const falseNegativesArticle = []; // target elements that Fathom doesn't find
const falsePositivesArticle = []; // candidate elements that Fathom wrongly thinks are targets
for (const element of allArticleTargetElements) {
if (!highScoringArticleElementsList.includes(element)) {
for (const element of highScoringArticleElementsList) {
if (!allArticleTargetElements.includes(element)) {
console.log("False Negatives Article: ", falseNegativesArticle);
console.log("False Positives Article: ", falsePositivesArticle);
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