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Created December 2, 2020 19:09
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package main
import (
type issueRank [][]string
func (ir issueRank) Swap(i, j int) {
ir[i], ir[j] = ir[j], ir[i]
func (ir issueRank) Len() int {
return len(ir)
func (ir issueRank) Less(i, j int) bool {
order := map[string]int{"Release Blocker": 0, "P0": 1, "P1": 2, "needs triage": 3}
ip := order[ir[i][0]]
jp := order[ir[j][0]]
if ip < jp {
return true
} else if jp < ip {
return false
return ir[i][1] < ir[j][1]
// To use this program, run `go run main.go -filepath=raw-issue.json > tracking.csv`
func main() {
issueJSONPath := flag.String("filepath", "", "")
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*issueJSONPath)
if err != nil {
var result map[string]interface{}
json.Unmarshal(content, &result)
issues := result["data"].(map[string]interface{})["repository"].(map[string]interface{})["milestone"].(map[string]interface{})["issues"].(map[string]interface{})["edges"].([]interface{})
w := csv.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
w.Write([]string{"Priority", "Issue", "Subject", "ETA", "Resolution", "assignee"})
records := make([][]string, 0)
for _, issue := range issues {
issueEntry := issue.(map[string]interface{})["node"].(map[string]interface{})
record := make([]string, 0)
// Get priority
projectCardNodes := issueEntry["projectCards"].(map[string]interface{})["nodes"].([]interface{})
if len(projectCardNodes) > 0 {
priority := projectCardNodes[0].(map[string]interface{})["column"].(map[string]interface{})["name"].(string)
if priority != "P0" && priority != "Release Blocker" {
record = append(record, priority)
} else {
record = append(record, "needs triage")
// Get issue link
record = append(record, issueEntry["url"].(string))
// Get subject
record = append(record, issueEntry["title"].(string))
// empty eta
record = append(record, "")
// empty resolution
record = append(record, "")
// assignees
assignees := issueEntry["assignees"].(map[string]interface{})["edges"].([]interface{})
assigneeSlice := make([]string, 0)
for _, assignee := range assignees {
assigneeSlice = append(assigneeSlice, assignee.(map[string]interface{})["node"].(map[string]interface{})["login"].(string))
record = append(record, strings.Join(assigneeSlice, ","))
records = append(records, record)
for _, r := range records {
if err := w.Error(); err != nil {
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