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Last active September 9, 2017 08:28
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block weibo keyword
// ==UserScript==
// @name weibo4b
// @namespace
// @version 0.3
// @description 屏蔽匹配关键字的微博
// @author biaocy
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var NOT_ALLOW_KW = ['高考', '送考', '备考'];
var observeDOM = (function() {
var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver,
eventListenerSupported = window.addEventListener;
return function(obj, callback) {
if( MutationObserver ) {
var obs = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, observer) {
if( mutations[0].addedNodes.length || mutations[0].removedNodes.length )
obs.observe( obj, { childList:true, subtree:true });
} else if( eventListenerSupported ) {
obj.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', callback, false);
obj.addEventListener('DOMNodeRemoved', callback, false);
observeDOM( document.body, function(mutations) {
for(let mutation of mutations) {
for(let node of mutation.addedNodes) {
if( node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
var textEls = node.querySelectorAll('.WB_text');
for(let el of textEls) {
for(let kw of NOT_ALLOW_KW) {
if(el.textContent.indexOf(kw) > -1) {
let p = parent(el, 'WB_cardwrap WB_feed_type S_bg2');
if( p ) {
let nickname = p.querySelector('a[nick-name]');
let lnk = p.querySelector('a[node-type="feed_list_item_date"]');
console.log('Deleted | %s | %s | %s', nickname, el.textContent, lnk.href);
function parent(el, className) {
var pEl;
while(el) {
if(el.className && el.className.indexOf(className) > -1) {
pEl = el;
el = el.parentElement;
return pEl;
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