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Last active January 30, 2018 14:54
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A simple type-safe formatter in Scala based on the "Functional Unparsing" paper by Olivier Danvy
// A simple type-safe formatter in Scala based on the "Functional Unparsing" paper by Olivier Danvy
object Test {
def eol[A](k: String => A)(s: String): A = {
k(s + "\n")
def lit[A](x: String)(k: String => A)(s: String): A = {
k(s + x)
def int[A](k: String => A)(s: String)(x: Int): A = {
k(s + x.toString)
def str[A](k: String => A)(s: String)(x: String): A = {
k(s + x)
def format[A](p: (String => String) => (String) => A): A = {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val p1: (String => String) => (String) => (Int) => String = int _
val p2: (String => String) => (String) => (Int) => Int => String = int[Int => String] _ compose int[String] _
val p3: (String => String) => (String) => (Int) => String = int[String] _ compose eol[String] _
val p4: (String => String) => (String) => (Int) => String = int[String] _ compose lit[String](" is the answer.") _ compose eol[String] _
val p5: (String => String) => (String) => (Int) => String => String = int[String => String] _ compose str[String] _ compose eol[String] _
print(format(p5)(42)(" is the answer again."))
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