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Created May 4, 2017 11:39
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'use strict';
const util = require('../util/util');
const Evented = require('../util/evented');
const DOM = require('../util/dom');
const LngLat = require('../geo/lng_lat');
const Point = require('point-geometry');
const window = require('../util/window');
const smartWrap = require('../util/smart_wrap');
const defaultOptions = {
closeButton: true,
closeOnClick: true
* A popup component.
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {boolean} [options.closeButton=true] If `true`, a close button will appear in the
* top right corner of the popup.
* @param {boolean} [options.closeOnClick=true] If `true`, the popup will closed when the
* map is clicked.
* @param {string} [options.anchor] - A string indicating the popup's location relative to
* the coordinate set via {@link Popup#setLngLat}.
* Options are `'top'`, `'bottom'`, `'left'`, `'right'`, `'top-left'`,
* `'top-right'`, `'bottom-left'`, and `'bottom-right'`. If unset the anchor will be
* dynamically set to ensure the popup falls within the map container with a preference
* for `'bottom'`.
* @param {number|PointLike|Object} [options.offset] -
* A pixel offset applied to the popup's location specified as:
* - a single number specifying a distance from the popup's location
* - a {@link PointLike} specifying a constant offset
* - an object of {@link Point}s specifing an offset for each anchor position
* Negative offsets indicate left and up.
* @example
* var markerHeight = 50, markerRadius = 10, linearOffset = 25;
* var popupOffsets = {
* 'top': [0, 0],
* 'top-left': [0,0],
* 'top-right': [0,0],
* 'bottom': [0, -markerHeight],
* 'bottom-left': [linearOffset, (markerHeight - markerRadius + linearOffset) * -1],
* 'bottom-right': [-linearOffset, (markerHeight - markerRadius + linearOffset) * -1],
* 'left': [markerRadius, (markerHeight - markerRadius) * -1],
* 'right': [-markerRadius, (markerHeight - markerRadius) * -1]
* };
* var popup = new mapboxgl.Popup({offset:popupOffsets})
* .setLngLat(e.lngLat)
* .setHTML("<h1>Hello World!</h1>")
* .addTo(map);
* @see [Display a popup](
* @see [Display a popup on hover](
* @see [Display a popup on click](
class Popup extends Evented {
constructor(options) {
this.options = util.extend(Object.create(defaultOptions), options);
this.new_transform = null;
this.prev_transform = null;
* Adds the popup to a map.
* @param {Map} map The Mapbox GL JS map to add the popup to.
* @returns {Popup} `this`
addTo(map) {
this._map = map;
this._map.on('move', this._update);
if (this.options.closeOnClick) {
this._map.on('click', this._onClickClose);
return this;
* @returns {boolean} `true` if the popup is open, `false` if it is closed.
isOpen() {
return !!this._map;
* Removes the popup from the map it has been added to.
* @example
* var popup = new mapboxgl.Popup().addTo(map);
* popup.remove();
* @returns {Popup} `this`
remove() {
if (this._content && this._content.parentNode) {
if (this._container) {
delete this._container;
if (this._map) {'move', this._update);'click', this._onClickClose);
delete this._map;
* Fired when the popup is closed manually or programatically.
* @event close
* @memberof Popup
* @instance
* @type {Object}
* @property {Popup} popup object that was closed
return this;
* Returns the geographical location of the popup's anchor.
* The longitude of the result may differ by a multiple of 360 degrees from the longitude previously
* set by `setLngLat` because `Popup` wraps the anchor longitude across copies of the world to keep
* the popup on screen.
* @returns {LngLat} The geographical location of the popup's anchor.
getLngLat() {
return this._lngLat;
* Sets the geographical location of the popup's anchor, and moves the popup to it.
* @param {LngLatLike} lnglat The geographical location to set as the popup's anchor.
* @returns {Popup} `this`
setLngLat(lnglat) {
this._lngLat = LngLat.convert(lnglat);
this._pos = null;
return this;
* Sets the popup's content to a string of text.
* This function creates a [Text]( node in the DOM,
* so it cannot insert raw HTML. Use this method for security against XSS
* if the popup content is user-provided.
* @param {string} text Textual content for the popup.
* @returns {Popup} `this`
* @example
* var popup = new mapboxgl.Popup()
* .setLngLat(e.lngLat)
* .setText('Hello, world!')
* .addTo(map);
setText(text) {
return this.setDOMContent(window.document.createTextNode(text));
* Sets the popup's content to the HTML provided as a string.
* This method does not perform HTML filtering or sanitization, and must be
* used only with trusted content. Consider {@link Popup#setText} if
* the content is an untrusted text string.
* @param {string} html A string representing HTML content for the popup.
* @returns {Popup} `this`
setHTML(html) {
const frag = window.document.createDocumentFragment();
const temp = window.document.createElement('body');
let child;
temp.innerHTML = html;
while (true) {
child = temp.firstChild;
if (!child) break;
return this.setDOMContent(frag);
* Sets the popup's content to the element provided as a DOM node.
* @param {Node} htmlNode A DOM node to be used as content for the popup.
* @returns {Popup} `this`
* @example
* // create an element with the popup content
* var div = window.document.createElement('div');
* div.innerHTML = 'Hello, world!';
* var popup = new mapboxgl.Popup()
* .setLngLat(e.lngLat)
* .setDOMContent(div)
* .addTo(map);
setDOMContent(htmlNode) {
return this;
_createContent() {
if (this._content && this._content.parentNode) {
this._content = DOM.create('div', 'mapboxgl-popup-content', this._container);
if (this.options.closeButton) {
this._closeButton = DOM.create('button', 'mapboxgl-popup-close-button', this._content);
this._closeButton.type = 'button';
this._closeButton.innerHTML = '&#215;';
this._closeButton.addEventListener('click', this._onClickClose);
getStack() {
try {
throw new Error();
} catch(e) {
window.last_stack = e.stack;
return e.stack;
_update() {
if (!this._map || !this._lngLat || !this._content) { return; }
if (!this._container) {
this._container = DOM.create('div', 'mapboxgl-popup', this._map.getContainer());
this._tip = DOM.create('div', 'mapboxgl-popup-tip', this._container);
if (this._map.transform.renderWorldCopies) {
this._lngLat = smartWrap(this._lngLat, this._pos, this._map.transform);
this._pos = this._map.project(this._lngLat);
let anchor = this.options.anchor;
const offset = normalizeOffset(this.options.offset);
if (!anchor) {
const width = this._container.offsetWidth,
height = this._container.offsetHeight;
if (this._pos.y + offset.bottom.y < height) {
anchor = ['top'];
} else if (this._pos.y > this._map.transform.height - height) {
anchor = ['bottom'];
} else {
anchor = [];
if (this._pos.x < width / 2) {
} else if (this._pos.x > this._map.transform.width - width / 2) {
if (anchor.length === 0) {
anchor = 'bottom';
} else {
anchor = anchor.join('-');
const offsetedPos = this._pos.add(offset[anchor]).round();
const anchorTranslate = {
'top': 'translate(-50%,0)',
'top-left': 'translate(0,0)',
'top-right': 'translate(-100%,0)',
'bottom': 'translate(-50%,-100%)',
'bottom-left': 'translate(0,-100%)',
'bottom-right': 'translate(-100%,-100%)',
'left': 'translate(0,-50%)',
'right': 'translate(-100%,-50%)'
const classList = this._container.classList;
for (const key in anchorTranslate) {
this.new_transform = `${anchorTranslate[anchor]} translate(${offsetedPos.x}px,${offsetedPos.y}px)`;
// console.log(this.new_transform);
let stack = this.getStack();
if (stack.includes('at tick')){
//if we're here, the event was originated from browser.tick
if(this.prev_transform != null){
DOM.setTransform(this._container, this.prev_transform);
DOM.setTransform(this._container, this.new_transform);
this.prev_transform = this.new_transform;
_onClickClose() {
function normalizeOffset(offset) {
if (!offset) {
return normalizeOffset(new Point(0, 0));
} else if (typeof offset === 'number') {
// input specifies a radius from which to calculate offsets at all positions
const cornerOffset = Math.round(Math.sqrt(0.5 * Math.pow(offset, 2)));
return {
'top': new Point(0, offset),
'top-left': new Point(cornerOffset, cornerOffset),
'top-right': new Point(-cornerOffset, cornerOffset),
'bottom': new Point(0, -offset),
'bottom-left': new Point(cornerOffset, -cornerOffset),
'bottom-right': new Point(-cornerOffset, -cornerOffset),
'left': new Point(offset, 0),
'right': new Point(-offset, 0)
} else if (isPointLike(offset)) {
// input specifies a single offset to be applied to all positions
const convertedOffset = Point.convert(offset);
return {
'top': convertedOffset,
'top-left': convertedOffset,
'top-right': convertedOffset,
'bottom': convertedOffset,
'bottom-left': convertedOffset,
'bottom-right': convertedOffset,
'left': convertedOffset,
'right': convertedOffset
} else {
// input specifies an offset per position
return {
'top': Point.convert(offset['top'] || [0, 0]),
'top-left': Point.convert(offset['top-left'] || [0, 0]),
'top-right': Point.convert(offset['top-right'] || [0, 0]),
'bottom': Point.convert(offset['bottom'] || [0, 0]),
'bottom-left': Point.convert(offset['bottom-left'] || [0, 0]),
'bottom-right': Point.convert(offset['bottom-right'] || [0, 0]),
'left': Point.convert(offset['left'] || [0, 0]),
'right': Point.convert(offset['right'] || [0, 0])
function isPointLike(input) {
return input instanceof Point || Array.isArray(input);
module.exports = Popup;
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