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Created January 19, 2021 02:20
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Static version of lowrankdowndate
# Static version of lowrankdowndate.
# The source code is derived from stdlib/LinearAlgebra/src/cholesky.jl.
# License is MIT (
using StaticArrays: SMatrix
using LinearAlgebra: LowerTriangular, PosDefException
lowrankdowndate(L, v)
Compute the cholesky factor of `L*L' - v*v'`, where `L` is a static matrix
wrapped by `LowerTriangular`.
This function does not allocate heap memory and therefore is faster than
`LinearAlgebra.lowrankdowndate` for small matrices.
@generated function lowrankdowndate(L::LowerTriangular{T,<:SMatrix{M,M,T}}, v::AbstractVector) where {T,M}
q = quote
$M == length(v) ||
throw(DimensionMismatch("updating vector must fit size of factorization"))
A =
emit(ex) = push!(q.args, ex)
for i in 1:M
vi = Symbol(:v, i)
emit(:($vi = v[$i]))
for j in i:M
Aji = Symbol(:A, j, i)
emit(:($Aji = A[$j,$i]))
for i in 1:M
vi = Symbol(:v, i)
Aii = Symbol(:A, i, i)
s = conj($vi / $Aii)
s2 = abs2(s)
s2 > 1 && throw(PosDefException($i))
c = sqrt(1 - s2)
$Aii = c*$Aii
for j in i+1:M
vj = Symbol(:v, j)
Aji = Symbol(:A, j, i)
tmp = ($Aji - s*$vj)/c
$Aji = tmp
$vj = -s'tmp + c*$vj
elms = [i ≥ j ? Symbol(:A, i, j) : zero(T) for j in 1:M for i in 1:M]
emit(:(return SMatrix{$M,$M}($(elms...))))
return Expr(:block, Expr(:meta, :inline), q)
# quick test
#using StaticArrays: @SMatrix
#using LinearAlgebra: cholesky
#L = LowerTriangular(@SMatrix [1.0 0.0; 2.0 3.0])
#v = [0.5, 1.0]
#@assert lowrankdowndate(L, v) ≈ cholesky(Matrix(L*L') - v*v').L
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