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biehlio / health.js
Created June 7, 2016 04:29
twine: dataset
(set: $char to (datamap: "Health", 5))
The characters health: (print: $char's Health)
Something happens and he lost 1 life.
(set: $char's Health to 4)
The characters health is now: (print: $char's Health)
biehlio / countdown.js
Created June 7, 2016 04:06
twine: countdown
(set: $num to 5)
(set: $slow to "too slow")
{(live: 1s)[
(set: $num to it - 1)
You are approached by a beautiful woman, you:
* (if: $num is 0)[$slow](else:)[Say [[hello]]]
* (if: $num is 0)[$slow](else:)[Do a [[backflip]]]
* (if: $num is 0)[you must [[run]]](else:)[Just [[run]]]

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