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Bartek Bielawski bielawb

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$xml = [XML](Get-Content .\Test.xml)
Select-Xml -Path .\TestPage.xhtml -XPath //h1 |
ForEach-Object { $_.Node } | Format-Table -AutoSize InnerText, ParentNode
Select-Xml -Path .\TestPage.xhtml -XPath "//h1[@id = 'title']"
Select-Xml -Path .\TestPage.xhtml -XPath "//x:h1[@id = 'title']" -Namespace @{
x = ''
} | ForEach-Object { $_.Node } | Format-Table -AutoSize
$addressUp = @'
@addrtype = 'ipv4' and
../status/@state = 'up'
$nodeList = Select-Xml -Path .\testLocal.xml -XPath $addressUp |
ForEach-Object { $_.Node }
Select-Xml -Path .\Test.xml -XPath "//subNode[@Number > 1]" |
ForEach-Object { $_.Node }
Select-Xml -Path .\TestPage.xhtml -XPath "//*[contains(@id,'test')]" |
ForEach-Object { $_.Node }
$xpath = @'
$caseInsensitive = @'
translate(@Name, "FIRST", "first") = 'first'
Select-Xml -XPath $caseInsensitive -Path .\Test.xml |
ForEach-Object { $_.Node.Name }
$almostRegex = @'
$Common = @{
Path = 'SomeTables.xhtml'
Namespace = @{
d = ''
Select-Xml -XPath '//d:table[d:tr[@class]]' @Common |
ForEach-Object { $_.Node } | Format-Table -AutoSize
bielawb / DSCDemo.ps1
Created August 31, 2014 09:35
Linux DSC:
configuration LinuxDscDemo {
param (
Import-DscResource -Module nx
Node $ComputerName {
nxUser LinuxDsc {
bielawb / Japanese.ps1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
Just a test code for ConvertFrom-String used with Japanese (well.. or so I think) ;)
$Template = @'
{Name*:霧嶋 董香}
{City:Redmond}, {State:WA}
{Name*:Łukasz Ćwikalski}
{City:ワルシャワ}, {State:PL}
$Data = @'
霧嶋 董香
bielawb / Nested-cfs.ps1
Created September 18, 2014 22:08
ConvertFrom-String - nested properties (improved).
$data = @'
Adam Nowacki
Domowy:123 456 789
Praca:999 999 999
Anna Kowalska
Domowy:123 456 789
bielawb / Excel.psm1
Created March 13, 2015 04:31
Module to read Excel as if it was just XML. Needs work (e.g. some cleanup after data is read).
List taken from SO answer:
$ExCellStyles = @{
0 = 'General'
1 = '0'
2 = '0.00'
3 = '#,##0'