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Created June 13, 2016 23:08
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#!/usr/bin/env tarantool
-- Simple Lint: check for unintended globals
-- One can spot all globals by checking the bytecode:
-- search for GSET and GGET instructions. Based on jit/bc.lua
local function is_main()
return debug.getinfo(2).what == "main" and pcall(debug.getlocal, 5, 1) == false
local allow_globals = {
-- modules
coroutine = true, debug = true, io = true,
jit = true, math = true, os = true,
package = true, string = true, table = true,
bit = true,
-- variables
_G = true, _VERSION = true, arg = true,
-- functions
assert = true, collectgarbage = true, dofile = true,
error = true, getfenv = true, getmetatable = true,
ipairs = true, help = true, load = true,
loadfile = true, loadstring = true, module = true,
next = true, pairs = true, pcall = true,
print = true, rawget = true, rawset = true,
require = true, select = true, setfenv = true,
setmetatable = true, tonumber = true, tostring = true,
type = true, unpack = true, xpcall = true,
-- tarantool
box = true, _TARANTOOL = true, dostring = true,
tutorial = true,
local jutil = require("jit.util")
local funcinfo, funcbc, funck = jutil.funcinfo, jutil.funcbc, jutil.funck
local band, shr =, bit.rshift
local sub, format = string.sub, string.format
local fun = require('fun')
-- GGET and GSET opcodes, numeric values different in v2.0 and v2.1
local function gget_gset() foo = bar end
local GGET = band(funcbc(gget_gset, 1), 0xff)
local GSET = band(funcbc(gget_gset, 2), 0xff)
local function print_global(func, pc, op, gkey)
local fi = funcinfo(func, pc)
local li
if sub(fi.source, 1, 1) == '@' then
li = sub(fi.source, 2)
li = format('[string "%s"]', fi.source)
li = li .. format(':%d', fi.currentline)
return format('%s: Suspicious use of a global variable: %s', li, gkey)
local printers = {
global = print_global
-- depending heavily on jit.util:
-- * funcinfo(fn) - self-explanatory;
-- * funck(fn, i) - get an item from constants table;
-- i >= 0 integer constants,
-- i < 0 object constants, including strings and
-- prototypes for nested functions;
-- * funcbc(fn, i) - i-th bytecode instruction.
local function validate(func)
local fi = funcinfo(func)
local errors = {}
if fi.children then
for n = -1, -1000000000, -1 do
local k = funck(func, n)
if not k then
if type(k) == "proto" then
table.insert(errors, validate(k))
-- unpack results into one-layer array
errors = fun.chain(unpack(errors)):totable()
for pc = 1, 1000000000 do
local ins = funcbc(func, pc)
if not ins then
local op = band(ins, 0xff)
if op == GGET or op == GSET then
local gkey = funck(func, -shr(ins, 16) - 1)
if not allow_globals[gkey] then
table.insert(errors, {'global', {func, pc, op, gkey}})
-- check(func, pc, op, gkey)
-- must be error, since can't reach max PC
return errors
if is_main() then
if arg[1] == nil then
error('Usage: lint.lua [-] [<script> ...]')
-- iterate over all given files
local errors = fun.iter(arg):map(function(file_name)
-- if we have '-' in the args, then try to read from stdio
if file_name == '-' then
file_name = nil
local code, err = loadfile(file_name)
if code == nil then
print(format('File loading failed - %s', err))
return {}
return validate(code)
-- unpack results into one-layer array
errors = fun.chain(unpack(errors)):totable()
-- print results to stdio
local errtype, errargs = unpack(err)
-- call custom printer function with custom arguments
print(format("Total errors: %d", #errors))
os.exit(#errors > 0 and 1 or 0)
return {
validate = validate,
printers = printers
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