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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Profiling discussion.
[12:38:59] <prettyrobots> Any nice blog posts on profiling Node.js?
[12:39:10] <prettyrobots> I've run a program with `--prof`, but I can't find a way to visualize it.
[12:40:40] kessler ( left IRC. (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[12:42:08] joates ( left IRC. (Quit: Leaving)
[12:43:15] Maciek416 (~Maciek@2601:7:2100:2c1:e4b2:2ee:277d:28d1) left IRC. (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[12:50:33] peutetre ( left IRC. (Quit: peutetre)
[12:51:03] toddself_zz is now known as toddself
[12:56:17] kessler ( joined the channel.
[13:02:04] phated ( joined the channel.
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[13:05:18] shama ( joined the channel.
[13:08:02] <thlorenz> prettyrobots: I used to be able to load v8.log into chrome://tracing, but it seems to not work anymore
[13:08:31] anandthakker ( left IRC. (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[13:08:38] <thlorenz> see:
[13:08:45] phated ( left IRC. (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[13:09:32] <thlorenz> prettyrobots: this could also help:
[13:09:34] anandthakker ( joined the channel.
[13:09:57] <thlorenz> specifically
[13:10:37] ryan_stevens (~ryan_stev@ left IRC. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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[13:16:07] thealphanerd (~thealphan@pdpc/supporter/student/thealphanerd) joined the channel.
[13:23:55] <nathan7> goddamnit, Dominic, please appear on IRC
[13:25:15] jxson (jxson@nat/google/x-ncwjrecbhlhdtnjy) joined the channel.
[13:29:26] warbrett ( left IRC. (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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[13:33:01] gangleri ( joined the channel.
[13:37:54] peutetre ( joined the channel.
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[13:39:32] kessler ( left IRC. (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[13:39:52] gorhgorh ( joined the channel.
[13:50:10] <prettyrobots> @thlorenz: When did it stop working. I can install an old Node.js to get to it.
[13:52:44] <thlorenz> prettyrobots: not related to node, but to version of Chrome
[13:53:17] <thlorenz> I'm not sure, but maybe they no longer keep this working since the Chrome Devtools timeline has part of that functionality now
[13:53:26] <thlorenz> stopped working about 2 months ago
[13:53:49] <paul_irish> thlorenz: you've seen profviz right
[13:54:18] <paul_irish> optimizeLegibility
[13:54:21] <paul_irish> whoops
[13:54:27] <paul_irish> <===
[13:55:29] <thlorenz> paul_irish: yeah :)
[13:56:15] <thlorenz> not exactly same functionality though as chrome://tracing
[13:56:23] <paul_irish> aye
[13:56:37] <paul_irish> i'm not sure if it was intentional that v8 logs now fail in trace-viewer
[13:56:44] <thlorenz> I miss the ability to interact with things and see my code executing in relation to v8 events like GC:Scavenge
[13:57:07] <thlorenz> :( any intent to fix it or will it be deprecated in favor of devtool timeline?
[13:57:17] <thlorenz> *devtools
[13:57:20] <paul_irish> i can cc an engineer on any issue you file
[13:57:34] <paul_irish> no tracing will live for a while
[13:57:52] <paul_irish> it'll only die when timeline can do everything it can
[13:57:55] <paul_irish> which we're not close to yet
[13:58:29] <thlorenz> wow awesome, thanks, I'll file an issue - all I can say though is that same v8 logs that could be loaded before produce undesired results now
[13:58:58] <paul_irish> toss some screenshots in there
[13:59:12] <paul_irish> im pretty sure we still want v8 logs to work in tracing
[13:59:13] <paul_irish> so
[13:59:19] <paul_irish> valid regression
[14:01:52] phated ( joined the channel.
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[14:14:31] AvianPhone (~AvianPhon@2600:1001:b11e:5706:84a6:a8f5:5c0f:8887) left IRC. (Quit: Bye)
[14:15:58] gangleri ( left IRC. (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[14:20:35] therealkoopa ( left IRC. (Remote host closed the connection)
[14:23:34] <thlorenz> paul_irish:
[14:25:12] toddself ( left IRC.
[14:27:12] Maciek416 ( joined the channel.
[14:27:29] thisandagain_ (sid39659@gateway/web/ joined the channel.
[14:29:41] <prettyrobots> thlorenz: Thank you.
[14:29:50] <thlorenz> prettyrobots: np :)
[14:31:32] Maciek416 ( left IRC. (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[14:35:49] yoshuawuyts_____ (~yoshuawuy@2001:981:a181:1:d15c:8900:9f25:c3e4) left IRC. (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
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[14:39:16] demariuschrite ( joined the channel.
[14:40:27] <prettyrobots> demariuschrite: You can't see any scrollback.
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