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➜ hip-hop-nerd-jokes git:(master) ✗ man epmd # Strictly Business!
epmd(1) USER COMMANDS epmd(1)
epmd - Erlang Port Mapper Daemon
bigfleet / ruby-riak
Created January 30, 2010 19:58
Installs riak and an example Ruby client. Open jiak.rb for more details.
# On OS X? Installed homebrew already? Interested in Riak? Get familiar!
# This command in your terminal should be a one-stop shop.
# curl | sh
brew install erlang wget
wget && tar zxvf riak-0.8.tar.gz
cd riak && make all rel
cd rel/riak && bin/riak start
When /^(.*) in the "([^\"]*)" section$/ do |action, title|
within "//*[(h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|legend|caption)/descendant-or-self::*[contains(text(), '#{title}')]]" do
When action
When /^(.*) in the "([^\"]*)" row$/ do |action, title|
within "//*[(th|td)/descendant-or-self::*[contains(text(), '#{title}')]]" do
When action
require 'open-uri'
require 'set'
img_urls =
[0,20,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180,200].each do |val|
url = "{val}&ndsp=20"
results = open(url)
str = open(results).read
str.scan(/http:\/\/([^\"]*)\.(gif|jpg|png)/).collect{ |m| "http://"+m.join('.') }.each do |item|
img_urls << item
nkallen_: nkallen_: anyway, i want to stress that we basically agree about things so i want to be sure that the tone of the blog post is such
[7:25pm] nkallen_: [7:17pm] nkallen_: i would argue that what you do in rails 3 (according to these tweets I've read)
[7:25pm] nkallen_: [7:17pm] nkallen_: is exactly what I propose... this is just how one might do it in Ruby
[7:25pm] nkallen_: [7:18pm] nkallen_: but my point is conceptual and not about ruby
[7:25pm] nkallen_: [7:18pm] nkallen_: it applies to every oo language and also I might argue to functional languages
[7:25pm] nkallen_: [7:18pm] nkallen_: which is to structure a program around the ability to layer on enhanced functionality and ensure that no assumptions are hardcoded by abstracting over the manufacture of objects
[7:25pm] nkallen_: [7:19pm] nkallen_: in the literature, these techniques are called DI, decorators, and factories.
[7:25pm] nkallen_: [7:20pm] nkallen_: i like these terms because they reflect the concepts that are at work. because ruby m
Bluepill.define_process_condition(:running_time) do
def initialize(options = {})
@below = options[:below]
def run(pid)
started = `ps -p #{pid} -o command`.match(/since (\d+)/)[1].to_i -
➜ load-server vagrant up
[INFO 04-27-2010 11:49:37] Vagrant: Provisioning enabled with Vagrant::Provisioners::ChefSolo
[INFO 04-27-2010 11:49:37] Vagrant: Importing base VM (/Users/bigfleet/.vagrant/boxes/base/box.ovf)...
[INFO 04-27-2010 11:50:27] Vagrant: Persisting the VM UUID (32623eea-5a90-4f38-8b30-9ca302654955)...
[INFO 04-27-2010 11:50:27] Vagrant: Matching MAC addresses...
[INFO 04-27-2010 11:50:27] Vagrant: Running any VM customizations...
[INFO 04-27-2010 11:50:28] Vagrant: Deleting any previously set forwarded ports...
[INFO 04-27-2010 11:50:28] Vagrant: Forwarding ports...
[INFO 04-27-2010 11:50:28] Vagrant: Forwarding "ssh": 22 => 2222
[INFO 04-27-2010 11:50:28] Vagrant: Clearing previously set shared folders...

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ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAAEBAPrvHTTNrmuGZfk2q37MYj44MjDW/EfSXycvRvm7uggOK93/4Zz4W4ZcvCGCfdmM6fsJ+bf5jeYE/5b/G5pDLvzFHh+YMrgBOYQkGcJsAZhZUx8cAbtjNsNugqEnPNeI/7VILI173Z9nfmyfQ7Plk6DVfiXG5tApSYmCNazOGalkVksKsIzrJPpoQX6C+d5K8W50H6j6eacFgOTfRJy1aZ76GkHkmb4bu/J06lZqL9ZJiDTDyggxWwcmkptysb9KZcgv0CI5gXe3qjTJSSwdn4iMqmvfdt1B2EFIPEVK/KLH3kG7gAouOVpmifVC+trX6Qk4++jAf4AYVx4CTKDBQA8AAAAVAIXhpniSImaCKtb6/WL2pmXI2Oz7AAABAFS+f/qhCwHbnL0SANxPjj6GtLk+QAXfmFDsDDFXp+OqU3tGtfMAydKG5tJ3LF7JVh12VFRvGi5yvQfg9d06YkCqPCFuuxBkmXQHETI8cd17iRf0nqLVkKHkz5gwNCZ5HbCMC70JzOzE2HyXw/JupO/kTpHICMkAeoTvrNDhXaD6zysIb4USaPfxxcJh2CinuXAeXx8FTxjCfpmNS0KDoDF3zLW3TjzaIzFJARa7vxXScBWu9semjzvdBNOGTbwlkYXivWCilEnq43Xhs/een55c4t13+1RVNHPvmlNk1Nf12zCMYwlVQMVKfKZJCWv0djlFdHvt+0/Fv0TPBIuE+bgAAAEBALT71Bk1r+tLKFwEKCHM/nphER1FAVA7S6PSPCf7pWfzQZQlHdJQnHzZ9gmOEqZsm7hAUO3GomxOpVydtrWr4Rp/BABsqPPpdku3a/0m2iF8QkdjA3IeoGlzs5EZmedjpnPfEp4n81+Xdzf5wLtqdr6JVbfTNfTg6GxGn3YxjkzFdeA2rNFZdm8Y+GaBpr4I8PD1RonFVWBDedZVnbJ9dWSKlu0Nekb++QUoVbsutI22bfO5k3lsnqmWLDtvKwRfg2Q7GZyPlA3Q