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Created March 28, 2024 17:31
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Monaco Auto Import Type Registry
import { Monaco } from '@monaco-editor/loader'
const regex = {
/import\s+(?:type\s+)?(?:\{[^}]*\}|\* as [^\s]+|\w+\s*,\s*\{[^}]*\}|\w+)?\s+from\s*"(.+?)";?/gs,
/export\s+(?:\{[^}]*\}|\* as [^\s]+|\*|\w+(?:,\s*\{[^}]*\})?|type \{[^}]*\})?\s+from\s*"(.+?)";?/gs,
require: /require\s*\(["']([^"']+)["']\)/g,
export class TypeRegistry {
filesystem: Record<string, string> = {}
cachedUrls = new Set<string>()
cachedPackageNames = new Set<string>()
public monaco: Monaco,
* Url to cdn. Response needs to return `X-Typescript-Types`-header. Defaults to ``
* */
public cdn = '',
) {}
private updateFile(path: string, value: string) {
this.filesystem[path] = value
private checkIfPathExists(path: string) {
return path in this.filesystem
private relativeToAbsolutePath(currentPath: string, relativePath: string) {
const ancestorCount = relativePath.match(/\.\.\//g)?.length || 0
const newPath =
ancestorCount > 0
? [
...currentPath.split('/').slice(0, -(ancestorCount + 1)),
: [...currentPath.split('/').slice(0, -1), ...relativePath.split('/').slice(1)]
return newPath.join('/')
private getVirtualPath(url: string) {
return (
.replace(`${this.cdn}/`, '')
// replace version-number
async importTypesFromUrl(url: string) {
if (this.cachedUrls.has(url)) return
const newFiles: Record<string, string> = {}
const resolvePath = async (url: string) => {
const virtualPath = this.getVirtualPath(url)
if (this.checkIfPathExists(virtualPath)) return
// set path to undefined to prevent a package from being fetched multiple times
this.updateFile(virtualPath, null!)
await fetch(url)
.then(value => {
if (value.status !== 200) throw `error while loading ${url}`
return value
.then(value => value.text())
.then(async code => {
await Promise.all(
].map(([_, path]) => {
if (path.startsWith('.')) {
return resolvePath(this.relativeToAbsolutePath(url, path))
} else if (path.startsWith('https:')) {
const virtualPath = this.getVirtualPath(path)
code = code.replace(path, virtualPath)
} else {
return code
.then(code => {
this.updateFile(virtualPath, code)
newFiles[virtualPath] = code
await resolvePath(url)
Object.entries(newFiles).forEach(([key, value]) => {
const filePath = `file:///.types/${key}`
if (value) {
this.monaco.languages.typescript.typescriptDefaults.addExtraLib(value, filePath)
async importTypesFromPackageName(packageName: string) {
if (this.cachedPackageNames.has(packageName)) return
const typeUrl = await fetch(`${this.cdn}/${packageName}`).then(result =>
if (!typeUrl) {
console.error('no type url was found for package', packageName)
const virtualPath = this.getVirtualPath(typeUrl)
await this.importTypesFromUrl(typeUrl)
// add virtual path to monaco's tsconfig's `path`-property
const tsCompilerOptions =
tsCompilerOptions.paths[packageName] = [`file:///.types/${virtualPath}`]
async importTypesFromCode(code: string) {
await Promise.all(
[...code.matchAll(regex.import)].map(([match, path]) => {
if (!path) return
if (
path.startsWith('blob:') ||
path.startsWith('http:') ||
path.startsWith('https:') ||
) {
return this.importTypesFromPackageName(path)
async transpileCodeFromModel(model: ReturnType<Monaco['editor']['createModel']>) {
const typescriptWorker = await (
await this.monaco.languages.typescript.getTypeScriptWorker()
// use monaco's typescript-server to transpile file from ts to js
return typescriptWorker.getEmitOutput(`file://${model.uri.path}`).then(async result => {
if (result.outputFiles.length > 0) {
// replace local imports with respective module-urls
const code = result.outputFiles[0]!.text.replace(
/import ([^"']+) from ["']([^"']+)["']/g,
(match, varName, path) => {
if (
path.startsWith('blob:') ||
path.startsWith('http:') ||
path.startsWith('https:') ||
) {
return `import ${varName} from "${path}"`
} else {
return `import ${varName} from "${this.cdn}/${path}"`
// get module-url of transpiled code
const url = URL.createObjectURL(
new Blob([code], {
type: 'application/javascript',
const module = await import(/* @vite-ignore */ url)
return { module, url }
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