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anonymous / Nanode_BASIC_IO
Created December 25, 2011 09:00
Tiny Basic with Digital and Analogue I/O for Nanode/Arduino
// TinyBASIC.cpp : An implementation of TinyBASIC in C to run on Nanode and Arduino
// This version now has the digital I/O, analogue I/O and sleep functions
// Take on the Nanode Tiny Basic Christmas Challenge
// Help Hack Tiny Basic onto Nanode and kickstart a return to simpler and fun programming
// Tiny Basic can help teach kids to program
Compile the Redis "notifications" branch on Github.
Start Redis with ./redis-server --notify-keyspace-events yes
Subscribe to all the events with:
redis-cli psubscribe '*'
In another terminal window, play with redis-cli: set, del, expire, ... Only a few already work.