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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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CSCI-532 Huffman Codes Project
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from collections import defaultdict
from Queue import PriorityQueue
import re
from time import time
class CharGen(object):
def __init__(self, data, k=1): = data
self.k = k
def __call__(self):
for i in xrange(0, len(, self.k):
yield[i:i + self.k]
def __repr__(self):
return 'k = {}'.format(self.k).rjust(6)
class WordGen(object):
def __init__(self, data): = data
def __call__(self):
test = re.finditer('(\s+)',
for word in
yield word, False
yield[0], True
def __repr__(self):
return 'word'.rjust(6)
class Node(object):
left = None
right = None
freq = 0
letter = None
def __init__(self, freq=0, letter=None, left=None, right=None):
self.letter = letter
self.freq = freq if freq > 0 else left.freq + right.freq
self.left = left
self.right = right
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.freq, other.freq)
def __repr__(self):
if self.letter:
return '{}: {}'.format(self.letter, self.freq)
return '({}, {})'.format(self.left, self.right)
def huffman(Q, n):
for _ in xrange(n - 1):
Q.put(Node(left=Q.get(), right=Q.get()))
return Q.get()
def pre_process(generator):
cache = defaultdict(int)
for item in generator():
cache[item] += 1
Q = PriorityQueue()
for key, value in cache.iteritems():
Q.put(Node(freq=value, letter=key))
return Q, len(cache)
def pre_process_word(generator):
alpha = defaultdict(int)
punct = defaultdict(int)
for item, is_punct in generator():
if is_punct:
punct[item] += 1
alpha[item] += 1
aQ, pQ = PriorityQueue(), PriorityQueue()
for key, value in alpha.iteritems():
aQ.put(Node(freq=value, letter=key))
for key, value in punct.iteritems():
pQ.put(Node(freq=value, letter=key))
return aQ, len(alpha), pQ, len(punct)
def post_process(tree, key=''):
cache = {}
if tree.letter:
cache[tree.letter] = key
cache.update(post_process(tree.left, key + '0'))
cache.update(post_process(tree.right, key + '1'))
return cache
def compress(lookup, generator):
result = '0b1'
for item in generator():
result += lookup[item]
# print result, len(result)
num = int(result, 2)
nums = '%x' % num
clip = False
if len(nums) % 2:
nums += '0' # TODO: do bit magic to wrap clip boolean into last 2 bits of string
clip = True # IE: if last two are odd clip, even nothing ... add one to modify?
return unhexlify(nums) + ('-' if clip else '+')
def compress_word(a_lookup, p_lookup, generator):
result = '0b1'
for item, is_punct in generator():
if is_punct:
result += p_lookup[item]
result += a_lookup[item]
# print result, len(result)
num = int(result, 2)
nums = '%x' % num
clip = False
if len(nums) % 2:
nums += '0' # TODO: do bit magic to wrap clip boolean into last 2 bits of string
clip = True # IE: if last two are odd clip, even nothing ... add one to modify?
return unhexlify(nums) + ('-' if clip else '+')
def extract(source, tree):
clip = -4 if source[-1] == '-' else None
data, node = '', tree
source = bin(int(hexlify(source[:-1]), 16))[3:clip]
# print '0b1' + source
for i in xrange(len(source)):
key = int(source[i])
node = node.right if key else node.left
if node.letter:
data += node.letter
node = tree
return data
def test(gen):
# print repr(
start = time()
Q, n = pre_process(gen)
tree = huffman(Q, n)
lookup = post_process(tree)
# print tree, '\n', lookup
garbage = compress(lookup, gen)
full, small, length = len(, len(garbage) - 1, max(len(k) for k in lookup.keys())
real = small + len(lookup) * length
print gen, ':', small, real / float(full), small / float(full), real
print 'compress', time() - start
start = time()
source = extract(garbage, tree)
print 'extract', time() - start
# print repr(source)
assert == source
return real
def test_word(gen):
# print repr(
start = time()
aQ, an, pQ, pn = pre_process_word(gen)
a_tree = huffman(aQ, an)
p_tree = huffman(pQ, pn)
a_lookup = post_process(a_tree)
p_lookup = post_process(p_tree)
# print tree, '\n', lookup
garbage = compress_word(a_lookup, p_lookup, gen)
a_len = max(len(k) for k in a_lookup.keys())
p_len = max(len(k) for k in p_lookup.keys())
full, small = len(, len(garbage) - 1
real = small + len(a_lookup) * a_len + len(p_lookup) * p_len
print gen, ':', small, real / float(full), small / float(full), real
print 'compress', time() - start
start = time()
source = extract(garbage, tree)
print 'extract', time() - start
# print repr(source)
assert == source
return real
def compare(file):
print '-------', file, '-------'
with open(file, 'r') as f:
data =
gen1 = CharGen(data, 1)
gen2 = WordGen(data)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# print min(xrange(1, 22), key=lambda x: test(CharGen(data, x)))
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